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Everything posted by madmaltese

  1. You dont lol it's automatic. Mine already is tbh lol
  2. You have literally said nothing about my actual point only describing what scalper do lmao I know what scalping is moron, but all it's doing is replacing the Seller. The items are still being sold to a consumer. So this thread being about how well the disc drive is selling on Amazon now is not negated in a single way by the stupidity of 'scalpers ' . No one in SW history has a bigger track record of being as wrong as you and yet you always come in here thinking you know more than anyone It's just a hilarious level of either arrogance or you're so stupid to even realise it.
  3. LMAO lower profit margins means doesn't mean they are making less money overall. Your article proves nothing. Margins are lower than ever but profits are still higher than ever because they are selling at a higher quantity than ever before. The spread is just lower. The differences are minimal and relating to things outside actual operating expenses which is what your stupid argument has always been about. 'Games cost more so they make less'. That is solely reflected in Operating Income. Net Profit data adds in factors from the business as a whole, things like tax, interes
  4. This will never not be the most hilarious and stupid argument of all time. Scalpers bro Firstly, it's not, Sony gonna launch a bunch of these disc drives with the Pro. Secondly, even if you are right....What do you think the scalpers are buying it for? To horde it for their collection? Will still be fucking sold you morons. Your scalper argument is literally a 'demand is so much higher than supply' argument which is even MORE of a flex than the thread implies
  5. Will still play the same. Just some cool little additions and immersion with it. Especially since you literally ride a dual sense in the game lol
  6. Yeah pretty crazy the longevity this thing has had. Not that I really use it tbh. My work laptop has a RTX 4070 but I assume it's shit as being a laptop version? i9 cpu.
  7. Might lean that way. Friend wants me to get Space Marines 2 for coop though haha
  8. and how much will the 5060 be? Not trolling or anything, I legit know near nothing about GPUs.
  9. Little palate cleansers before I jump into the next major game. Tossing up between catching up on Stellar Blade or doing Wukong or Space Marines 2.
  10. Finished Crisis Core (was really close to the end when Astro Bot came out) Started Little Nightmares 2 Also rebought Vampire Survivors on PS5. Wanted to support the game even though I had played it extensively on Xbox and it has now hooked me all over again.
  11. Can cry all ppl want but the Pro is still gonna sell out at launch. There is a market for upscaled, upgraded or more premium models. Apple shows that, the Steamdecks show that, the range of GPUs show that, it is what it is. 15-20% market share like I've been saying. Watch and wait
  12. Legit. Maybe the one game that actually uses it to it's fullest capability lol
  13. I had said in a prior thread that I really think this is a niche product. 15-20% of total PS5 sales from now on would be a success to them. Similar to PS4 Pro. Also think that they view it as an upgrade device, so the 'cost' they will push in store is the difference between the trade in value of the PS5 and the Pro. Also zero competition from MS now so they can just have this unique device on the market and see how it goes without having to be too competitive on price. MS having a $599 XSX doesn't help either lol. Still think it practically sells out at launch, there is enough enth
  14. Guess we just disagree. Think it's clear af given the time and resources they put into this compared to their other projects just what their expectations are. 60 man team in 3 years. Literally one of the smallest Sony first party games in recent history and you think it has far higher expectations that their no.1 first party team (insomniac clearly that this gen) with an existing strong IP and a much higher budget. You say it's just a platformer but then compare it to Ratchet which did have years long hype cycle, multiple appearances, gameplay reveals, showcase highlights, etc. Again I ho
  15. Officially revealed to be $1200 AUD here lol makes it like $1100 CAD
  16. You're mixing up hardcore fan/gaming site critical hype to actual commercial hype. Sony most definitely indicate expectations from financial statements and press releases, it's probably the only actual place they actual indicate such things. Imo thinking this has higher expectations than an INSOMNIAC game from a classic Sony IP is a wild assertation. Fraction the team size, fraction the time to develop, fraction the IP relevance (and even a more fraction the developer relevance to mainstream). Honestly find me a first party game where Sony reveled and released in a shorter amount of
  17. The fact it's just a State of Play should say enough about what is gonna be revealed. Be lucky if you get a single first party game reveal.
  18. I'm just giving an example of comparative sales, not saying it will or what that means. Also come on man, this game had no hype outside of the most hardcore...it has farrr weaker IP strength. It's a sequel/reboot of a VR IP and a console tie in tech demo. Compared to Ratchet and Clank, one of PS' strongest old PS2 IPs. The hype Astro has gotten is now that it has received such critical acclaim and that reflection will come in later sales. Sony didn't even hype this game, maybe the shortest time from reveal to release I have ever seen them do. Also next to zero relevance or m
  19. Plat done! One of the most truly pure enjoyable games I have ever played. It has absolutely incredible range in it's level design, settings, themes. I love the linear nature of it's platforming, it's what originally made me a huge crash fan. It allows levels to be built around specific power ups as opposed to roaming open levels looking for that one area to use a power up. It's controls are simple but super responsive and tight. As far as platforming goes it's a clean as you can imagine with a simple movement set but levels built around it to truly make it shine.
  20. It is because you're comparing a dying medium so there is natural decline in physical sales over time. This could sell the same as R&C while still being down significantly in physical sales. Not to mention it's even worse because UK physical sales are already such a tiny sample size to begin with.
  21. Why do we keep using this totally useless metric. Probably even worse than VGChartz. Literally nothing worse than judging sales than UK physical only lol
  22. Got the platinum in Astro Bot. One of if not my fav game this gen.
  23. One final level left and I don't want to game to end. Easily my GOTY and prob my game of the gen so far. Takes me back to my fav era of gaming which was the PS2 platforming days of Jak, Ratchet, Sly, right after the epicness of Crash and Spyro.
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