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Everything posted by z,warrior

  1. Damaging or harmful that trans people might be responsible for? Like what is intrinsically from transpeople that nontrans people are incaple of committing, that is harmful @Twinblade?
  2. that article should have considered the black celebrity gifs involved are being used as individuals who happen to be black, and not necessarily digital black face, like using a black emoji character. They are essentially saying being a non-black fan of a Black entertainer is borderline racist.
  3. ok, now compare the number of white men who have been appointed VP to the number of black women......
  4. And its ok to tell her to be a girl because she likes stereotypical girlish things and vice versa for boys because...?
  5. Thats how White men become president. That's how they become anything.
  6. Will this result in gun control or transgender control 🙂
  7. I'll probably skip Bad Batch (I dont watch cartoons or anime at all anymore, I must've grown out of them) but will def check out Andor
  8. you're the one fake as fuck trying to bang his now ex-wife. Bet you were trying to fuck her while they were still together too you fake ass bitch ass.... fuck ass friend
  9. if they don't have a scapegoat, how would they fundraise? Who will they blame next after the LGBTQ?
  10. I agree with her. And thread title is wrong, that is not what she is saying at all. Her main point which stands, is the left should stop fighting amongst themselves, as they do. And instead take what they can get (Biden) to defeat bigger oppositions from the right than the disagreements they have amongst each other. The left is way too tribal while the right has been slowly reclaiming the country to make America into their definition of what was great, again. Look into the past Cooke, who has America always been great for?
  11. Watched the Drug King on Netflix. A Korean movie and that's enough said, Koreans know how to make movies.
  12. Back when I used to do drugs, a friend I used to get high with's house got raided. They took down all cameras except one that recorded footage of them wearing ski masks to cover their faces and they wrecked havoc on the house. It's unfortunate they knocked down Afroman's door like that, but other than that, they didnt really flip his house over like they do on normal raids.
  13. 10/10 will watch, loved the first Gears of War
  14. yes, this is a culture war: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_war
  15. in whose "reality" is that "equity" in the far right? Looks like propaganda to instill fear in White men who keep believing that minorities getting equal opportunities mean their own rights will be taken away. For example, was allowing Women and Black people the ability to vote, the same "equity in reality" to White men on the right? Did White men metaphorically lose their legs in order to let other people vote? In what way? ...This cartoon does not stand Cooke, you know this. And yes its ok to be White, and I would date a transperson. I'm not Remy but I'm answering the
  16. no, there is never any "confidence interval" where 34 people are a microcosm of thought for 12 million. There are too many factors to consider. Also assuming Remy comes from a broken family with no dad and that he'd blame white people for it is dumb. You really should avoid posting here for you're just making this place worst with your posts.
  17. "is it ok to be white" is such a vague question though... like what does it even mean? Someone answering it could be White themselves and feel it is NOT ok to be White in society, because cis white men are targetted against (cough @Cooke cough) Or Black people answering it could have felt like the question is asking them if they would prefer to be White and would that be ok. I mean that is how I'm perceiving it... But to think answering that question with a no must mean "its ok to hate White people" is as far a stretch as deciding to pull 12 million out of his own ass.
  18. Using my Disney+ sub till I watch everything I wanted off of it then maybe cancel: I've watched every Pixar animated movie except Cars and its sequels. Inside Out and Soul are my top 2 favorites. Loki is amazing, was hooked by the first ep, love the concept. Wandavision is also great, I understand Dr.Strange 2 better now after finishing it Now currently on Falcon and Winter soldier and it is great so far Hamilton is too long but very informative. Though I think once the novelty (of nonwhite actors playing historically white ppl) wears
  19. I'm an ally. Trans people don't have to play dumb (like you're doing) when it comes to assigned genders.
  20. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/alt-right
  21. well back when the word was first being used by mostly black people, it meant someone who is enlightened. It was used basically whenever someone said something agreeable to the person calling him/her "woke". So it didn't necessarily mean someone was awake from distractions or had a well-informed point of view as the word suggests, it just meant "hey you and I think alike". Now I mostly hear it being used derogatorily by white people who hijacked the word and assigned it to be a synonym to white knights/saviors
  22. I love it. White racists will skip this because she's black. Black racists will skip this because the male love interest is White. I should probably skip this because Im not the intended demographic for this movie, but oh I'll be there, along with a nephew or niece of mine as my beard to not look weird sitting next to underage girls. jk Im not seeing this in theatres, or probably at all. But the politicizing going on with Disney, especially with the governor of Florida since I live there, is hilarious.
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