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  1. Actually PC would be off the charts. There are numerous pc manufacturers, so if you add up all their revenue and profits from the home gaming business market into 'PC' in this chart then the result would be the highest. It's obviously not even fair.
  2. It would have been longer had their stock value didn't tank by 30%. On another note: https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/22/23885176/microsofts-activision-blizzard-uk-cma-preliminary-approval
  3. It's a business. They'll probably give you full control by FF7 Reunion, coming for ps6 etc at this rate. And I'd rather they create a prequel to ff7 highlighting the Cetra's battle against Jenova than all these spin-offs.
  4. Man this Spencer dude is really pushing it lately 😂 We all know he wants attention and sales for Xbox/Starfield.
  5. Something tells me they themselves leaked all those emails and have made controversial comments on purpose along with releasing Starfield, new digital Xbox etc at this same time just to attract attention to boost sales.
  6. Something occurred to me... Whether Xbox goes all digital, or makes a price cut, what ever happens they lose. So I don't see any point especially if they don't have Activision.
  7. How much did they gross? Perhaps close or just enough to break even the production and marketing costs
  8. PC/TV/mobile cloud gaming will be the sole platform in the future. Then nobody has to worry about upgrading every few years, the manufacturers don't lose money for each sale, the environmental impact Will reduce etc . PC survives.
  9. There is no argument here. Any multiplat game is by default best on PC. Even if there are more bugs, the quick updates and mod community saves it 10x over consoles at a minimum.
  10. The 24 GB oc should easily last him until 2026-2027ish (next gen)
  11. I would think this is normal as you can only win the war if you know your enemy as well as yourself. Typical strategy from the Art of War text. Why wouldn't Sony execs have an Xbox and switch? Same reason as to why wouldn't Nintendo execs have Xbox, PS5, and Steam deck?
  12. Could be very true. Anywhere from March till November next year
  13. Actually I would imagine the 3 months exclusivity for PS5 would mean Rebirth making it just in time for a Super switch launch. They would want to sell both games.
  14. Well now I can't change my vote meh, consider it 3 and 3
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