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Everything posted by flazeda_warrior

  1. find local tournaments. My "lan" parties would be with friends who i'd hang out with outside of video games.Cyber cafes are huge in South Korea, if you live near a big city, im sure they have those too
  2. my fondest memories were offline multiplayer. Especially with Smash Bros tournaments and the special FFCC on gamecube because you had to have a gameboy to play it so finding a 4 player team was rare, we would try toplay the entire game in one sitting. And its amazing I will get to do more of that for years to come as a proud sheep TLHBO TCHBR THHBS
  3. I say keep it animal related. And the animal names so far made sense to their respective faction without being too toxic. "Soyboy" is toxic af
  4. The deal closes next wedesday, While Xmen Dark Phoenix comes out this summer June 7th, supposedly wraps the franchise up with a couple deaths and the end of contracts for the cast. Should MCU/Disney keep the same people and the characters they play in their future take on xmen? Id say yes, except Jlaw who Im a fan of but in Xmen, she looks like she's phoning it in
  5. Its gonna be Ninty and Google left in the console race, TCHBO TLHBO.
  6. 9/10 for me. Same sentiment. Anyone hating it went in with the wrong expectations. Its not meant to be the female Ironman/Tony Stark for instance
  7. dont cry for me @kaz it took me 4 hours, only because i was typing with one hand and the other hand had uh lotion on it. 4 hours of bliss
  8. these agelina jolie fanarts i made were not my proudest fap moments, delete this thread
  9. in case some dont know, theatre tickets are cheaper on tuesdays about to go see Captain Marvel now
  10. . .::. .:::II:..'.'.' .':.''.':'.'.'.:.:I:'.'.'.'.'.. '.. .. ':. '.':'. ..:.::.::.:.'..' ':.'.'.. .. .:.:.':'. '.:':I:.:.. .'.'. ': .'.. . .. '..:.:'. .:.II:.:.. . .:.'. '.. '. . .. .. :.:.'. .:.:I:.:. . . ..:..:. :..':. . '. .:. :.:. .:.:I:.:. . . ..:I::. :: :: .. .. .. :'.'.:. .:.:I:'. ..:.:I:. :: ::. . '. _ ............ _ '..:. .:.. .:II:' ,,;IIIH. ::. ':. .
  11. Will Smith's been thinking of bringing the series back but as a cartoon. For a while now, he re-instagrammed fan art of the show, probably testing audience reactions to a particular style. maybe an ego thing but I don't think he'd greenlight a live-action one unless it's them as adults, it's to precious a role to pass down to another actor. And I would not watch The greatness of Fresh prince is how funny it is, not a damn story line, especially as drama. This as a movie in it's own/not based on anything though, I would. Whoever is behind this should do original materia
  12. This looks reminds me of OoT/MM, moreso MM, matching the depressing af nature of it
  13. Got to see Aladdin on broadway and really liked the Genie actor on that one, but tbh Im not sure if that's the same guy, he was more impressive and I saw it in 2018, this vid is '17 The Robin Williams pick was with the character in mind, Will Smith pick just seems like adding a big actor's name for profit
  14. "yall see my powers" sounded like Eddie Murphy. I now see Eddit Murphy as more fitting for Genie than Will Smith, who is funny in his own right, I'll have to wait and see, but it's not a fit for me atm.
  15. I augmented the brightness/opacity to some shocking results. Disney must be trying to draw in the 50 shades of Grey cougars to come see this
  16. Now you are, and you can't unsee it. Go ahead, try to
  17. Saw Alita. the "Titanic" part, you know what i mean if you saw it, she could have used her legs the same way there was enough space on the door. Weak character development; if anyone dies it was a big who gives a shit for me because they/their relations with Alita wasnt fleshed out other than that, loved it!
  18. Just what I come to SW for, to be reminded death is imminent so who gives a shit
  19. Wut? lol, I'm saying due to too much radical progress, you're saying because we tried to moderate. The facts speak for themselves, white babies are minority to hispanics, transfolk demanding and given rights, gay marriage, black prez, obama socialist care, BLM, straight white guys getting egos checked, and ESPECIALLY the feminist movement, and having Hillary Clinton run for prez, was radical sensory overload. I think Chris Rock remarked on that in one of his sketches too. The North not doing that is why the confederate flag is but a symbol for """"""south""""" (read: white people south
  20. Marry me! I found season 1, it's not hard to find as I thought. Its been years since I finished it, hoping to have some sort of a clean slate
  21. Trump got elected because a Black president and Transpeople using bathrooms and Obamacare, was too much too fast to white people. That's what moderates are here for, slow down the process of what seems "right" to "radicals" can become first and foremost, "right" to the mass/mainstream-wise, and it won't be as much of a big deal. Obama being half white for instance, was a nicer transition than a full blown Wesley Snipes. Racist but true
  22. this thread politically correct af. We all know you wanted to type "black man fucks up white women"
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