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Everything posted by flazeda_warrior

  1. Graphics on screen. You didn't watch it full screen did you switch version is low spec af
  2. and the switch version looks like its missing the post production filter the x1 version has because it couldnt handle it TSHBO
  3. "xbx" has got to be the laziest abbreviation ever lmao
  4. i missed the hype back then,I feel it was an event and watching the show now would be way too late. Its like watching GoT 5 years from now. Its worth it but part ofthe fun of it is the social gatherings/convos
  5. word, its the most sensitive topic on these systemwars.com
  6. Never seen a single ep of Lost but like his movies despite the flare gimmick
  7. watched JJ Abrams' Super 8 and completly forgot just how much the dude loved lens flare. Its distracting af
  8. Ye I'm getting both Super 8 and Bambi as scary movies then. They'll be hugging their mothers so hard after Bambi I'll be allowed to show them It no backlash
  9. holy whit ive actually never showed them Bambi lol
  10. Ive been introducing all kinds of movies to kids, i barely get away with showing comicbook movies due to the violence, so whats an appropriate scary movie out there for ~8yo? Ive been itching to show them the new It since it mains a group of kids, but tbh even I got scared in some scenes
  11. omfg "having additional and diversified options in customizing my character is ideology being FORCED on me "
  12. never noticed how much Jehurey gets ganged up on in these systemwars.com , you're a living martyr J
  13. took one for the team and finished season 2 of The Gifted, to say dont bother, it does not get better. Who is this team? so far itt just me, but in future case lol Doom Patrol tho, sizzlin and new Marvel shows will prob get better now that the Disney deal is done
  14. have you even been reading the thread? Of all the blatant hatred spewed out itt, you go after the one of those denouncing it?
  15. this is Trump, not Bernie. Not all white people look alike Cookoo
  16. Colbert is getting hate for trying to make her look bad with stupid questions it backfired hard, her answers only made her more likeable
  17. Cookoo for Coco puffs "my dad is black cause Literally one drop rule" is getting destroyed itt
  18. how do you explain the lifelong baristas from hetero normative parents? Or the homeless from thesamebackground?
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