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Everything posted by z,warrior

  1. with no expertise whatsoever, I'm thinking it'll keep going up
  2. I love watching Almodovar movies. Doesn't help with my spanish but the stories are always unpredictable to me. Just watched one called Parallel mothers with Penelope Cruz about 2 mothers giving birth at the same hospital and end up having a lesbian affair. Nothing over the top but worth the one dollar I paid to watch it on prime I guess
  3. all I see are PS4 games? where's the PS5 ones? Do they even exist
  4. This thread has been really helpful in making me realize I will rent for the rest of my life. I can't wait to reach 55 years old so I can live in those sweet senior communities for quality but cheap places. In the meantime, I'll have to spend over the recommended 30% of my paycheck on rent to avoid living in the ghetto
  5. uhh I just checked and I was recommended to limit my housing search to $115k due to my salary and poor credit score... that's less then my beginning school loans. How the fuck do I reach 400-800k lol
  6. Self hate is still hate. Caitlin Jenner will trash any other trans woman she can for clout for example. You cannot be LGBT or Black and consider yourself to be on the right, without some degree of institutionalized self-hatred. As much as the right pretends to hate political correctness, they try very hard to mask their hatred with self righteous speech.
  7. uhh the left may be tribalistic, but its the right that definitely hates you. Don't fool yourself.
  8. because sports is very male-centric. No one cares about transmen in sports because no one cares that they are "women" displaying male traits. It's the opposite that is offensive. In certain countries for example, while being gay is either illegal or frowned upon, being lesbian isn't that big a deal, because they are... women with a "male" gaze. Even in the US, being a tomboy as a girl is a lot more admired than being an effeminate boy. Yes I do think it has to do with strength too, but you can't ignore that "feminine = bad" in the patriarchal society we live in, is the reason tran
  9. wrong Miyazaki, Hayao is the true king... not that I even watch anime anymore
  10. also marathoned all 8 Harry Potter movies on HBO Max as soon as I noticed they were back. Good watch! Movie 6 used to be my least favorite, now I think movie 7 part 1 is my least favorite. My favorite one of all is 3, (I wish Alfonso Cuaron directed more HP movies). And 4 comes after.
  11. Its one of those movies/shows where I self-consciously watch it thinking "I am not the targeted audience for this", but I still enjoyed Ticket to Paradise with George Clooney and Julia Roberts. (Altough I also have seen Shotgun Wedding and Murder Mystery 1 and 2 among others, so maybe I am feeling like the audience for middle-aged couples movies) Watching Babylon next, cant wait!
  12. @-GD-X lock this political mess of a thread but before you do that, Belarus has had the same "president" (cough dictator cough) since 1994.... Nintendo has also suspended sales with them. And I applaud them for it, more entertainment businesses should cease supporting corruption by allowing a population escapism from how shit their country is. If you live in a fucked up environment, stop distracting yourself and stay woke.
  13. of all news articles about it, you picked the worst one giving no info. basically its a 23-25yo disgruntled employee that would have been fired, killing top execs at a bank he worked at, leaving a voicemail confessing he'd do it, then live streaming the whole thing because he would know, America idolizes serial killers/mass shooters. Another entitled young white guy with a gun.
  14. I can see where you're coming from, I pushed through the first ep. The sixth one is my favorite yet there's only 7 episodes lol
  15. In America, when "lots of people get murdered" it's usually within their own group, like Black on Black crime. When Transpeople get murdered however, it's outside their group, so yes it is because they are Trans.
  16. Finished watching Swarm on Amazon prime. It was great! Paris Jackson did a hell of a job in it, had no idea it was her till I looked up the show after I finished it. I don't want to dive in on what it's about since I watched it in a clean slate, but I loved it. The show is by Donald Glover. Obama's daughter Malia, wrote one of the episodes. And Billy Eillish is in it, also great performance by her.
  17. 3 new Star Wars movies incoming https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/apr/07/star-wars-three-new-films-lucasfilm-daisy-ridley-rey
  18. marathoning every Pirates of the Carribean movie. On the 4th one now with Penelope Cruz. I realized I've never seen one of them from beginning to end so never understood the movies, until now, they're good!
  19. Dont forget its yet another movie showing an "old" actor digitalized as young too. Who started that trend? Will Smith?
  20. https://www.glaad.org/blog/tdor-memoriam /thread
  21. They're clearly under suspicion to be under house arrest, that is still a form of confinement
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