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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Returnal getting co-op before Halo Midfinite
  2. Playing Metacritic averages when Xbox is still dry as fuck in 2022 You lemshits apparently don’t know how averages work lol. Of course your average is gonna be higher when you release 0 games
  3. Depending on budget and casting it could end up being good. I’m just not hopeful when it comes to videogame adaptions turning into live action. They usually end up being shit but I’ll hold off my judgment and see what they come up with. Afterall, Witcher TV series on Netflix ended up being decent so there’s a little bit of hope for a God of War.
  4. And all the shill sites like IGN and GS were giving this piece of shit 9s and 10s last year and talking about it like it was the return of the king, only for it be dead a few months later from lack of content . I’ve ever seen a major F2P Multiplayer game die so fast. This game was a shitty 6 or 7/10 at best and MS paid all these sites and YouTube personalities to hype this dogshit to the moon. I’ve never seen a major AAA first party IP handled this badly before. Especially one with a name like Halo that used to garner a lot of respect back in the day. 343 are complete and utter fai
  5. Nice try lemshit, Horizon was also #1 when it launched and from the article Horizon is the 3rd best selling game of the year, even ahead of GT7. The decline is due to this being physical sales only and also due to the fact GT7 launched on a Friday while GT Sport launched on a Wednesday. Weakass damage control even from you. Cows actually buy games and have no problem buying multiple games in a month going by the Elden Ring sales breakdown. We don't wait for shit to come to Welfare Pass like you clowns.
  6. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2022-03-07-gran-turismo-7-overtakes-elden-ring-to-take-pole-position-uk-boxed-charts Gran Turismo 7 is the fourth new UK boxed No.1 in four weeks, GfK has revealed. The PS5 (and PS4) racing game sold 28% fewer boxed units than 2017's GT Sport at launch, however, the data doesn't include digital download figures, and the digital market has accelerated significantly since that time. Download numbers will be released later in the week. 76% of sales was for the PS5 version, with the remainder coming on PS4. It is the fourth biggest
  7. Good. It needs more time for polishing. Looked rough when they showed it.
  8. Another day in System Wars where Begji is having a total meltdown in a GT7 thread. My thread is a monumental success. I got him and the other lemshits on System Wars completely triggered by GT’s success
  9. LOL, why don't you compare Mario Kart to GT while you're at it? Lemshit retard, this is the only comparison that matters GT7 is the BEST racing sim on consoles and I know this hurts you so much.
  10. MS doesn't post real sales numbers because they are too embarrassed to. But at least we have the gaming press to help us... It's not like VGChartz is far off with their estimation. Across 7 Flopza Motorsport games and 5 Flopza Horizon games, the entire series has only done 16 million. If anything VGChartz is being too generous with their estimates when it comes to Flopza Motorflop 7
  11. Sold so "fine" MS pulled it from the store and it didn't chart on NPD the month it came out Flopza barely broke a million and has been pulled from the stores LMFAO. Meanwhile GT7 is currently #1 in UK charts and has managed to dethrone a mega hit multiplat like Elden Ring and also dethroned Horizon Forbidden West. I like how you mentioned GT7 being down 28% and conveniently left out the part where this is physical only sales. The analyst even said physical being down was expected with the immense grow
  12. Still gonna outsell all the Flopza games combined this gen Why are you even talking about sales when Flopza Mororflop barely sold a million was pulled from the MS store ?
  13. I have a life you know and other games to beat. I'm also playing Horizon Forbidden West Unlike with you lemshits and MS, Sony didn't just drop one game and then abandon us for the whole year. They dropped SIFU, HFW and GT7 within weeks of each other. I've had my plate full with games unlike you clowns
  14. On the contrary. I've put in a lot of time already (18 hours). Taking some time off to own you lems. The game released on Friday and I've already put in 18 hours. Unlike you lemshits, I actually play games instead of Youtube and Twitter ...
  15. They did the same shit with HFW. They were posting altered PS4 gameplay clips and trying to pass them off as PS5. Total desperation. Some of them even went as far as setting the output of their PS5’s to capture low res footage The remaining 8 months are going to be extremely painful for lemshits if this is their plan to pass the time till Starfield 76 launches
  16. The digital foundry analysis killed him inside He kept trying to withhold the pain but he eventually let himself go with a full blown meltdown
  17. The lighting looks static and fake AF next to GT The skybox is a joke compared to what PD is doing in GT7 with real 3D clouds and simulated weather
  18. Aw yea, shit is fucking fire. Best sim on consoles by a mile . Flopza who? Coming from the forum resident village idiot like you, I take this as a compliment Your co-signing the selfownage of Mala and Begji is all the confirmation I need that my thread is a success and you lemshits are completely and utterly destroyed So much lemshit destruction in this thread that Mala had to come in here and lie about playing GT Sport then when he failed he called you two retards for backup
  19. Your butt boy Mala the Moron just claimed GT7 doesn’t have grid starts. I posted a video from GT Sport showing Grid Starts and then he backpedaled and claimed it was only for Arcade Mode even though the video I posted is clearly from Online Multiplayer . You have nothing to defend because he’s a liar that got caught spreading false information. I don’t give a shit what kind of setup he has or what sims he "plays", he’s clearly a liar that hasn’t played GT since the PS3 days probably. His racing setup has nothing to do with the fact he’s a lying fraud and clown just like you, cry harde
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