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Everything posted by hoshino

  1. It was more difficult than I expected it to be, but totally doable. Make sure you have a really good pair of tweezers for removing/replacing ribbon cables. Other than that just watch 1-2 video tutorials and you should be able to do the swap in an hour or 2
  2. imagine taking time out of your day to defend the practice of voluntarily contracting aids
  3. no. these people are spreading deadly illnesses. This is everyone's business
  4. I think you’re having/had a stroke. Or you’re retarded.
  5. What? If they have aids then they pass you HIV. it’s the same virus. Aids just means they’re immunocompromised by the virus.
  6. What if your wife/SO got HIV after you were already with them? Let's say some freak accident like she steps on a heroin needle in downtown seattle or something.
  7. scared because your janitor salary might land you on the streets?
  8. One of my favorite professors in college was 5’5” and ugly. He was an exceedingly warm and funny person and everyone loved him though. It doesn’t have to be this way lostfool
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