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Posts posted by z,warrior

  1. 11 minutes ago, Mr. House said:

    Not exactly, you can still get sex change operations later on. Prepubescent teens taking hormone blockers is insanity and extremely unhealthy. In fact taking puberty blockers before the sex change can create problems with underdeveloped genitals and such for the operation. 


    They should at least reach age of consent, which is like what, 14-16 in most states? 

    You’re undermining children’s intelligence and self awareness as if you’ve never been a kid and knew who you were at a young age.

  2. 31 minutes ago, Mr. House said:

    I don't want the medical practice to be banned. Age restricted, sure but not banned outright. 


    I have issues with the people espousing toxic ideologies and peddling lies, not so much the act of transitioning.  

    It also “age-restricts” hormone blockers  from children who need them before they hit puberty, so it’s the same as an outright ban since it would be even more expensive to “undo” puberty effects at a later age

  3. 6 hours ago, Mr. House said:

    Pushing children into sex change at a young age is being on the right side of history? The fallout from this is going to be insane. Detransitioning will become a booming business.


    And just like the covid vaccine, people will act like it was never pushed unto people. 


    The object life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. 





    Ok, let’s go with the idea that it IS pushed on  non-consenting  children that we need to protect right.




    BANNING/outright criminalizing it and therefore is zero-percent out of reach to the consenting children who DO want it. 

    That makes sense to you? To take away someone’s rights because someone else felt “pressured” into it? 


    So yes, you are on the wrong side of history.

  4. 23 minutes ago, Tears of the Cows said:

    Pre ordered :juggle: 


    haven’t found anywhere to sell my 14 pro max yet. Tmobile offered $650 for it unless I would switch to a more expensive plan, then they’d give me $1000.  Not worth it. Just bought the phone outright and well resell my phone on fb or something. 

    Sell it to me for 300 final deal

  5. Nintendo’s president looks like he doesn’t fuck around.


    switch 2 will not be a VR headset, the technology still doesn’t allow long engagement without getting headaches, so the best games for it can’t be played for hours on end like Zelda. Maybe a Mario Party or Warri Ware would last, but not the bulk of Ninty’s AAA games.

  6. Cooke we are not that separate in age and if I was in middle school when this happened I highly doubt you were working in a restaurant


    I remember just sitting in class learning and randomly another teacher walks in and tells us to turn on the tv. Days later we were told to draw something to commemorate Murika and of course I was the only nerd at the time that took it seriously and drew a huge Statue of Liberty in front of the American flag, while most kids in my class drew comics of people jumping out of burning buildings 

  7. When I graduated back in 2013 I landed my first job in the industry I studied for, $10 an hour… we were considered lucky to be paid at all instead of having an internship.


    If I had stayed, my minimum wage in NYC would have turned into 75k within the span of just 2 years? 

    For non college graduates getting paid minimum wage, they stay with that same minimum wage for years. At max, it would be a dollar wage increase a year. 

    Also when I graduated, there were a lot of people going to college. So getting in was harder and getting picked among a bunch of other new graduates was also harder. People going to college now do not face that issue, I can’t remember why that was, I think the research done mentioned Covid, but college entry and hire right after college is a lot more lax.

  8. 2 hours ago, Mr. House said:

    Well, that does make sense, I must say, for once. 


    Don't remind me. I'll say this last one thing in my own defense. I'm not as politicized in real life as you might think. I'd much rather talk about history, at least that's something I'm actually passionate about. 

    You’re a history buff and you haven’t realized you’re on the wrong side of history yet? 

  9. The Flash and Shazam Fury of the Gods are unwatchable. I can’t believe I almost resubscribed to Max for them but luckily got the 7 day trial on my Amazon prime account instead.


    put it this way, Black Adam was a better watch than both. I still finished them and I will still watch Blue beetle 🤷‍♂️


    also… this. This is where Flash’s cgi budget went…:



  10. 1 hour ago, Mr. House said:

    First we were talking about in historical context, I'm referring to the the colonizers who brought great advancements to the Americas. This is not about Grandpa using TikTok.


    You're not purposefully being stupid, you just are.


    That tribe is protected from outside interference. You have no tangible arguments. Go grift to people who don't know their history, you won't fool me. 

    I bet the natives who died dont think these superior advancements brought to America were so great, because it is exactly like grandpa not giving a shit about tiktok. YOU may think its an "advancement", to them it was cultural genocide. And yes that tribe is protected to prevent colonizers like yourself and that idiot who died forcing himself and Jesus on these islanders who dont give a shit about hearing how great Jesus or your technological advancements would be for them. Not every human wishes to participate in your "superior" western world paradise, millions have died rejecting it in fact. Get that through your thick head.

  11. 1 hour ago, jehurey said:


    As a follow up to my post:




    • The state is taking the rare step of transferring the Upper Sioux Agency State Park with a fraught history back to a Dakota tribe, trying to make amends for events that led to a war and the largest mass hanging in U.S. history.

    • The park spans a little more than 2 square miles (about 5 square kilometers) and includes the ruins of a federal complex where officers withheld supplies from Dakota people, leading to starvation and deaths. It also hold the secret burial sites of Dakota people who died as the United States failed to fulfill treaties with Native Americans more than a century ago.

    • Jensvold said he has spent 18 years asking the state to return the park to his tribe. He began when a tribal elder told him it was unjust Dakota people at the time needed to pay a state fee for each visit to the graves of their ancestors there.

    • Lawmakers finally authorized the transfer this year when Democrats took control of the House, Senate and governor’s office for the first time in nearly a decade, said state Sen. Mary Kunesh, a Democrat and descendant of the Standing Rock Nation.

    • But the transfer also would mean fewer tourists and less money for the nearby town of Granite Falls, said Mayor Dave Smiglewski. He and other opponents say recreational land and historic sites should be publicly owned, not given to a few people, though lawmakers set aside funding for the state to buy land to replace losses in the transfer.

    • In recent years, some tribes in the U.S., Canada and Australia have gotten their rights to ancestral lands restored with the growth of the Land Back movement, which seeks to return lands to Indigenous people.

    • A national park has never been transferred from the U.S. government to a tribal nation, but a handful are co-managed with tribes, including Grand Portage National Monument in northern Minnesota, Canyon de Chelly National Monument in Arizona and Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska, Jenny Anzelmo-Sarles of the National Park Service said.

    • This will be the first time Minnesota transfers a state park to a Native American community, said Ann Pierce, director of Minnesota State Parks and Trails at the Department of Natural Resources.

    • Minnesota’s transfer, expected to take years to finish, is tucked into several large bills covering several issues. The bills allocate more than $6 million to facilitate the transfer by 2033. The money can be used to buy land with recreational opportunities and pay for appraisals, road and bridge demolition and other engineering.

    It IS possible.


    You cannot say that America is a 250 year old country if you cannot honor your treaties that have committed to within those 250 years.


    I expect a major corporation or rich family to still uphold and enforce their existing contracts that give them power decades and centuries into the future.


    You can't just say "oh, that's old shit, that don't apply no more"

    I completely change ny mind since my last post, indegenous people should fight for their land, whether its one they had in childhood or knew of their ancestors having in the past. Whether they are owed the land and have current settlers who now also grew up on that land be misplaced for their sake, I think is a complicated issue and not as black and white. But they should definitely fight fair over it.

  12. 3 hours ago, Mr. House said:

    Superior in technology, that is abundantly clear from my statements and it's factual. The old world was nowhere near the advancement in science or any other field of study. Are you purposefully being stupid? 


    Like I said, even some of the most hardcore natives like the Inuit still want access to plumbing and electricity. Many first nations pay no taxes or reduced taxes. 


    They are still plenty of natives who cling to their old ways and no one is forcing them to adopt to anything. I'm positive the tribe you are referring to are actually protected by UNESCO. You're living in lala land that you made up in your head. 

    Good for them for having “superior” technology no one cares for bro. You think old people give a shit that young people are obsessed with the new technology they don’t care to learn at all before they die? No one cares.


    Especially not this tribe, which is the one I was talking about:




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