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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Nah, the perhaps was just diplomatic speak. You could tell they were floored by it. I've not seen any game make them drool like the way R&C did. Come end of the year it will probably sweep all their technical and graphics awards 😁. Insomniac are just that good lol.
  2. LOL, you're going to have till 2027 or later to get it on PC if Sony keeps following their plan of releasing only their last gen games on PC 😁
  3. Not this time buddy, not this time. You're gonna have to wait a little longer for that win because Ratchet is the current graphics king according to DF and most outlets 😁 I have no doubt that PC will eventually surpass it but it's gonna be a while.
  4. Damn, this thread is huge. Is R&C: Rift Apart causing this much salt in the Hermit community?
  5. It's going to be a bloodbath if Sony announces a show in the next few days. Can you imagine if Sony starts their next show with God of War Ragnarok gameplay? It's a wrap. Ratchet and Horizon right now are dogwalking everything MS showed at their conference. Hell you go on Twitter now Sony and Playstation are both trending a lot higher than Xbox and Bathesda even though they didn't show up
  6. 7 months into the new gen and they are still getting dogwalked by Sony's 1st party AAA games lol. I guess the devs didn't get the memo 😂. I love how the power narrative ended as soon as Sony started showing their games like Horizon and R&C. I don't see MS touting that power BS anymore.
  7. No firm release date either. Still listed as “Holiday 2021” after a year long delay
  8. It was all a lie. Don't get your news from Jeff Grubb and these Xbox insiders. Today proved how they don't know what the fuck they are talking about. They were all claiming MS was gonna purchase 3 studios (Crytek and even SEGA were mentioned as part of the potential acquisitions) and nothing happened. They also claimed we would see Hellblade 2 and Starfield gameplay with a potential release in Holiday 2021, that was a lie as well lol.
  9. On the day of Microsoft's E3 Press Conference Sony and Playstation are still trending higher than them on Twitter . No Starfield, no Halo campaign, no Avowed, no Hellblade 2, etc. It was snoozefest for me. Thank goodness Turn 10 came to save the day with Forza Horizon 5 or it would have been a shitshow. MS needs to cut down on the bullshit CGI and show gameplay. We bought these powerful consoles and PC graphics cards for a reason and it's not to drool at CGI, we aren't in fucking 2003 anymore. Overall I would grade the show a C-. Would have been a sold B+ or A
  10. At this point Phil and Nadella sound like broken records. Every E3 these two clowns make statements like this and yet Xbox is still the only console to launch without any 1st party exclusives
  11. Sony can get gamers to buy games twice, MS can’t get people to even buy a game once with their dogshit games . Phil sounds hurt. Not sure how this is supposed to be a jab at Sony. He’s indirectly complimenting Sony without realizing it.
  12. Playing it right now and it definitely deserves the 10/10. TLHBR
  13. I probably won't be using it but it's a cool feature nonetheless.
  14. MS has a serious management issue and it's not something that buying studios can help them fix. In fact, I think buying more studios compounds the issue. It dawned on me last year what a shitty state MS management was when we saw Craig. Think about it, someone at the top saw the state Halo Infinite was in and thought it would be a great idea to show it to the world. There's absolutely no way either Sony or Nintendo would show any of their biggest IPs in that kind of state what more their biggest IP. To then top it all they delayed Halo and had fuck all to r
  15. Friday can't come soon enough. A technical and visual masterpiece on display here and the PS5 is only 6 months old. Insomniac and Sony's major 1st party studios are insanely talented.
  16. Prove? You didn't prove anything, that's why you're the joke of the thread. This must be awfully embarrassing for you but there's really no need to lie to random strangers on the internet. You're already a clown and lying to us isn't helping your case
  17. Yeaaaa right, you're begging hard to play the game on PC and now claiming that you've already played it "yesterday". You're a total clown and idiot. You aren't fooling anyone but yourself lol. Pretty damn retarded you have to have a meltdown over this and start lying to random strangers on the internet Sad that a grown man has to resort to these childish tactics to cope with the fact that he got destroyed and self-owned in his own thread
  18. One of the worst threads I’ve ever seen. A port beggar out here pretending not be a beggar because a 2016 may be coming to PC by the end of 2021 lol. I enjoy playing on my PC about as much as I enjoy playing on my PS5 so I’m actually a Hermit/Cow if we I’m being honest but I’d be damned if I was rejoicing about getting to play a 2016 last gen game in maybe 2021. Who wants to wait that long to play old shit? That’s some beggar level nonsense lol. I’ll be playing Ratchet & Clank this Friday while people like OP will be praying and imagining it gets ported
  19. Yea, they were horrible. Those poor kids ☹.
  20. No surprise to see the fake Ratchet and Clank multiplat wannabe that Lems were hyping flop hard. Lems always do this to themselves. Gravitate towards some multiplat to go against a PS exclusive only for it to fail hard
  21. RE8 wasn’t on Gaypass. Lems won’t touch it. MS has conditioned Lems not to buy games smh.
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