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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. That's the hope right there. I'll be very impressed if they manage to have that level of density in the PS5 version of the game (I doubt PS4 can pull it off). I'm personally more impressed by the underwater sections of the game. I can't wait to go swimming and deep sea exploring once this game hits.
  2. FOH, which other games are you talking about? I know your dumb lemshit ass isn’t talking about dogshit delisted FM7 and its invisible pit crew and toy car models . Per Digital Foundry:
  3. Damn. Hermits waited a year and half for this only to get a shitty port This is why I don’t do the waiting game, it’s too risky. I own a PS5 and PC so I don’t wait for shit. Waiting takes too long and in the end you’re still not guaranteed you will get a solid port of the game you’re waiting for or if you will get a port at all lol.
  4. It’s sad when the PS4 version of HFW running on a 1.8 Tflop console looks better than Halo Infinite running on a “12Tflop monster”. MS are just incompetent as fuck allowing Sony’s devs to embarrass them like this
  5. Lowest debuting Halo game. I’d say he’s dead wrong. What a fall from grace. Even the disastrous Halo 4 and 5 games faired better on the charts
  6. You need to ask Phil, he’s the one that said people would still buy games despite GamePass and now we are watching Xbox physical and digital sales tank thanks to GamePass
  7. Halo Midfinite is on tablets and cellphones through XCloud, XB1S|X, XBS S|X and PC. Fuck outta here with your bullshit excuses, they don’t work here . It’s funny you clowns come up with these excuses when it’s an Xbox game but have no problem comparing games sales for games that are only on PS4/5 to multiplat sales
  8. Fixed that for you with the actual scores. Hardly GOTY material like you are trying to portray. R&C you clowns call shit is higher rated and this is Microsoft’s flagship while Ratchet isn’t Sony’s flagship. Imagine if God of War or Zelda were scoring in the mid or lower 80s on Metacritic you clowns would be calling them flops but you clowns want us to make exceptions for Halo . If you take away all the pity 10/10s and 9/10s that Halo is getting from Xbox centric sites you and I know this shit would easily be in the 70s on Metacritic .
  9. Amazing shit, makes Halo Midfinite look like a 360 game. Sony devs are much better at showing off the tech of their consoles. Both Halo and this are crossgen but this is looking very next gen meanwhile Halo is out here looking like straight ass on a “12 Tflop Beast” while lemshits give excuses
  10. Lems do these type of shit comparisons all the time when it comes to Sony exclusives, and those are usually multiplats vs games on one platform, don’t give me that bullshit excuse Edit: it’s not four platforms for COD and BF, neither of them are on Nintendo consoles. This is three vs two platforms. Halo is on everything but PS and Nintendo consoles. COD and BF are on everything but Nintendo.
  11. Will definitely give it a go on Steam. I own it on PS5 and haven’t got around to buying the PC version yet. This should give me a nice opportunity to play it on PC before I buy.
  12. Halo got crushed by COD Vanguard and BF2042 in UK. That dogshit campaign wasn’t enough to entice most people to spend money on it. Dumbass MS keeps launching all their big hitters during the holiday to get rekt by COD and big multiplats. Forza Horizon 5 also got sent out to die as well. All for GameAss I suppose even though Phil claimed GameAss was supposed to increase software sales we see the opposite happening. If someone told me a few years ago that Microsoft’s biggest IP would be debuting at #3 especially during a year of weak COD and BF launches I would have laughed at them but here we a
  13. I think this game is overrated but I’m not mad it won. It’s still better than crappy Halo.
  14. The shit drops to 720p in 120fps mode and still isn’t capped at 120fps despite having to drop so low in resolution. What an embarrassment. Shitspace Engine strikes again
  15. Sony is doing free shipping if you preorder. The only L that will be taken here is from your clown ass since you don’t know how to do simple research before you hit the reply button.
  16. It’s like I keep saying, lems and Microsoft are still stuck between 2007 and 2010. Those were their best years, and they don’t realize the rest of the world has moved on and the 360 is ancient history. This is why I keep clowning them. Completely delusional fanbase being led by an out of touch and delusional company.
  17. You can’t make this shit up! So after fucking up with RROD MS is turning around and charging the lems they screwed with their own incompetence? WTF?! This is why MS are the jokes of the industry and why lemshits will always be the butt of jokes. No other company would fail and embrace their failure the way Microsoft is doing, not Sony and certainly not Nintendo. On top of that they are selling it to stupid lemshits that will probably gobble it up. Zero respect for their customers and absolutely no shame. “Hey, you guys remember that time we fucked up and sold you guys a piece of shit
  18. To be fair the company they sued was selling them for $60 so Sony’s official covers are $5 cheaper lol It’s also better than MS charging $25 for RROD posters
  19. Nah, Sony games look better than their first trailers. Horizon’s gameplay looked amazing and the visuals and animation actually got improved from the last time they showed it. Hellblade 2 wasn’t only a downgrade in graphics from the 2019 CGI, the gameplay looked ass and boring. Nothing but walking scripted events. They better shows some actual combat or something that’s worth a damn or it will end up being one of the biggest lemming ownages we’ve seen in a while. You can’t spend all this time bashing Sony for walking simulators and one of your biggest games is a fucking walking sim with zero g
  20. Anyone gonna talk about the obvious Hellblade 2 downgrade? I told you crazy lems that shit we saw in 2019 was CGI but you clowns maintained it wasn’t. To top it off the gameplay was a scripted walking simulator and we know how much you guys hate walking simulators. TLHBFR!
  21. Lemshits making five sock accounts to vote for this turd in a shitty online poll means nothing. It’s still a turd
  22. Isn’t that the same shit but even worse with Xbox? Every game on Xbox is best on PC day one, no exceptions. Aren’t the lemmings even more owned than the cows? At least cows have games that are on PS5 and some PS4 games that still haven’t shown up on PC. Do lemshits have that same luxury? Also how long did it take to arrive on PC, almost 4 years? Of course it should look and play best on PC after so long. I doubt any PS only owners are crying after such a time has passed especially since PS consoles are getting Ragnarok next year as well. I can’t name a single Xbox game that doesn’
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