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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Tell that to your boyfriend Lemij, he's the on that made this shitty thread. I agree both consoles suck at esports but ShitBox sucks even more than the PS5 and that's my point. At least PS5 is taken seriously in the fighting game community as the esports system of choice for EVO. Sony can also claim that GT is an olympic sport. What can ShitBox claim? Fartza and Gears both dead in the esports scene and nobody plays Gaylo Midfinite
  2. Top ten of where? Your ass? Post a top 10 sales chart with Fartza and Shitlo Infinite Both games completely flopped out of any top 10 the month after they released
  3. Yea it’s a joke because Fartza completely failed at esports
  4. https://olympics.com/en/news/compete-have-fun-and-enjoy-the-motor-sport-event-at-the-inaugural-olympic-virtua Do you even believe the horse shit that you type? When was the last time Shitbox was ever part of a pro gaming event? Gran Turismo is licensed by the FIA and is an Olympic sport and PS5 is the official EVO console. Meanwhile on ShitBox... https://www.overtake.gg/articles-columns/feature/forzarc-why-did-forza-esports-fail/ https://esportsinsider.com/2022/03/gears-of-war-esports-end/#:~:text=The Coali
  5. Make a list like that for Xbox and I bet not even one Xbox game will make the top 10. There are two Sony games on the top 10, you can't say the same for any Xbox game on ShitBox top 10. All you clowns play is COD and multiplats. You've successfully owned yourself with this post. Both you and Lemij are retards and can't even see how you are destroying your whole arguments when you post
  6. I like how Lemij simply skipped the part of the article where Sony is projecting they’ll make a record $28 billion in revenue this fiscal year. They are projecting that high because they plan to ramp up shipments ASAP going forward. The period of grace for ShitBox is about to end and sales will stop mattering very soon for you clowns.
  7. This is all I could see in your reply to madmaltese. So much cope and spin. Fact of the matter is ShitBox gets raped in sales anytime PS5s are in stock. At no point in this gen or last gen has Xbox ever been more popular in any region. Playstation is simply way more popular and the only chance Shitbox has to outsell it is when it's no longer in stock. You already know the damage control and spin is coming. We've been here may times before when it comes to lemshits. Sales only matters when Shitbox wins a month.
  8. Looks like the party for lemshits is already over starting last month in the UK at least. The Sony numbers in the OP are from March. Lemij on suicide watch as ShitBox continues to sleep in last place
  9. All these PS5 shortages and Series S consoles everywhere and Xbox is still last place . Gonna be a complete slaughter later this year when Sony gets their shipments back up. This was the one opportunity for ShitBox to close the gap and they are still 6 million units behind despite the fact you can’t find a PS5 anywhere and Xbox Series L consoles are gathering dust on shelves.
  10. Claims I’m stupid and is doing and saying everything in this thread to avoid Xbox’s DRM issue. Numerous posts of gamers complaining that they cant access their games since Friday, publications reporting on it, and we have you here lying through your teeth that it’s been repaired. WTF are you even trying to say here Lemij? What the fuck does all the damage control you’ve been doing in this thread since Saturday have to do with Xbox’s aggressive DRM? Nothing you’re saying right now is helping your case that you aren’t a lemshit. You’re doing personal attacks and desperately talking abo
  11. It’s not fixed you dumbass, they lied. It’s still down for a lot of gamers even though they were claiming they fixed it earlier… Who said anything about it affecting everyone? You are damage controlling right now you fucking clown lemshit. You are doing personal attacks and trying to change topics, you’ve been doing that since your first post in this thread. Discussing anything but the issue at hand. You have zero integrity and you are fucking idiot that can’t even be honest with himself and own what you are. Hiding behind PC and pretending to be a hermi
  12. GT7 was one game on Playstation that was down for approximately 24 hours and lemshits like Lemij wouldn’t shut up about it, and now we have a much worse situation on Xbox where people can’t access their entire library at all for 4 days thanks to a system level DRM and the idiot hypocrite is desperately damage controlling for MS. You can’t make this shit up The clown has zero self-awareness and he’s wondering why everyone calls him a lemshit
  13. Hilarious thing is that no one plays fighting games on Xbox so even with its “reduced latency” it’s not gonna matter because everyone that’s serious about fighting games plays them on Playstation since PS5 is the official EVO console. Another epic backfire thread from Lemij
  14. Xbox DRM bullshit entering its fourth day as lemshits on SW continue to bury their heads in sand..... https://twitter.com/eaphen/status/1523462945417863168?s=20&t=wctnhb_jAbLC9OKB0CZexQ
  15. Lemij is first in line for the ass ramming from his Xbox daddy Phil.
  16. Nice try, you're pulling that 99.9% figure straight from your ass. MS wouldn't be putting out those tweets if it was up for 99% of people like you claim. It's still down for a lot of people and we are about to enter the third day
  17. Backfire post. It’s not 100% fixed yet and there are still issues
  18. He’s writing full blown multi-paragraph essays trying to damage control . He actually thinks he’s convincing anyone he isn’t a lemshit.
  19. By what standard? Price? No. Number of players? No. Speed of downloads? No. Reliability? No. that’s some fucking lemshit Copium right there.
  20. Talking about Copium: https://www.google.com/amp/s/gamerant.com/xbox-live-down-more-than-psn/amp/
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