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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Perfect illustration of Copium right here. You lemshits have the lowest completion rates for your games and lowest sales. Why are you even trying to deny a well known fact that you lemshits don’t play or buy games?
  2. Proves they don’t play games. They are too busy arguing on the internet and blowing Phil and corporate dicks on Twitter
  3. Damage controlling idiots, it’s still down for a lot of people
  4. Thanks for proving you got no comeback to MS fuckups. I thought you said you aren’t a lemshit but here you are trying to derail a thread that is discussing a legitimate problem that MS has. You lemshits just 2 months ago were giving Sony shit over not being able to play GT7 and here with MS the entire library can’t be played and you are doing free damage control for them. No integrity or accountability with you lemshits and that’s why Xbox is always last every gen and the joke of the gaming industry. They keep fucking up every gen because they know you clowns will eat whatever shit the
  5. Oh, that’s cute, little lemshit had his feelings hurt and ran straight to MS Paint
  6. He’s desperately trying to deflect ”Xbox is being criticized…quick, try and change the subject!”
  7. Lots of Xbox gamers on Twitter are furious as an Xbox outage has locked them out of games they bought including single player games for almost 24 hours now. Remember when lems were making fun of cows because of GT7’s online only issues? Well it turns out that every Xbox game suffers DRM issue and for whatever reason the lemshits on this forum aren’t bringing this up. Typical lemshit bullshit of pointing at the speck in Sony’s eyes while they have a log of shit in their eyes. Total hypocrites and clowns
  8. Nah, just reporting news. I have no stake in this, regardless of how shit turns out PS will always get FF games. This is just some shit that has been gaining traction in gaming news I don’t see Sony making the FF or any SE games exclusive to PS platform if they buy them. I still see SE games launching on PC and Switch. The only platform that would probably miss on SE games would be Xbox but lemshits don’t buy any games so who cares
  9. Yup it would be massive for Sony and frankly it makes a lot of sense. Sony has come to depend a lot on SE over the years and the same with SE. I don’t think Sony wants any chance of them being bought off by a company like Tencent or MS (lol, never gonna happen with MS)
  10. It might explain why SE was selling off their western studios. Sony probably wasn’t interested in those IPs like Tomb Raider especially since they already own the superior Uncharted franchise. I guess we’ll have to wait and see but he’s a pretty credible source. If he’s hearing stuff there’s a good chance that Sony is buying them.
  11. Another GamePass fodder. Lemshits were hoping this would be their bootleg Ghost of Tsushima TLHBFR
  12. What a total shit show. Lemmings are avoiding this thread like a plague to no one's surprise. I'm gonna LMFAO if this deal doesn't go through because Phil and Bobby Kotick decided on a shady way to secure it.
  13. …and that shit is still fucking dead TLHBFR!!!!
  14. Another lemshit backfire thread. Damn, they aren’t taking this PS5 VRR news well at all. We tried to warn them when they went hyping VRR as the the thing that would save ShitBox from mediocrity but they wouldn’t listen. Now PS5 has it and everyday we see meltdowns and backfire threads from them
  15. Nintendo Switch Sports and Lego Star Wars are no.1 and 2 respectively and that’s great but look at who’s climbing back up in the charts after lemshits said they were dead . Same shit that happened with Spiderman Miles Morales is happening with Horizon and GT7, they both have a lot of legs. Elden Ring obviously is a bigger release since it’s on multiple platforms but it’s crazy to see HFW and GT7 still fighting it out in the top 5 where there isn’t a single Xbox exclusive in the top 10 (or top 20 for trust matter 🤣). WTF are lemshits playing? Are they all pl
  16. True, they still look like ass though even for a year old build. GT Sport on PS4 shits all over this.
  17. I didn’t buy any cards, changed my mind after I realized they weren’t gonna be offering a large selection of PSP games. I still own all my PS1-PS4 consoles so the backwards compatibility of premium doesn’t interest me at all. Luckily I didn’t stack shit because in the end I decided it wasn’t worth it. Premium doesn’t give me access to anything I don’t already own other than a small selection of PSP games and that’s why I ultimately decided to stick with my current plan. I still own and operate all my old PS consoles. LMFAO at the desperation of you going back 2 months
  18. https://www.resetera.com/threads/next-forza-motorsport-xbox-one-leak.578585/ Is this your King lemmings? This is supposed to be the GT7 killer? Looks like a PS3 game, WTF? Now we know why Forza Motorsport 7 never had a pit crew, Turn 10 sucks at making them WTF is this shit?!…
  19. Makes sense a pauper like @ghostz is mad over this. Imagine getting mad because you can’t take advantage of a loophole to scam a company. Couldn’t be me. Sony already told us what the deal was with PS+ and I kept my basic PS+. They said the service isn’t changing for people like me and that’s exactly what I wanted to happen. Why would I be faking outrage over a nothingburger like this? Only lemshits that are used to exploiting ShitPass for a $1 would see this news as something to get mad over.
  20. Lemshits hiding behind Switch because they know ShitBox will stay in last place forever
  21. Where have we seen it? Does it run on your Xbox Series L? Last time we saw RT on ShitBox it was getting pulled out because it ran like shit. DF only saw it running on a devkit not the actual console you dumbass, that's different from running on the actual console Fact of the matter is Xbox doesn't have a single game that runs with RT at above 60fps despite all the bullshit MS was hyping in 2020. You mentioning Minecraft's more advanced RT on PC doesn't excuse Xbox not even getting reflection based RT or shadow based RT o
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