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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. You can't make this shit up. They were protesting last year when Halo Shitfinite wasn't nominated and they went to bombard the Geoff Keighley Awards so that it could win a worthless "Fan favorite" award even before they played the game. 5 months later Halo Shitfinite is a flop with empty servers and the retard Lemij is out here talking about people not finishing games and meaningless awards when lemshits are the biggest culprits
  2. Let's do some research here. I decided not to use Steam stats even though I own Halo on Steam and you dumbass lemshits say Steam is now part of the MS ecosystem. I went to trueachievements.com and pulled the Xbox completion stats for Halo Infinite and compared them to GT7 which released last month and I also own. Let's see how rare the achievements are for both games. Halo's achievement on Xbox is sitting at a pathetic 8.96% nearly 5 months after launch.... https://www.trueachievements.com/a346444/bare-your-fangs-achievement and let'
  3. It has saving and a co-op mode now. It’s not as brutal as it was when it first launched. It’s very possible a significant number of people have beat the game by now. I mean if we are gonna ask that question about Returnal then what about even more difficult games like Sekiro and recent Elden Ring? “Gaming Journalists” are already proclaiming Elden Ring is their game of the year and I doubt most have even come close to half finishing it. Ironic coming from a lemshit like you. Weren’t you lems crying that Halo Infinite deserved to be a GOTY candidate, and 3 months
  4. Returnal is the big winner at BAFTA winning their GOTY as well as several other awards. Returnal wins best audio and best music. Returnal also won best performance for a performer in a leading role Ratchet and Clank Wins best technical achievement again after lemshits kept insisting it looked like ass. So now it has a BAFTA award for graphics as well as a GDC award for graphics and animation to add insult to injury to the stupid lemshits. Lemshits keep getting destroyed lol
  5. So Halo is dead as fuck right now and this is what 343 and MS are promoting instead. I still remember lemshits hyping this dogshit game to the moon before it launched. We aren’t even 6 months past launch and the game is already dead while 343 is out here selling nail polish and cookbooks instead of releasing co-op and new content for this trash.
  6. You lemshits are the only ones that didn’t see this disaster coming from a mile away. As soon as we saw Craig it should have been obvious to anyone that wasn’t a completely delusional clown that 343 was delivering a turd on a stick.
  7. https://www.gamesradar.com/staff-allege-toxic-culture-and-mismanagement-at-state-of-decay-3-studio/ A new report sheds light on the inner workings of the Microsoft-owned studio behind State of Decay 3, which is facing wide-ranging claims of sexism, bullying, discrimination of marginalized employees, and mismanagement.
  8. https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-senators-pressure-ftc-to-review-microsoft-activision-merger-11648741204 Four U.S. senators sent a letter Thursday to the Federal Trade Commission citing concern about Microsoft Corp.’s proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard Inc., saying the deal could undermine employees’ calls for accountability over alleged misconduct at the videogame company. Uh oh, lemshits better pray this deal goes through or they'll get laughed out of the internet.
  9. That shit died as soon as Sony and Nintendo left. MS don’t have shit to hype anybody up with. The last couple of E3s with just MS were a fucking clownfest
  10. You lemshits keep falling for their lies every time lol. The whole Minecraft RT update was a fucking lie they sold you clowns to hype up their dogshit Series L consoles. 2 years later not a single first party game on Xbox with RT during gameplay. The few third party games with RT on Xbox all have performance issues and the console choking under the strain. Meanwhile Sony has both R&C and the two Spiderman games running with RT at full 60fps and are regarded as the benchmark for RT on consoles I keep saying it all the time either MS lied about the specs o
  11. Microsoft mismanaging studios has become a meme at this point lol.
  12. Either way they still print money because unlike ShitPass everything is all profit with PS Plus. If you look at their revenue from Playstation, PS Plus and PS Store are their biggest money makers. They made the wise decision to merge PS Now and PS Plus together to make even more profit. GameAss hasn’t made a dime for MS in all the almost 5 years it’s been out and there’s no sign it’s making any money soon especially now that they went ahead and bought Activision and Bathesda for billions. If anything GameAss has a higher chance of its price increasing than PS Plus, you didn’t think
  13. It’s hilarious watching them get all triggered and butthurt because Sony won’t follow Microsoft and their foolish business model born out of desperation to sell games. The only people complaining about the new PS Plus are lemmings. Cows don’t give a fuck as it’s pretty much the same shit we’ve had for years with the exception of adding PSP games to the service and dropping the price to access PS4 and PS5 games with the mid-tier option. GameAss is underwhelming and lacks AAA games worth a damn. 5 years in the market and they’ve only had 25 million subs, pretty pat
  14. The sad thing is that the idiot is completely wrong. You don’t stream PS1, PS2 or PSP games on the PS5, it runs them on the hardware through emulation. The only thing streaming is PS3 games. Anyway I own all my old PS consoles going all the way back to PS1. I don’t need a stupid subscription service to play them when I still own all my games and all my consoles. ghostz the retard keeps owning himself
  15. I guess this is what you do when you have no games to play, bumping weeks old threads, lol desperation at its finest. "TCHBO, Xbox will gain market share in 4 years and still be in last place!"
  16. So wait, it’s a one time thing? Makes it even more stupid if it is.
  17. ghostz the resident systemwars village idiot keeps getting tossed in every thread
  18. The math that Phil and all these delusional lemshits and media influencers have been telling us for the past 4 years doesn’t add up at all. They want Sony to skip retail where 96% of the money in gaming is made to put their super high budget games in a subscription market day and date that only makes 4% of revenue. It’s a completely idiotic idea for anyone with working brain cells and it’s why none of these idiots should ever run their own business. MS put all their games in a sub service out of desperation because lemshits weren’t buying them. They still haven’t posted
  19. Well it’s bullshit. I’m not using a VPN to susbcribe to Ugandan XBL to get a discount on GamePass. FOH with that shit. You lemshits can jump through all those hoops to save a few dollars to play Halo Midfinite, I won’t lower myself to that level of desperation
  20. Why would I wanna do that? That's fucking stupid. Jumping through all kinds of stupid hoops so that I can game like an Xbox pauper? All for what, Halo Midfinite?
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