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Everything posted by flazeda_warrior

  1. Clicking on this thread and looking up the word matricide is not a good look in my now cleansed browser history
  2. so I'll check it out... then a video game MMORPG is a sidequest
  3. ENDED this otherwise uneventful sunday with a D-D-D-D-DUNK('s assistant) WATCH HOW I helped GET A P-P-P-PENTAKILL 9-6_NA1-3011239582_02.webm Im the short teemo fella, chat below. Shit its harder to post these than I thought, First has to be worth posting, then feels like having to explain league to my grandparents around nonplayers lmao edit: ignore the dum bitch Caitlyn I got to assist on 3 of the 5 kills, last purple guy I hit'em down with the infamous teemo's mines (slowing him down from getting to the fight. His ul
  4. smear campaign, but death to any chance of him seriously running regardless
  5. A minimalist timeline of my pimpin sex life _1____________________________________1_____________30+_3_5_2 1 - birth - first pull out (risky joke) 1 - 2012 - real first 30+ - 2016- the "oh shit better catch up to my "yeah I have sex" lies -year and the rest each following year watch out, Im a badass
  6. This xenosaga looking champ is me. Support/healer. Taking his ball to the face so my adc would take less damage, heal her. Then slow, ignite, and attack their adc going in for the KI- no she lived 9-6_NA1-3011090283_03.webm
  7. I've been "catfished" 3 times and two out of 3 I preferred the irl version better, the insecurity and obsession with youth confuses me. The third used some kind of calculus equation picture angle I was not prepared for Tried the "its not you its me" approach by saying he'd be my third in a row tonight if we hooked up, after the expected tantrum as my cue to g2g, he then still didn't want me to leave. I notice the "eh that will do anyway" just to get laid applies to both men and women mingling. I'd rather stay home and blow up an ex's phone
  8. In my experience somehow its the person going those extra steps that comes off like the creep
  9. wouldnt have picked it myself and went along with someone else's pick. enjoyed it so much
  10. perfect update lmao. details or it didnt happen
  11. Yes, i get to pop your cherry on catfishing... I'll work on that intro later. In the online dating realm, catfish isnt just using someone else's picture. The most common tactic is the 3 years old and older, pictures of oneself. The "you cant tell from this angle/crop/photoshop" pictures. Because everyone know, there will always be a fish who takes the bait, sees the real life version from the online, and decides fuck it, its here now. The other fun part is the catfish hunting where you start analyzing pictures for the red flags, like this pic is looking really pixelate
  12. lmao. missed opportunity to cut to any recognizeable Jesse from the audience at the end there
  13. "White people blah blah blah" "Not ALL . THESE people so irational"
  14. next year "no more anything wearing us down. The company i got laid off from, formally BB LTD"
  15. What is your technique because I've been making demands to mods and speaking broken French to Diplo all 2 days ago to no avail
  16. at least kids would get candy out of it edit: I died by afk'ing out just to type this smh
  17. Seems like 2 different mindsets. The chaser one is making a noncomformist/counter culture stance deliberately, but ironically hurting themselves over rejection from sociery. While the surprise hiv one wants to hurt others as he was (in most cases unwillingly) hurt with this surprise hiv himself. I think someone who truly understands their pain would not want to inflict more / the same unto others. But hey, "consenting" adults. People choose to trust stranger dangers in the end.
  18. im defending a broader generalized stance in politics that government and society shouldn't pry on consenting adult's rights to voluntary smoke cigs, bug chase, play video games or whatever relief or gratification mechanisms they choose to take time out of their day doing. And consenting adults still might not be aware of whats best for them. Cant force change on the unwilling.
  19. you two are living in the 80s. On top of condoms, there are pills for both those who have and who don't to take that decrease the chance of getting it by over 90% you might hear someone say they are "positive and undetectable". And there are different forms of HIV, you can get yourself more infected, so HIV positive people should still play safe. Not a "bug chaser" Am a pessimist though; hope for the best while being aware the worst outcome can happen (not "will" like many think. mainstream view of pessimism is misconstrued). So 2 people I just met, one with herpes or
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