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Everything posted by madmaltese

  1. Awesome stuff! I don't have the Detroit plat but I've got a fair few others :P
  2. Looks like we all had different favs cause i thought Conor>Kara>>>>>>>Marcus.
  3. CAN NOT WAIT. When Saul isn't on I watch shows and think they are great. Then BCS returns and I am reminded by just how much it is in a class of it's own. So much better than even the best of anything else on. Has definitely gotten to Breaking Bad level as of S3.
  4. Nah. never seen that. Will try check it out if I can find it somewhere.
  5. 'Searching' is out next month too. Looks pretty decent.
  6. This style of social media horror movies are my guilty pleasure. Good to hear it's decent.
  7. I hadn't played VR in quite a while so got that feeling of awe again. Bound especially had me just looking around at the views. Beautiful game. PSVR is awesome!
  8. Okay so been playing a bunch of smaller stuff over the last few days. Finally got my PSVR hooked up again and played: Wipeout (amazing, crazy how this was a free update) Finished Mortal Blitz (typical Time Crisis type game) Bound (visually stunning in VR but no idea wtf is going on) Also been playing a bunch of smaller titles, the one I'm enjoying most being _Observer. Awesome setting and atmosphere.
  9. @Ike, what did you think of Sharp Objects ep 1. I posted my thoughts in the old thread.
  10. Don't really have a game after RE7 atm. Just playing Destiny 2 and waiting for S5 of Fortnite. Bit of a lull period of the year. The MS gamepass games on PC were all meh and pretty much stopped playing most.
  11. Yeah I agree. Should be a gaming one and the rest in it's own thread (movies, tv, reading, music, etc) The World Cup thread gonna be unstickied in a couple days anyway.
  12. Also 3 eps into Atlanta S2. Already significantly better than the first season. The white women crying over Paperboy's lyrics at the start of ep3 had me dying. Serious question though, as a non american. Regarding the racial issues it portrays, surely they are exaggerated, like no way some of that shit actually happens.... right? Like for eg in ep3 when Earn goes to pay with a $100 bill and is told they can't take that large a bill, then goes to pay with debit and is told they need his license then told they need to photocopy both the debit plus license each time he uses it and then right
  13. Sharp Objects ep1 was good. Really captured the mood of the novels imo and they are taking it really slow which is good. One small complaint (ep1 spoiler)
  14. It was bad enough that I totally avoided playing Farpoint because the enemies are spiderlike too. Ain't worth that stress
  15. Well the fact I hate spiders is probably a major part of it lol. They jump at you, slowly crawl on you out of no where (like you look down and they start coming up), there is gigantic ones,etc. It was just the first time I did the level though, after that it was fine. My wife was watching me play the first time though and she has never laughed so hard in her life. I was freaking the fuck out.
  16. Started the Terror. Holy shit it is good. Only first 2 eps so far but the show absolutes oozes atmosphere. I still have no idea what route they are going to go down, whether it will just be a story of human desperation or if there will be any supernatural angle.
  17. Flew through Glow S2 with the wife in a few nights. So good.
  18. Man that Talk Show episode killed me, so good. Will definitely watch S2.
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