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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Meh, PS5 hardware shortages are a bitch. PS5 will be dominating ShitBox as soon as Sony gets some stock. In other news, not a single ShitBox game on the top 20 YTD chart for NPD. Meanwhile Sony has 5 including games that are years old like Spiderman Miles Morales and GOW. And would you look at that….GT7 had the strongest debut for a GT game on NPD, much stronger than GT Sport and HFW is selling great. Didn’t you lemshits say those two games flopped? They are both raping Halo and Flopza that both didn’t chart in top 10 last year and they are only on PS consoles unlike
  2. More port begging from Begij. How else is he gonna play quality games if he can’t play last gen 5 year old PS ports.
  3. I can see a ton of people canceling their subs when they do that. They are losing one of the main advantages they had over regular cable. Nobody wants commercials on Netflix. Unless this is only restricted to some extremely low-cost tier it’s going to be a disaster.
  4. I smell a multiple page meltdown coming in…
  5. Yea it was a thing they were desperately hoping for. First time Shitbox got support for GeForce Now through the web browser the first thing lemshits did was try to boot up Death Stranding and it was blocked. They were hoping God of War would somehow be unblocked and that’s why they were rejoicing today only for Sony to also block GOW being playable on ShitBox as well
  6. Professional Port Beggar Lemij waiting till 2027 for GT7 and R&C to stream on GeForce Now What a fucking clown. Waiting more than half a decade later to play last gen Playstation handouts through streaming at full price even though he’s claiming now that those games are trash movie games. The height of desperation. BTW, GeForce Now PS games still aren’t streamable on ShitBox. Death Stranding was locked and now GOW is locked as well. Why would anyone stream this game on GeForce Now when it’s already available on Steam? Oh, that’s right, stupid lemshits wer
  7. I can’t help the fact MS or MS related stuff keeps having bad news. I’m just reporting the news as I see it. Cry harder bitchass Lemij, you sound deeply hurt by all of this considering you’re supposed to be a fakeboy Hermit. Fucking clown
  8. Price increase is definitely a factor. They also said increased competition from subs like HBO Max and Disney+ as well was the culprit.
  9. They said it’s because of competition and they plan to increase their content but I’m not sure that will be able to stop the bleeding. I honestly think they are reaching saturation point and with increased competition getting back to their old rates of new subscription is gonna be tough. They also wanna kick people off that are on shared accounts, I don’t know how people are gonna respond to that. These issues as well as the fact that they keep increasing prices every quarter, it’s not looking great for them going forward.
  10. Leave it to the retards at MS to find a new way to lose money at Xbox. Netflix with 221 million subscribers is losing money and yet MS thinks that this is the future of gaming and everyone will abandon retail to go subs only. ShitPass has been on the market since 2017 and still has a measly 25 million subscriber count even after MS gives out subs like free candy for $1 lol. No wonder they are trying to force ads into F2P Xbox games, next thing you know it will be coming straight to Shit Pass
  11. Height of desperation and fear. You are really trying to spin GT7 being at the top of UK charts and beating Elden Ring again as some sort of negative news for PS5 Damn, last place for 20 years straight has you lemshits completely delusional and celebrating non-existent victories during supply shortages, fucking retards. Acting exactly like DynaFlop
  12. LMAO! He’s scared. He prematurely made this shitty thread because he hoped the ShitBox was actually gaining popularity over PS5 in Europe of all places (lol), what a fucking retard. Like I said, I’m looking forward to you going into hiding for a whole week once Sony gets their stock up. You and Dynaflop are the same kind of retard. I remember him making similar threads on GS System Wars when XB1S had similar short lived triumphs over PS4. You lemshits are really nature’s retards and never learn from your mistakes, it’s why MS continues to screw you morons in the ass every g
  13. Dat Lemij shitty damage control. We saw the same thing happen with Spiderman Miles Morales. Doesn’t matter if there’s a bundle or not, everytime PS5’s become available more PS5 games sell because people don’t wanna play those games on PS4 and they are waiting for PS5’s to become available so they can pick them up. Xbox would be doing the same thing if they had any games worth bundling but unfortunately for them Halo is dogshit and has been abandoned by the masses. They will try the same thing as Sony is doing when Starfield comes out. I still remember when you retards
  14. Dumbshit lems keep owning themselves. They are the only ones that can’t see that people only buy Xbox and its shit games when PS5s are unavailable.
  15. Nice. I’ll get this even though I already own all the classic Sonic games.
  16. I’ve seen the same damage control from lemshits on Twitter too. What a fucking sad bunch. This is why Xbox is a joke and loses every generation. It’s got some of the cringiest and most pathetic asslicking fanboys out there that will take anything from their overlords.
  17. Microshit never innovates with games instead they always lead the way in coming up with ways to scam customers and make gaming shitty. They are the reason console owners now are paying to play online and they lead the way with microtransactions along with Bathesda during the 360 era. Now they want to turn gaming into an ad space for companies to advertise their shitty products in. We tried to warn dumbshit lems but they didn’t listen. Instead they were salivating at the chance to get Microshit’s games for peanuts without thinking about where the money to support those games and
  18. They are planning to go live with this shit during the third quarter of this year. Now we know why they can afford to charge a buck for GameAss because they’ll be bombarding lemshits with ads to make up for the lost revenue . Dumbass lemshits thought they were getting a great deal. Never trust a multi-trillion dollar company when they tell you not to bother where their money is coming from to support a subscription service. If a deal is too good to be true it usually is, TLHBFR!
  19. The @ghostz meltdown continues 48 hours later He’s cursing like crazy and trying to convince us that he’s not mad and we are the ones who are, LMFAO Pathetic.
  20. Yo @jehurey, he’s desperately trying to copy you and is failing hard at it This is so sad and embarrassing to watch. He’s completely and utterly lost it. What a sad meltdown lol.
  21. This whole act because Xbox Series L is dogshit and Phil raped you and took your money...holy shit I listed 10 PS5 games, you dismissed all of them because you had tears in your eyes and you're in denial because you got completely destroyed in this thread. This is your second meltdown in my thread in 2 days
  22. ghostz is completely beside himself in agony. He’s now calling me bodycount, when he calls me that, I know he’s really upset. I don’t even know who bodycount is but must have been someone that hurt him really bad before I started posting in this forum. Holding on to that butthurt for years and now anytime he gets hurt he has flashbacks to the deep pain he received at the hands of bodycount The guy literally sees ghosts of his past trauma, must be why he calls himself ghostz
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