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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. I mean this article states it here https://www.theverge.com/22992420/sony-playstation-5-variable-refresh-rate-feature-release-date Sony says it will also allow PS5 owners to apply VRR to games that don’t officially support it. “This feature may improve video quality for some games,” explains Sony. “If this results in any unexpected visual effects, you can turn off this option at any time.” A second option to apply VRR to unsupported games will be available in the screen and video settings on a PS5, and can be toggled alongside enabling VRR itself. Sony
  2. It’s pretty obvious that they have a hacked implementation for the games that don’t support it since it’s coming after launch. I don’t know why these dumbass lemshits can’t read and understand this obvious fact. Newer games will support it day one older games will need to be patched or they will need to use the system level implementation to use it. The only juddery mess is your Xbox Series L buckling when you turn on shadow raytracing in GTA
  3. No need for one because I don’t rely on stupid features as a crutch for my weak dying console. PS5 is already destroying the Series L without VRR and having VRR doesn’t mean you aren’t playing with lowered framerates, try again
  4. I wonder what you’ll do when they finally get VRR and you can’t use it to damage control terribly performing Xbox Series L games. You'll probably jump off a cliff Sad attempt at an early damage control thread from a devastated lemshit lol
  5. The Series L is a piece of shit and Phil lied. Every week we get a new game struggling on that dogshit console. Phil and MS should be sued for lying about its capabilities.
  6. The idiots are in denial and still waiting for the tools that will never arrive.
  7. Who didn't see this coming? MS mismanagement strikes again You don't take a dev team who have been making nothing but arcade racers and then throw them into making an RPG and expect quick results.
  8. Another one struggles on the Xbox Series L. At this point DF comparisons aren’t even needed anymore because it’s assumed the Xbox Series L versions of these games will always runs worse than the PS5 versions. 1008p LMFAO! Lemshits are still waiting on the tools lol.
  9. Look at the car you’re upgrading, shows you don’t even play the game. Its one of the “legendary” class of cars. They are designed to be ultra expensive and not practical for racing. You’d have to be a moron to buy one of those and start changing the engine and changing the body kits. Even if the payouts were good you’re still not supposed to change the engine and redo the body kit. Who buys a one of a kind collector’s item legendary racing car and starts changing the engine? Only a retard does that. I’m not even trying to defend the new stupid payout sy
  10. He says no one is playing it but it’s #1 on the sales charts. I guess people are buying it to look at the box art then which ironically is still more entertaining than playing Halo Midfinite and Flopza Talk about Copium….
  11. Pretty much the same shit here in the States. These new age lemshits aren’t really hardcore gamers like that and they hate spending money on anything that isn’t COD or GTA. At least in the past they used to buy Halo and Gears over here but lately they don’t even buy those anymore forcing MS to put all of those games in Welfare Pass to rent these bums. Lemshits are claiming this method of putting everything on a subscription is the future but anyone with a functioning brain can see it isn’t sustainable. You can’t sustain the modern AAA market with $10 monthly subs from a subscriptio
  12. Damn, he's already full on triggered! Grab your popcorn boys, it's about to be another 10 page thread now that he's found out GT7 is still #1 and still selling more than his precious Flopza Motorsport 7 and Halo Midfinite.
  13. I smell another multi-page meltdown coming from you since this thread has the magic words "Gran Turismo 7" in the title
  14. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2022-03-20-gran-turismo-7-retains-first-place-as-classic-switch-games-surge-uk-boxed-charts There were some new games in the charts. The highest new entry was Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin, which landed at No.8. 73% of the game's boxed sales were on PS5, 18% on PS4 and 9% on Xbox. And Lemshits wonder why Square Enix continues to ignore Xbox when it comes to Final Fantasy games. They are always crying for Final Fantasy 7 to come to Xbox and claim Sony is moneyhatting SE to keep it off Xbox but with shitty numbers like
  15. Nice joke. PS5 is my console of choice easily. With my PS5 and PC I don't need anything else and Xbox is a total joke.
  16. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2022-03-20-gran-turismo-7-retains-first-place-as-classic-switch-games-surge-uk-boxed-charts Gran Turismo 7 holds No.1 for a third consecutive week in the UK boxed charts, according to data firm GfK. The PlayStation racing game had a tough week, including an issue that made it unplayable for over a day and further controversy around the in-game microtransactions. Nevertheless, it continues to sell well at retail and held No.1 despite a 42% drop in sales week-on-week. It comes in ahead of Elden Ring at No.2, which actually rose a spot
  17. No, we aren’t celebrating in that sense, we are just laughing at you lemshits and your weak Xbox Series L console. Celebrating the Xbox being a piece of shit isn’t really necessary since we’ve know it was a weak piece of shit for a while now. It’s the fact MS and you lemshits were hyping power long before these consoles launched that’s funny. MS were the first ones to tout power and Tflops and now 2 years after launch the Xbox is still struggling in multiplats next to the PS5. Every single major multiplat this year has run worse on Xbox. You can damage control GTAV all you want b
  18. Dude has been bookmarking for the past decade and Xbox is still a flop . He probably has 1000 posts bookmarked lol.
  19. The retards were wrong as usual. It’s almost like lemshits are cursed, the direct opposite of what they predict always ends up happening
  20. It has shadow raytracing. Read the article I posted. The game drops to 30-40fps on Series X when you turn on Performance RT mode. It stays 99% locked 60fps on PS5 with that setting on but on Series X it buckles and Series S doesn’t even have RT at all because it’s too weak. MS flat-out lied when they hyped up the capabilities of the Series S and X consoles. They should actually be sued for bullshit like this but gamers are weak and stupid so they’ll get off and do this again next gen.
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