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Everything posted by SlavicBull

  1. Great counter argument. Mind your tongue. I know you've had a troubled life so I will spare you from slaughter this time. I am a forgiving God.
  2. This actually 100% true. The chinese believe a more a dog suffers in death the better it tastesFucking people
  3. What does that have to do with the chinese viruses killing millions of people? If you have shit on your toothbruth it's not harming anything but your sex life
  4. The Black Death, the Asian flu, Sars, Covid-19, h7n9 off the top of my head
  5. Bingo. These clowns are the ones denying reality and sticking their heads in the sand. bu bu idiot bu bu other countries did bad stuff too hundreds of million, killed by china, and they're still cucking
  6. Really? Do you want to go over the pandemics and epidemics that have come of china and add up the death toll or should I spare you the embarrassment now?
  7. They have literally killed hundreds of millions of people. Their problems with ecological sanitation have taken far more lives than the holocaust did.
  8. How many more people have to be killed by pandemics coming out of china until you're satisfied? Criticism is not racism.
  9. Their practices have caused the majority of major epidemics and pandemics in history. And no, we don't have live markets where an enormous collection of different species are killed together, and let their innards drip all over each other creating a breeding ground for pandemics responsible for killing millions of people.
  10. It's communist. They treat the environment, their streets and animals like shit. It's sewage infested. They dump insane amounts of toxic waste. They have dangerous live markets that are a hotbed for virus' and the government continues to support them until another major epidemic, then they close them, and reopen because they bring in tremendous revenue. Educate yourself. These are all facts.
  11. @Twinblade you can post a pic and edit out your head or something if you want so we can made further suggestions. Really difficult to tell where you're at. Ghostz could be of some help as well.
  12. He was already losing his facial aesthetics in his thirties This is what he looked like before he ruined himself with hgh acromology
  13. Osterine is a peptide with no side effects. It preserves muscle mass while you cut so your bf% lowers. With your genetics if you cut you'll probably lose just as muscle as you do fat and waste your time but suit yourself. Another strategy for you would be to eat at maintenance level calories and work out like beast to grow strength and increase your lifts. This will take extreme dedication on your part and very slowly push the fat out.
  14. That's why I'm saying your diet sucks. You don't eat enough calories. Almond butter is extremely calorie dense and whole milk is easy to take down a lot. Being skinny/fat is a problem though. It means you have bad genetics and have to use a different strategy because you probably can't handle that many calories without turning into a fatass. You should probably bulk up first and then cut using some kind of steroid or peptide. Bulk slow eating at a slight surplus until you put on about 20 lbs and then cut faster if you are skinnyfat using osterine. Drop about 10 lbs. Wash rinse r
  15. I bet your diet sucks TB and you are an ectomorph. Nothing trumps food for bulking, not any roid on the planet. I've put on about 100 lbs of mostly lean mass in the last decade. You need to eat a shit ton to grow. As soon as I introduced almond butter and whole milk into my bulks my gaining potential seems limitless. Also even without any equipment, you can build any upper body muscle with pushups just by altering the position of your arms. Try press ups.
  16. Should give you a little more insight into the Chinese virus Cliffs: It's all their damn fault
  17. Nothing to do with camera quality it's called lighting. First pic taken in my bedroom which has low level sensual sex lighting and blackout blinds. Video taken in the living area with massive windows and light flooding in towards the direction of the camera which is never good. Better question is why are you, out of the blue, in the photo album hating on a majestic beast like me in 2020, when a bitter bum soul like you has never posted a pic? I think you posted one and you looked like Blanka from Street Fighter or something and everyone made fun of you. You m
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