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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. This is what you do when you have nothing to play on your Shitbox? You scour the the internet looking for glitches on a great game? Damn, sucks to be a lemshit.
  2. @ghostz is getting his back blown out in this thread. What a fucking imbecile and masochist
  3. Messing around in photo mode. Jesus, her character model is the best and most detailed I've ever seen She almost looks like a real girl cosplaying Aloy.
  4. I took these pics myself since I own both versions of the game. PS5 Aloy on top and PS4 Aloy below. PS5 PS4
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/twitter-roasts-gamer-just-discovered-163325779.html Lemshit incels continue to embarrass themselves in front of the world, showing they've never been around or touched a woman in their entire lives. I've always known that all lemshits are incel weirdos but this latest incident confirms it. Who's willing to bet it was @ghostz posting from his sock account on Twitter?
  6. Nobody wants those pieces of shit, they are widely available for a reason since launch, FOH. If PS5s and Xbox Series X’s where in stock the shitty Series S would probably end up like XB1 Sad Edition. They can’t even run CP 2077 in 60fps at 900p or 1080p. Useless sad shit excuse of a console lol. The first two pics are Xbox Series S consoles available in my area. If they are this readily available in the States then they are practically dead worldwide since no country outside US gives a fuck about Xbox.
  7. Sad thing is that the Series S has now become the main seller for Xbox since the shortages and that shit is still readily available everywhere you go. Makes me laugh when I see dumbass lems talk about Xbox selling out when I can literally walk into any Best Buy store within a 10 mile radius where I live and pick one.
  8. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/ps5-sales-could-be-nearly-double-xbox-series-x-s-research-firm-estimates/ Where are the lemshits that said the gap was closing? This looks worse than last gen, Xbox is getting its back blown out. Care to explain WTF is going on? Combination of Halo and Forza wasn't able to do shit for them even with the shortage of parts helping them in regards to PS5 shortages. WTF is gonna happen when Sony is able to secure parts? It's gonna be another bloodbath this gen
  9. Guerrilla Games are just out here embarrassing MS’ first party studios. They made a fully interactive open world game with flying and swimming and it still puts the best of Xbox developers to shame. TLHBFR! Even the random animals in this game have insane work put into their detail. It’s a wrap, MS should just give up. I don’t see them ever matching this level of detail and this is pretty much first year cross-gen stuff for Guerrilla Games. Imagine what the likes of Naughty Dog and Insomniac will be doing for the later PS5 only games.
  10. Why can’t we see this with Xbox shitty games? Everything gets downgraded from the E3 “gameplay” when it comes to Xbox. Meanwhile with Sony Studios like Guerrilla Games we actually see upgrades. Left is the footage we saw last year at around E3 and the screenshot on the right is from the retail version of the game…
  11. I’ll keep my eye out for this. I’m a huge Team Ninja fan and I can already see the DNA from their work in TN on this new game. Hopefully it should be fun despite the cheesy dialogue lol
  12. I wouldn’t be so sure about FM8, Turn 10 did get their asses handed to them by PD the last time DF did a face off between FM7 and GTS, it wasn’t pretty
  13. It’s sad when you see fanboy reviewers. That’s what happens when MS gets their ass handed to them for a decade on Metacritic . These fanboy outlets pop up so that they can bring “balance” by underrating PS games and overrating Xbox’s dogshit games.
  14. The weather effects, sky box and lighting in FH5 are also miles behind GT7’s, don’t forget that
  15. These are indisputable facts! Fact of the matter is MS studios are still trying to top the first Horizon game from last gen while Sony has already moved into higher gear this gen. None of the MS studios are touching anything Sony has. You can just hear the way John and the other DF guys are gushing over Horizon 2 and R&C. You’ll never hear them speak that way about FH5 or any Xbox game. Next up is GT7 and then God of War before Spiderman 2 from the Insomnigods blesses us next year
  16. FOH, I don't have one either but I can google pictures and footage. What's stopping you from doing the same? Posts some screenshots to prove your point and stop being a chicken.
  17. Alright then, prove me wrong. Post a photo of a game right now on Series X that looks better than Horizon or Ratchet.......I'll wait
  18. Exactly! We are two years into the gen and we haven’t seen a single MS studio implement raytracing in their game. Meanwhile Insonmniac already have 3 games showing off RT and not only that they are showing it off at 60fps. All this while Guerrilla Games are showing off peach fuzz on their character model’s face while lemshits are still waiting for the tools to arrive so that the textures on Craig’s face can finally load in Halo Midfinite There’s no comparison at all.
  19. Forza Motorsport 8 can’t beat GT7 when even GT Sport raped Forza Motorsport 7 on much weaker hardware. Go home you’re drunk. Turn 10 are bums when it comes to graphics. PD completely outclasses them. For the past decade now Sony devs have been crushing MS devs when it comes to the graphics department. FH5 lost DF graphics awards to R&C in 2021, Gears 5 lost to Death Stranding in 2019 with Kojima using the Decima Engine. In 2020 it was complete assraping as TLOU2 took all the awards. I can’t remember the last time an MS game won one of these graphics awards unanimously.
  20. Another thread with @ghostz getting dragged TLHBFR! @ghostz In here working overtime doing damage control for this turd while attempting to shit on stellar Horizon, what a fucking retard
  21. This game is unmatched graphically, wow. And to think a few months ago lemshits were saying it had cartoony graphics and were comparing Halo and FH5 to it, desperate fucks . R&C was the console graphics king before this game arrived and now it has snatched R&C’s crown, very impressive. It feels like the graphics competition this gen on consoles will be mostly between Sony’s devs, MS is completely outmatched in this department. Only studio they have that is known for pushing the envelope in graphics tech is Playground Games and even they are outmatched by PD who isn’t
  22. It's probably why it only has 2 reviews and they both took 4 days after release to come out. I can't imagine being a reviewer forced to play this lemshit turd while my peers are playing HFW.
  23. Dat cope. Don't you have some nail polish to be buying in Halo Midfinite right about now? Halo is dead as fuck and no one seems to care it's "AAA" on Gamespot except for your retarded ass.
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