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  1. Huge sacrifice when they are making more money than ever. Going to be funny to watch Switch brutalize PS5 and XBox in sales all gen.
  2. I don't like these kinds of games but can confirm this one in particular fucking rules. 👌
  3. 😂 The Spicoli era was classic. What an OG. The funniest part is he was never even real. Imagine the big 400 pound bodybuilder who he posted the same 3 pics he ripped of FB all the time living in the chatbubble with Jimbo for the last half decade People itt got duped
  4. You may upload a picture to imagur instead of coming into to damage control everytime I post in this thread Bitter bum souls
  5. It's definitely a terrible port. The guy says it gets worse as it goes on like Skyrim on PS3. Probably due to it being an obsidian game and the engine is archaic and not very scalable to weaker hardware. I would get this for $10 because to play it handheld because I don't even turn my PS4 on but $60 for this trash?
  6. Wow I totally missed this You and Liquid Remy still beefing?
  7. Damn I don't remember any of this. I really did a number on you guys.
  8. So how's life in the chatbox with Jimbo? When are you going to finally grace us with a photo?
  9. I'm sorry you got caught in the crossfire here btw. Didn't mean to insult you.
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