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Everything posted by flazeda_warrior

  1. They should execute the parents who sold their kids to him then him to the feds, whichever got/saved them money
  2. you can always tell, itsnot the skin color but the facial features that show race
  3. With enough filters no one can tell im missing a tooth. Irl i'll just have to smile internally till i get a grill or somethin
  4. la la Land. watched it for the first time yesterday and will again soon, love it.
  5. Major as Mask side quest of helping that couple separated by years/time. A pretty sweet story in an otherwise depressing game FFCC, since multiplayer was offline and required each player to have a GBA and the cable, getting to finish the entire game on multiplayer mode was a a bonding moment... With 2 people I'm not that in touch with blow so maybe not that bonding lol Castle crashers (name? Some x1 downloadable multiplayer side scrolling game that was a highlight of college dorm experience SSBB, winning a tournament Wind Waker. The whole game wa
  6. Nintendo should make a firewall app, their system is unhackable and I feel safe posting this code online
  7. What body weight exercises and why go to the gym if possible to do from home? Trainer?
  8. oh my god wtf is there to watch on Netflix cause Jessica Jones s3 sucks and I'm Netflix and chilling watching an unfortunately bad Amy Schumer gurlz (cause they're edgy and "so funny") trip movie PS: recommend me preferably content with man balls. Even better if literally on screen penis cause it's been an unintentional Vigina Diaries up in here that my text self-italicized (mind u I had to think how to spell Vigina that's how far distant I am intentionally. Did I spell it right.)
  9. Is this a gif or a feature film? Damn son, keep it short
  10. Was in Haiti last weekend and had tamarind, that one is hard to describe but it's delicious too. Quenepa as well. A lot of these I'm gonna have to google, guavabawat
  11. ^word. Why I stick to just League of Legends, I know it'll be 40min and it's online/social. I can escape pretty easily, "just 40min" can turn into 4 hours
  12. What else are you growing? I've got mangoes and avocadoes. None ripe And what the hell do these taste like
  13. I like the Ashley O Black Mirror ep. And the Street Fighter one, can't remem&ber the third ATM, hope more eps are coming soon. And the Adam Sandler/Jen Aniston Netflix movie was funny too. Edit: just remembered the third and it's my fav out of the 3 too. The driver wanting to speak to the CEO. Love it
  14. ....will be just a headset. (Until just a button you stick to your head like in Black Mirror?) Imagine manipulating virtual objects with your mind? The technology already exists from multiple companies/countries http://neurable.com/news/mind-controlled-vr-game-really-works I tired myself out typing this with fingers, cant wait for mind controlled phones
  15. Planning on getting a mac mini, a 2018 one is just 500-700$ Compared to 150~$ mini pc's available, its still expensive but its a new mac under 1k :bena:
  16. They should have hired Reggie out of his retirement to restructure the company. Whats the benefit of watching a company's stocks tank for a CEO?
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