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Everything posted by z,warrior

  1. There are other sex acts that can be performed other than licking pussy. I doubt straight men who date transwomen are sucking dick all night long.
  2. doing my own research (i.e. asking chatgpt) there's no registry for gun owners so it's only estimated that there are about 120.5million of them. Or 36% of the population, or 1 out of every 3. Also found out at the time the second amendment was written, America did not have a military, and had to depend on a "well regulated militia" of citizens, to protect the country from invasion. Nowadays people who defend their rights to own guns, claim it's always for "self defense" against each other, and against the government, basically creating a bunch of paranoid consumers giv
  3. I can see myself with either a transwoman or a transman depending on their features that I would be attracted to. I believe human sexuality is more fluid than pigeonholes but no, I don't see myself going face deep in pussy ever
  4. The two don't correlate: one is a sexual identity, the other a gender. You can be both gay and trans. Caitlin Jenner for instance is a lesbian transwoman
  5. America is uninvadable because of its military. Civilians on the other hand, have no reason to carry guns. The second amendment is seriously outdated
  6. they are saying "genocidal" in the sense for trans athletes existence... but I have a simple solution to this complicated dilemma. So similar to how Boxing has weight classes, sports need to introduce not a division of sex/gender but of body types for who can join a team and compete against each other. this way a Male to Female trans can still be an athlete and compete against both men and women that match her body strength.
  7. I would love to get into NFT's one day. Couple things I like about this is the disclaimer/warning that this is only a collectible and not investment. And that if you resell them, the artist of the card gets 10% royalty. This supports the artists, and the money generated won't go to his campaign. I see nothing to hate about it.
  8. Those are not analogous to being gay, to suggest so is homophobic, therefore that law is extremely homophobic. If the concern is that they may have stds, do to them what is done on straight people; get them tested before donating blood, duh. Dont just outright outlaw ALL of them completely. The gay/trans panic defense is a law that legalizes so called "bullying" (right down to murder) against the lgbt community. Meaning, if a person kills someone, and the victim happens to be lgbt, the culprit's lawyer could plead panic defense to receive a less severe punishment. Do you see a "red
  9. ChatGPT on whether women have reached "equal" rights: Gender Pay Gap: Women still earn less than men for doing the same job or work of equal value, despite being equally qualified and experienced. Workplace Discrimination: Women still face discrimination in the workplace, including being passed over for promotions or being subjected to sexist comments or harassment. Underrepresentation in Leadership Roles: Women are still underrepresented in leadership roles in many fields, including politics, business, and academia. Lack of Maternity Lea
  10. so how do you not see yourself as a self-hating lgbt person when you literally decry lgbt people in this forum, openly, without any shame??
  11. gay men are not allowed to donate blood lgbt people have been bullied and subjected to hate crimes unlike their heterosexual counterparts lgbt people struggle in employment and housing and lgbt people go through a more extensive and invasive background check than heterosexual couples that want to adopt
  12. cant go to the bathroom of their own gender cant join sports cant apply to work at certain jobs cant apply to live in certain places can be legally discriminated against, i.e. killed under the legal pretense of being freaked out by a trans can not grow up like other children born in their rightly assigned gender
  13. ^this is why the PS5 sales have gone up, people can finally buy them. Doesn't mean its more desired than switch or xbox
  14. he sold hacked 3DS's and switches so people could play pirated games on them. he made 300,000k+ a year doing so.
  15. I'll be damned when I buy underage girls some beer and theres a damn transfolk on it. Leave kids alone queers!
  16. Also as a Floridian I don't think he has a chance in hell of winning like Trump did. Trump's win was aided by him being an apolitical public figure, his success as a business man, and his character. Desantis is not like him, his popularity or infamy is tied in politics and his first success as governor in Florida was actually a close battle with a democrat. Only his second win was by a landslide. His culture war against African American history and LGTBQ and Women rights will not help him win at all.
  17. with no expertise whatsoever, I'm thinking it'll keep going up
  18. I love watching Almodovar movies. Doesn't help with my spanish but the stories are always unpredictable to me. Just watched one called Parallel mothers with Penelope Cruz about 2 mothers giving birth at the same hospital and end up having a lesbian affair. Nothing over the top but worth the one dollar I paid to watch it on prime I guess
  19. all I see are PS4 games? where's the PS5 ones? Do they even exist
  20. This thread has been really helpful in making me realize I will rent for the rest of my life. I can't wait to reach 55 years old so I can live in those sweet senior communities for quality but cheap places. In the meantime, I'll have to spend over the recommended 30% of my paycheck on rent to avoid living in the ghetto
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