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Posts posted by hoshino

  1. 4 minutes ago, zwarior said:

    im mad its called Stadia, its a stupid name that doesnt fit in video game lexicon at all:pffft:

    buh buh it's a stadium for everbuddy to play in :grimaceright:


    Should've bought the Dreamcast trademark.  Would've been perfect.

  2. 58 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

    We need to support the PS5 as it represents traditional console gaming and Switch is a big fuck you to phones and other shit solutions for portable devices




    If PS5 is a traditional console with the same kind of quality/value demonstrated by PS4, it's a day 1 buy for me :pavarotti:

  3. 1 hour ago, jehurey said:

    People are acting like as if something got taken away from them, and they don't have something today that they had yesterday.


    I notice alot of people in the "gaming community" start acting like children who had poison ivy in crevice of their ass when the Wii came out in 2006.


    Nothing was taken from them, but the fact that something else existed, that was not meant for them, people genuinely started losing their shit and demanded that it be removed from this Earth.


    I literally can't think of a less obtrusive way to offer people games. I could play one Stadia game, in a browser, and never buy another Stadia game again........and it literally cost me nothing in hardware, just the cost of the game (that I would've spent on any other platform).

    They're pushing a model which is completely and 100% publisher/distributor centric.  The gamer owns nothing, and worse yet, the gamer has no ability to own anything even if they wanted to.  Games can/will come and go like shows do on Netflix.  You can lose your whole library if banned from the service, and you lose your whole library if your internet goes down.  How does the subscription model work here too? Do I lose my library if I unsub?  Am I paying for both the games and the service?


    The only win for the gamer here is that there is no barrier to entry.  Like you said, this is not a big deal.  It doesn't hurt anyone to be able to try/access a game with minimal effort, but this is Google we're talking about.  They aren't interested in being a companion service or an alternative.  They want to run the gaming industry.  Their motto is "The future of gaming isn't a box."


    I don't want the future of gaming to be a shitty latency-dependent system where I own nothing and can have all my games taken away from me for reasons outside of my control.  I don't want developers to worry about making their games playable on 6" phone screens and tailoring the experience to that.  I also really don't want developers tailoring their games around the latency issues.  Quick twitch games are unplayable on this service.  Reaction time dependent genres are going to evaporate for this reason alone.  I don't want to have to live in a city with fiber internet to make any of this more enjoyable.


    Idk if you're a car guy, but would you want the future of automobiles to be self-driving ubers and for you to lose your ability to drive and own your own car?

    • Thanks 2
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  4. 26 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

    Fuck the cloud. Fuck it all to hell. Fuck streaming, fuck latency, fuck google, fuck Microsoft. Stop trying to ruin gaming. 

    If buying a physical copy of a game on Xbox allowed me to then stream it to any device as an added benefit, then I’m completely on board. 


    I will NEVER buy a console that doesn’t let me own my games and play them locally. Streaming will always always always be a cherry on top. It’s never going to attract me when it’s the whole sundae. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, McWicked said:

    It's definitely the future, but the US has an infrastructure problem that will delay that future indefinitely until the people sucking telecom dick (GOP) get voted out of congress, the senate, and the white house.


    hahahahah youre so buttblasted you fucking cuck :D 

  6. streaming console

    support from big publishers

    99 dollars

    built in "Ok Google" microphone to monitor for hatespeech

    SJW values built right in (no toxic males allowed)

    automatic censorship of political views anywhere to the right of lenin

    automatic gender reassignment surgery on first bootup

    console exclusive featuring world first genderqueer protagonist

    console avatars to feature neon green and pink as only hair color choices



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