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Everything posted by madmaltese

  1. I understand nothing about this space but how is there a market for so many different handheld devices. Assumed Steamdeck would just fully dominate this space like Nintendo does.
  2. yeah lol except for some reason it works with Diablo. The loot drive is a major factor in that game. Having it as some added on bs to a souls-esque game is just dumb
  3. Yeah definitely. Not to mention just how stupid it is when every enemy in something like NioH is vomitting a rainbow of shit every time they die
  4. Nice. Hopefully keeps certain elements from the first but has a few more QoL improvements.
  5. This is a huge issue with ALL Team Ninja games. I have no idea why they carry over their horrendous loot system between games and who actually enjoys it. Nioh, Wo Long and now this all have this trash system where 99% of the loot is totally useless. Just a huge waste of time
  6. This is awesome and a great fit. Gio is a good guy. He left Sony ages ago...
  7. Just watched this and holy shit that was awesome.
  8. He plays the Xbox games he talks about but he talks A LOT about games he doesn't play and literally chooses not to play games based on their system lol He has masssssive bias (hates 'Sony movie games' but loves Hellblade and hyped for HB2 is just the tiniest example). If Helldivers 2 was on Xbox he would be all over it but still wouldn't touch it on PC cause it's a Sony game lol Literally says things like bought Horizon but won't play it. It's laughably childish and peak fanboy which is why it is ironic when you make threads hating on fanboys (rightfully so) and he is there acting like he ain'
  9. yeah 100% do and my point is that I don't partake in that either. Your problem is that you have aligned yourself with the actual biggest fanboy here (you can tease FIREPOWER all you want but he games elsewhere too) and a literal Sony hater. Like he aint even just trolling on SW, this guy actually is a 40yr old IRL fanboy.
  10. Except my point is that it never is about sales when it is positive news. Go to any positive PS game sales thread and it's dumbo talking about lol sales and lol reviews and anything but the sales. Even in this he talks about review scores. Then in nearly every thread he goes on and on about certain people not playing a game when he (and you, but you at least don't go on about this point) literally doesnt play ANY game on PS and yet talks about them more than anything else.
  11. The guy was literally still dead at the bottom of the ladder about a week or so later in the game time lol Revived him with a wakestone and finished the quest. Hardly worth my effort pfft. Maxxed out Mage, changed to Sorcerer now. Apparently there is some OP build for it but cant be fd looking up
  12. literally played 70h+ lol more than any game I've played in agessss. That 45min though is still more than what you can play cause you're a 40year old IRL fanboy Do I circle jerk in every thread like you and remij do lol I literally just speak about my stuff and move on 90% of the time. Go look at the post count for you and your bum buddy in this thread Serious business
  13. Now see what your bum buddy says in every positive sales thread for a PS game. One thread it's 'lol cows only care about sales' (when its something like Helldivers smashing it) and the next it's only about playing games. Zero consistency.
  14. wtf does this having anything to do with a FO tv show lol
  15. Yeah definitely give it a go. It's constantly making me drop Dragon's Dogma 2 to play a run tbh. It's core card gameplay is the same as Slay but the structure of the game is a little cooler imo.
  16. Awesome! I'll defs check it out then. Bodes well for other Amazon gaming projects then.
  17. Ah ok, yeah tell me that one too cause he's been stuck for ages.
  18. Tell me just in case I can't find the fucker when I return with a Wakestone.
  19. I have been watching this season so damn slow because I don't want it to end. Only up to ep 5 atm.
  20. That type of dynamic stuff is cool to a point imo. I have no idea how he died, I thought that maybe on a game basis his 'health' was at zero from his battle with the monsters prior to me saving him then maybe after he spoke to me and I accepted the game clicked in and he just dropped dead. It would even be fine if it was just easier to traverse around the map. I wasn't going to go walking back for 20-30min to try get a wakestone. He probably won't even be where I left him. The game wouldn't be hurt in the slightest if it had these things but ALSO fast travel points in towns, a mount and some d
  21. NPC dropping dead for no reason and breaking the quest line sounds awesome?
  22. Played for a couple hours last night and just sort of another perfect example of some of my issues with this game for anyone that cares. I decided to venture out west from the main town to areas I haven't been. Along the way you are in combat like every 30 seconds against similar enemies as usual. Eventually after like 15 min I get to this cool canyon with carcasses and enemies and a man fighting various enemies. Ruined Castle in the distance. Kill everyone and he speaks to me and asks that I escort him to that ruined castle, I accept. Nearly instantly after accepting the quest he
  23. That's surprisingly decent. Wonder what the reviews form non gaming outlets would be like though
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