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Everything posted by hoshino

  1. I got it downloading right now on my SSBU edition switch and I have a copy coming in the mail in a few hours for my original launch switch
  2. They make fun, deep, beautiful games simply because they love the art of game development. They've rejected this games as a service lootbox cancer meta and they consistently deliver extremely high quality games that everyone, not just dorito eating incels, can enjoy. They are a global treasure They've delivered 3 GOTG contenders within 2 years on the Switch. They're back and better than ever. Long live the big N
  3. That is a ridiculously attractive price point. Might have to build a new PC around this. Still rocking a 4th gen i7 and a 970.
  4. I know tons of nongamers (lems) IRL who are going ape over this game
  5. Sheep won this gen. 3rd GOTG in a 2 year old console. This has never been done before
  6. https://www.metacritic.com/game/switch/super-smash-bros-ultimate
  7. lol isn't the life expectancy in Russia like 65 years?
  8. That was never even my argument to begin with. I agree that what most hunters do is vastly more humane than commercial cattle/pig/chicken farming. I'm saying that maintaining a western or keto diet is bad for your health and people like your boy over there love doing mental backflips to defend these diets because they don't have the willpower to eat a salad or drink a smoothie for 1-2 meals out of their day. That being said, the only way for people like him to maintain his diet of meat and dairy for every meal, both from an availability and cost standpoint,
  9. Yes, lions build massive slaughterhouses and commercially farm zebra meat after raising the zebras in squalor in a 1sqft pen. Brilliant.
  10. I don't think you know what irony means. I guess you fuck your mom and eat shit?
  11. It's just hilarious that you bother making so many of these threads. Meat and dairy taste good, so you enjoy eating these products and you're doing mental gymnastics to try to convince yourself that it's not harming your health and that decades of research is "propaganda".
  12. We get it dude. You're fat and don't have self control. Meat tastes better than vegetables, so all you want to do is eat meat. Go ahead, no one cares.
  13. Animals also eat their shit and fuck their mothers and fathers. You are also a retard level debater lol.
  14. Why do you make these threads 3x a week. Go ahead and eat meat for every meal. No one cares.
  15. Retard level debating. Veganism =/= only eating fruit.
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