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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Tales of Arise, Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut, Guilty Gear Strive, Ratchet and Clank, FF7R Intergrade, Death Stranding Director’s Cut, and Kena. That’s seven high quality console exclusive releases since Returnal launched on April 30th. You can’t make a list like that for Xbox, don’t even bother trying
  2. Looks boring and dated AF. What is this game doing that Destiny 2 doesn’t already do better?
  3. I did better than that, I listed exclusive games that were actually released after Returnal while your dumb lem ass is pulling games like Sea of Thieves from 2018 and multiplats .
  4. Fuck outta here with your “Games that launched on Xbox” bullshit. They launched on every platform you moron. You’ve had nothing but indie trash and multiplats for the last 12 months. This month is the only month since you bought the Series L that you’re getting some fresh games with Forza and incomplete Halo. Your Xbox has been gathering dust like every other Xbox around. Your damage control is sad and pathetic like your Xbox
  5. You listed a bunch of old ass games from last year and beyond. I’m asking what have you played that’s a new release from Xbox in the past 12 months and you’re listing multiplats and a bunch of flops from 2018 like Sea of Thieves
  6. I’ve played a lot more than I listed. If you’re gonna mention old ass games like Doom Eternal and Flight Sim I could list all the games from last year that I played too. The list I put up is only stuff that released this year on PS5 LOL @ listing old trash like Sea of Thieves from 2018 like it’s supposed to be impressive. Pathetic list. The only games I’d pay for on that list are Forza and Flight Sim. The rest are either flops or can be picked up for bargain bin prices.
  7. Lems need a safe space for Halo Infinite . Their soft hearts can’t take any criticism of their beloved franchise lol. After all the hype Halo has released and is still a disappointment. The progression system sucks ass and the gunplay and graphics are dated as fuck. I give it a couple of weeks before a ton of people abandon it. I played it and couldn’t keep my eyes open after a few hours. Felt just like I was playing Halo 3 of 14 years ago but this time with a shitty progression system. 343 don’t know what the fuck they are doing and the franchise needs to be given to s
  8. I’ve been playing Death Stranding Director’s Cut, Tales of Arise, Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut, FF7R Intergrade, etc . I have a backlog of games to get through on my PS5 and PC. Your Xbox been gathering dust since November last year and you finally get one racing game and half a Halo game this month and are acting like you’ve been swimming in games. What were you playing the first 10 months you bought your Series X 🤣?
  9. They are great. I’ve been playing GOTY caliber games like Demon’s Souls, Ratchet and Clank, Spiderman Miles Morales, Returnal etc. since November last year. I can’t wait for Horizon and GT7 in 3 months 😁. After waiting 12 months you have another Forza game and half a Halo game with shitty progression system and dated visuals. I hope you are having fun.
  10. https://wccftech.com/ps5-sales-double-xbox-series/ PS5 at 12.8 million and Series S and X and 6.7 million as of September 30th. According to a new console insight from the firm, Sony has reportedly sold through roughly 12.8 million PlayStation 5 units (disc and digital models combined) globally as of September, whereas Microsoft is said to have only sold through 6.7 million of its Xbox Series family (Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S) I thought the gap was closing. What happened lems?
  11. Deathloop Awards. The damn game is in almost every category and I couldn't be less interested in it lol. Is it that good?
  12. You hit the nail on the head. A majority of these lemmings are butthurt SEGA fans that will rather sink with the Xbox ship than admit Sony and Nintendo have completely wrecked MS. I used to be a SEGA kid too but after Dreamcast I realized there was no need being loyal to any company and I went where majority of the AAA blockbuster games were. Microsoft has been a haven for butthurt SEGA fanboys without the quality SEGA games and IPs. It was very obvious they were no SEGA once they started having HaloGearsForza on repeat during the tail end of the 360 gen. Now 10 years later we are
  13. Yea, I haven't played Halo since Halo 3 and I was shocked how similar this felt to the old Halo games. It's been 14 years since Halo 3 launched and these guys have barely done anything to move the series forward in a big way. It plays way too safe. While that may be okay in other genres I think it's dumb for a multiplayer shooter to play it safe in 2021. There is a ton of competition in MP shooters and people's attention spans are very low. If your game isn't doing anything innovative it will abandoned in favor of other much bigger shooters out there. I can now see why they made it
  14. I've played two and a half hours now and I'm extremely underwhelmed. I don't know what lemmings are seeing here but this ain't it for me. The gunplay feels slow and sluggish. I'm sure this was done to appease classic Halo fans but for someone like me that moved on from Halo years ago it just feels dated. The guns sound weak and the battles feel very small scale and tiny especially when you compare them to a game like Battlefield. The graphics are also very average and the game feels unoptimized on PC with a lot of weird stuttering. Doesn't look next gen in any way. I can see why Al
  15. I'd like to have whatever it is you are smoking OP.
  16. Great score. Especially considering it has no campaign. I can’t wait to play it next week.
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