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Everything posted by hoshino

  1. Good. We need Halo back in top form. Arena shooters fucking own and Halo was the king. Still nothing quite like them. Please don't fuck this up. This game has potential to be AAAAE
  2. https://www.razer.com/gaming-mice/razer-deathadder-elite ??
  3. Any of my fellow hermlords gonna buy one? That matte white
  4. https://www.cnet.com/news/two-years-on-im-still-recovering-from-breath-of-the-wild/ This really sums up what sets Nintendo titles apart. They're works of art and not just great games. They're experiences that transcend their medium. We fall in love with them and hold on to them like a loved one. What a truly godlike game. I can't wait for the follow-up.
  5. It launched in the middle of a gen. all that saturated fat is slowing down your brain
  6. SJW gaming For all those genderqueer pink haired weirdos who own xbox's Who greenlights shit like this
  7. Really hype to be able to play halo infinite without having to shell out cash for a useless console. Thanks for taking one for the team lems
  8. 50 dollar sub 70g mouse is overpriced? Gtfo fake boy retard
  9. I agree. What I'm saying is we should let reviewers know that we don't want shit gamers reviewing titles because we don't want that to become an industry standard.
  10. So we should discourage sites from using dogshit gamers to review titles so it doesn't become the standard. I don't want some purple haired SJW who just got laid off from HuffPo telling me a game is bad because they can't figure out the keybinds.
  11. While this game may or may not be trash, I think it's pretty dumb to have trash ass gamers review games. Remember that whole debacle with the cuphead reviews?
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