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Everything posted by flazeda_warrior

  1. maybe because you must be having real fun. No one can pretend, id rather go bar/club hopping than pretend im enjoying something where im the one spending money. Thats where i usually end up spending on alcohol the most
  2. "because this is Disney and they dont understand subtlety" Qft. They come from an animation/children audience background where they must explain or spell things out sometimes. The same way they say "its for adults too" to their animation flicks, "its for children....especially" is how I feel about some scenes in their Marvel movies.
  3. This is a fair review and agreed, maybe they wanted her to be "cool" forgetting "cool" people irl have zero personality
  4. its interesting you say stalinism instead of leninism. Why is that
  5. There's a communist party in almost, if not, all countries. The US has multiple ones. Its a bunch of people meeting up to talk more than act on their theories. Because the last time there was an attempt, in NY anyway, it was "Occupy Wall Street" which was a HUGE mess because everyone was individualistic and too stubborn about their beliefs to have a general "Leftist" mindset. That is the Left's weakness, a tribe mentality. Historically thats how the natives were defeated, the tribes wouldnt band together and would actually side with the European invaders than with each other.
  6. Dont go to clubs young people go to. I've gone to one where the idea on paper was fantastic, apartment building one floor, 4 different apartments playing different genres of music - There was an electronic party, you could switch to a folk song one, to a hip hop one, etc. My friend and I went, mind you early-20s at the time, place packeddd with high school kids and we couldnt have fun with them, they could clock us as older, and we felt weird being around "kids". Also go in not expecting anything and you will have the time of your life. That goes for every event.
  7. "have fun." "not having fun? stay anyway and pretend you are." -ghostz 2019
  8. lmao it's not scripted. For sure they edit audience reactions and cut out awkward moments to make the interviews flow seamlessly though
  9. The difference between Conan and those Creeps is night and day. Conan does it right
  10. You throwing the words "neurotic" and "autistic" around makes me think you don't know what they mean
  11. There are places for that context. At a bar looking fly versus sweatpants grocery store shopping. Or in her case, AIRPORT wtf? The last place you'd want to sexually solicit someone who you may never see just minutes from then
  12. Apparently people on here don't get what "woman being on the defensive" means, watch how cringy this woman feels putting up with those creeps. And she's being a professional too trying to maintain it light and comedic
  13. if it's "fun", it isn't soliciting, you're begging for it, they're not aggressively asking, putting you in a defensive front.
  14. Yawn, you're at 2+2=4, we're in calculus bro, catch up. Karl Marx's communist manifesto =/= Maoism or Leninism. It has never manifested how it was written, and I didn't even read it. Communism is and has always been a theoretical debate.
  15. wtf, you know Vietnam is more than huts and hungry children in a 3rd world country right? Obviously dude is just taking pics and probably stays in a hotel or resort Alien Gringo, you should go there:
  16. Are you seriously more offended that she was a communist than the Nazis she was shooting at
  17. Would you like to be constantly solicited regularly? People put signs up ffs Edit: here, maybe yall are visual ppl. This is a Defensive sign
  18. http://alexanderlozada.com/iasip/?IlRoZSBnYW5nIGRvZXOgbm90IGNvbWUgdG8gYXZlbmdlIGhlciI=
  19. And people pitting Captain Marvel vs Alita/Wonderwoman are basically saying "I prefer black people who talk "white" because when they are too black, they scare me". Captain Marvel being too woman is offensive l m a o
  20. A black man who doesn't care about the Civil Rights movement of today, wow "keep politics out of comic book movies" ...I bet he loved Black Panther, a politically charged comic book movie lol edit: wtf dude, SPOILERS IN VIDEO... it gives the ending lol
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