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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Damn, I forgot all about that. A huge disastrous turn of events for Halo and lemshits. No wonder they are so mad at Sony this week. Halo is a massive flop and Sony snatched Bungie from them to pour salt on their wounds.
  2. I remember lemshits thinking the combination of Halo Infinite/FH5 on GameAss along with Series S would propel them to an early victory, well that backfired
  3. Yea put a fork in it. 343 did what Guerrilla Games couldn’t do during the 360 generation with KZ2 and 3, they finally killed the Halo franchise Ironic when you consider lemshits used to laugh at KZ2 for not being to outsell Halo and they called that series a flop franchise. Guerrilla have grown over the years and created a new IP that is destroying Halo in sales while Halo is the one struggling to stay relevant now
  4. All this salt because Horizon Forbidden West sold 20 million while Halo Midfinite and Forza flopped Even old ass Miles Morales is killing those two dead games on the chart. MS has to give them away for free and still nobody wants them LMFAO!
  5. LMFAO! Halo dropped off the face of the Earth and even below Flopza Horizon. Look at how an old ass game like Miles Morales are still in the top 10 a year after launch as Halo is abandoned Even a re-release of a 4 year old God of War on PC is wrecking Halo Midfinite in the charts
  6. 14 million people paid $20-60 to play GT Sport. 18 million people booted Flopza on a subscription app for $1/month through their box of Pringles, they aren’t the same thing. You can cry till your eyes fall off but GT is far more popular than any Flopza game will be and the sales numbers prove it. It’s why MS doesn’t share actual Flopza sales and hides behind GamePass boot ups.
  7. Free copies aren’t counted. The game was already more than 15 million sold on PS4 alone before they started giving away free copies on PS4 and releasing it on PC. You can’t include a free copy in sales numbers, that’s not how it works.
  8. Forza is free with GameAss, you actually have to buy GT Sport to play it you fucking imbecile
  9. You’re a moron, the video I posted confirmed 14 million players for GT Sport which is closer to its actual sales since it’s not free in a service like Flopza Horizon. FH5 had 10 million people try it mostly from GamePass and that number has since dwindled since the game has been abandoned on PC.
  10. FH5 already flopped you retard . it debuted at no. 4 on NPD the month it launched and fell to no.16 the following month. it's the reason MS is leaning on reporting players through GamePass because it doesn't sell on its own. As for attach rate Forza is available on a 200 million PCs and about 50 million Xboxes and it still falls short of GT Sport (a spinoff) available on PS4. FH5 is going to get slaughtered by GT7 just like every other GT game has slaughtered Forza in sales.
  11. Yea and it’s still by far the most popular racing sim on the planet. You really comparing a racing sim like GT to a family friendly social simulator like Animal Crossing in sales? Is this how desperate you’ve become? Why don’t you put it up next to Flopza Motorsport so that we can compare sales of games in the same genre? Fucking retard
  12. I’m definitely gonna give gyro aiming a try with Forbidden West. This is good news.
  13. I believe this may be the case as well. If I recall correctly, the Wii was also selling gangbusters too before it suddenly dropped off on NPD as well. Could this be a trend going forward? Only time will tell but it’s very strange to see Switch dominating all these months and then start losing to the other two new consoles all of a sudden.
  14. You fucking retard, PlayStation was the top selling hardware by both unit sales and dollar sales. It's weird but Nintendo was last place last month according to this report.
  15. https://www.goodwood.com/grr/race/modern/2021/4/the-six-best-selling-racing-games-of-all-time/#:~:text=Gran Turismo – 85 million copies&text=Over 85 million units of,The Real Driving Simulator' motto. These numbers are even outdated for GT since it's based on info from 2 years ago. We had confirmation yesterday that GT Sport has 14 million players. that's more than any flopza game and that's definitely more than dead Halo infinite.
  16. Gran Turismo is 25 years old. You really suck at this and are exposing how much of a butthurt retard you are…
  17. I’m usually not into cinematic trailers since I prefer real-time rendered or gameplay trailers but latest trailer seems to suggest she can fly the robotic dinosaurs at the end. When you couple that with the fact that a recent Chinese review that was taken down suggests that she flies them I think it’s pretty safe to say HFW has flying mounts. This would be incredible if it’s the case since we know from interviews that Guerrilla originally wanted to have flying in HZD but couldn’t due to hardware limitations of the PS4. It seems that they may have somehow overcome the hardware lim
  18. The salt has affected you so much that you are comparing a 21 year old Nintendo franchise like Animal Crossing to a new IP like Horizon. You can literally taste the salty tears in his posts especially since he can’t compare any Xbox game to Horizon since Horizon as a new IP is way more successful than anything MS has put out in the last two decades. His desperation has now forced him to hide behind Nintendo franchises that are decades old lol….pathetic.
  19. What an incredible success and this is especially amazing when you consider it’s a new IP. I can’t wait for Forbidden West next week, it looks way better than HZD graphically and from a gameplay perspective too. I expect it to easily shatter HZD’s sales during its lifetime. In before crying lemshits who will try to compare 20 million HZD copies sold to 20 million people trying Halo Infinite’s dead F2P servers….
  20. They haven’t posted a new figure on the site since 2018 but the new figure we are getting now is from a presentation that was made this week you fucking retard. It’s what this entire thread is based on. WTF is wrong with you and reading comprehension? Oh, I know what it is…
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