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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Laughing like the retard he truly is. Do you even play driving sims? Cars don't change much in 5 to 6 years so it doesn't make sense to milk driving games the same way MS does almost yearly. Flopza Horizon 5 could have easily been DLC to FH4, same shit with Flopza Motorsport 6 and Flopza 7. MS successfully convinced you clowns that you should want their driving games to release almost yearly like it's an EA Sports game or something. No wonder Flopza games have zero staying power and are complete failures in the E-Sports sce
  2. Hell yea! I played GT Sport for 5 years, the online was amazing and was turned into an Olympic Sport for a reason. Unlike Flopza Motorsport with its shitty driving and multiplayer, GT games have excellent multiplayer with best in class physics for console sims along with tons of updates/free content along the way. GT Sport was getting free content updates all the way up to last year. I like how your dumbass thought that was supposed to be some kind of insult. There’s a reason GT games have long legs and end up selling millions of copies unlike Flopza that is abandoned wee
  3. Was that supposed to be a comeback? Do you realize you just selfowned hard and admitted MS is milking Flopza games ? All that milkage and all it takes is one GT game to make people forget Flopza exists
  4. GT is his trigger game. Mention GT and the retard goes into a full blown meltdown The knowledge that one GT game outsells an entire generation of Flopza games combined is too much for him
  5. GT Prologue was immensely successful and outsold Halo and Flopza combined tho’. What’s your point here ? You admitting GT7 is more successful than Gaylo and Flopza?
  6. I also remember when he said Miles Morales was a flop and it was raping Halo Infinite in last month’s NPD despite being a 2020 game. The retard is always wrong
  7. 5th best selling GT will still outsell Flopza and Halo combined seeing as how GT Sport alone has outsold all the Flopza games combined released in the last decade and this is tracking ahead of it. Did Flopza Mororflop or Halo Midfinite even chart?
  8. Wow, he wrote a whole meltdown essay Better to realize my own mistake and own up to it than be the moron that doesn’t know that 100% increase means double the sales. What a fucking imbecile. On top of that, he had to be told multiple times he was wrong as he was doubling down on his shitty math
  9. Point to me where I claimed it was up 130% you retard, I'm waiting This is what I said..... The original math I came up with assumed the split for GT Sport was 50/50 when I came up with 157% increase for GT7. I corrected myself when I realized my error in making such an assumption since we don't actually have hard numbers on GT Sport. Where the fuck is your blind retarded lemshit ass getting 130% from?
  10. Damn, he's having a full blown meltdown because his retarded lemshit ass was exposed in this thread for not knowing how to do simple elementary school algebra. If your mistake was a simple mistake like you claim you wouldn't have doubled down on it like you so foolishly did initially in the thread. I had to break it down for your retarded ass multiple times and even @madmaltese chipped in before you admitted you were wrong and even now you're still pulling numbers from your lemshit ass to "prove" that GT7 sold less than GT Sport What a fucking imbecile.
  11. Another lemshit meltdown. We don't know shit other than what's given in the data, anything more is baseless speculation. The only thing we do know though is that you're a fucking retard who doesn't know that a 100% increase of something means doubling the original amount
  12. Nah, we don't know how much bigger it was but the tweet confirms it was a bigger launch than GT Sport and that's what they intended to tell us with these percentages. To know exactly how much more we would need either percentage breakdown of GT Sport (which have never been given) or actual raw numbers which are never given nowadays. It could be 80% or even 158% more based on the digital/physical ratio of GT Sport and we'll never know since the data is insufficient to make any conclusions. The analyst did make it clear that it outsold GT Sport s
  13. We don't know if it's higher than 158% and we will never know lol since they don't give actual numbers anymore. Your "simple mistake" was the kind most people stopped making once they graduated middle school
  14. Dat lemshit damage control I admit I may have gotten ahead of myself and assumed the split between digital and physical on GT Sport was 50/50 when I did that rough calculation but it doesn't mean I'm wrong though since we have never been giving the digital/physical sales split on GT Sport. I may be right or I may be wrong, we will never know. One thing I do know for sure though is that you're a fucking retard that failed elementary school algebra Either way, GT7 outsold GT Sport and you lemshits have been raped https://twitter.co
  15. He’s doubling down on his failure Jesus, what an imbecile. Most people would have run away in shame after embarrassing themselves with simple elementary school Math like he did but not this fucking moron. Instead he’s still typing essays of bullshit numbers he pulled from his ass and still trying to come up with logic with his pre-elementary school math “logic” The whole math for your example is totally wrong because your sales split is wrong you fucking retard. You’re pulling numbers from your ass because we don’t even know what the sales split betw
  16. One big thing you’re missing idiot, is we already have the sales split for GT7. 57% of total sales were digital so your example with its wrong math are totally inaccurate and worthless here. 185% increase of 40,000 is 114,000 you retard not 74,000. If you actually paid attention in Math class instead of being a retard you would know that an increase of 100% is doubling the original amount. The shitty math you did here was increasing the amount by 85% and you totally ignored the 100% increase included in a 185% bump. I mean I knew you lems were r
  17. Oh you’re right about MS going after those Twitter types. I just find it ironic that MS has such a huge Twitter presence with Phil and his disciples constantly preaching the value of GamePass and Xbox being the best and yet it’s the place that gives the most complaints about Xbox.
  18. There is no ban bet to be made here you retard. I’m just reporting the facts in the article, so do the math. Last week when I posted only physical it was reported they were down 28%, this week we have news that they were up 185% with digital. Add both together and that’s an overall up of 157%. Jesus @ghostz you can’t be this much of an imbecile, the answer is already fucking there. How do you make a ban bet on something you are already wrong on?
  19. Well since physical was down only 28% and digital is up 185% the simple math shows that overall sales are up by at least 157%. Either way it’s still up. Hey moron, read the article again. Digital is up 185% and physical was only down 28%. Its overall sales are up not down you fucking retard I know you lemshits are slow but even that simple elementary school math can’t be too hard for now can it?
  20. https://www.cbr.com/xbox-series-x-worlds-most-complained-console/ TLHBFR! Electronic Hub noted that the majority of complaints about the Series X came from players unable to get their hands on one. Others criticized the design of the console, comparing the Series X to a mini fridge, while others expressed frustration over the difficulty in obtaining the spin-off Series X Fridge Microsoft produced as a result of the criticism. However, Electronic Hub theorizes that much of the ire directed at the Series X derives from issues with bugs disrupting the use of
  21. Well duh, it’s multiplat. It’s gonna have huge advantage in digital especially when you consider the PC version. Good news for GT7 here is that it’s sales are up 185% in total from GT Sport so lemshits that we’re hoping it would flop were dead wrong. It’s a big hit for Sony and when you remember that all the top games can be played on PS5 with PS5 having the best version of ER it’s no wonder PS5 is constantly sold out worldwide.
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