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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Your butt boy Mala the Moron just claimed GT7 doesn’t have grid starts. I posted a video from GT Sport showing Grid Starts and then he backpedaled and claimed it was only for Arcade Mode even though the video I posted is clearly from Online Multiplayer . You have nothing to defend because he’s a liar that got caught spreading false information. I don’t give a shit what kind of setup he has or what sims he "plays", he’s clearly a liar that hasn’t played GT since the PS3 days probably. His racing setup has nothing to do with the fact he’s a lying fraud and clown just like you, cry harde
  2. Right on cue, you came to defend your fellow lying lemshit, no wonder he tagged you rofl. ”😭 Come save me, FIREPOWER is destroying my ass in this thread!”
  3. It does rolling as well as starting grid, and you are free to pick whichever way you want in custom races. Your point that it's only available in arcade is a null and invalid point since the video I showed is from multiplayer where it clearly showing grid starts. You never knew it had grid starts because you never played it. Stop lying and pretending you knew it had it all along. You got caught lying you filthy lemshit
  4. This is not what you claimed originally... You basically said it has no grid start, period. Why are you changing your words now clown? You can customize the starts however you want them in custom races, your point is stupid and invalid. Just say you didn't know the game had grid starts because you never played it instead of lying
  5. You "played" GT Sport but somehow didn't know that the series has grid starts? You are either a liar, an imbecile or both .....
  6. Coming from the idiot that hasn't touched a GT since GT5, FOH you clown You are the retard that has no idea hat he's talking about. The penalties and Sportmanship rating prevent the 21 car pileups and shitty driving Flopza's online is notorious for Imagine claiming that penalties are a problem but being okay with this fuckery in a so-called racing sim Only a lem retard can make a claim like this
  7. LMAO, he's calling for backup I was talking about the option of controllers you moron. Of course with a steering wheel it still fucking owns the shit out of Forza thanks to it's much better physics. I like how you skipped the main topic I owned you at and went straight to racing wheels in a lame attempt to save your stupid ass. The game has grid starts while you claimed it didn’t and it’s multiplayer is still far superior to the dogshit multiplayer of Flopza. There’s a reason the game sits at a nice 88 on MC while Flopza is an 86. Flopza Motorsport is the one th
  8. It has grid starts as well but you would know this if you actually played the game instead of watching YouTube videos like a lemshit. That’s my problem with you stupid lems, a lot unsubstantiated claims and bullshit coming from your mouths instead of actual facts. When it comes to sims on consoles GT7 is still ahead of Flopza by a lot. The multiplayer is more realistic thanks to the driver ratings and penalties and the physics are a lot better. The game is also easily the best racing when it comes to using a controller because let’s face it not everyone wants to use a w
  9. Ultimately, Polyphony Digital has delivered three excellent versions of Gran Turismo 7. In common with other first-party Sony games, the PS4 and Pro versions are mostly identical - resolutions apart. And as the core engine was built for that generation of hardware, it's still a very good-looking game - and key engine improvements (such as dynamic time of day, weather, cloud rendering etc) make their way into all versions of the game. Comparing PS4 Pro to PS5 is almost like comparing a well-scaled PC game from its low/medium settings to high/ultra - with a sizeable resolution boost added too.
  10. lol desperation. comparing an arcade racer to sims. Why don’t you compare Forza Horizon to F-Zero while you are at it idiot The only comparison that matters here is…. Cry harder bitch
  11. You fucking idiot, GamePass only gives you the standard edition. If you want the extra airports included you have to pay for the premium editions of the game which cost $72 and $96 on top of GamePass. It’s literally in the photo I just posted from the Microsoft Store. How daft can you be? Besides, GamePass is not free regardless, you just owned yourself you dumbass. Quit now while you are behind, there’s no way for you to spin this you moron
  12. In what world is Flight Sim free? I just literally took these shots from my PC just now .... Jesus Christ, you're a fucking moron
  13. Yup, it's really pathetic Hilarious when you consider that even GT Sport had better looking cars than Forza Horizon 5. I'm not sure what point he's trying to make with this thread when GT7 clearly looks better than GT Sport in the comparison he's showing us We are still 8 months away from November and dude is already having several meltdowns every week
  14. Because you're a fucking lemshit and all of you guys worship that shit franchise. I've also seen you defending and promoting MS Flight Sim and like I showed above that game locks airports behind a paywall, FOH with your fake outrage you lemshit
  15. I sound like a 7 year old for wanting basic customizations that's the staple of every FPS out there? No wonder Halo Midfinite is dead, when it has morons like you defending it How is wanting customizations for your appearance a bad thing in a modern shooter? The idiots locked it behind a massive paywall and morons like you are spending $20 a piece to get armor customizations that used to be included for free in older Halo games
  16. They don’t impact gameplay. I can customize and drive whatever car I want without ever touching microtransactions. That’s not the same shit with Gaylo Midfinite, if there’s a specific armor or paint job I want with Halo I have to spend money on nail polish or $20 for it. It literally affects my gameplay especially if I wanna look different from other Spartans running around the map. GT7 doesn’t have this issue at all. None of the cars, paint jobs or liveries are locked behind a paywall and Credits are so easy to earn for anyone who isn’t a lazy Whale. Your fake outrage for GT7 is
  17. How does GT7’s microtransactions affect gameplay? Literally everything is unlockable in the game by just playing. There’s no skin or car that you can’t unlock by just playing the game. GT’s microtransactions are for stupid Whales that are too lazy to unlock cars like regular players. Halo’s armors are literally locked behind microtransactions, FOH you clown You think mentioning that Gaylo Midfinite is F2P will save it? When all that shit used to be included for free with older Halo games. MS now locks that shit behind microtransactions and tells you idiots to buy nail polish to ac
  18. Well, unlike shitty Halo Midfinite these microtransactions do not affect gameplay as nothing is hidden behind a paywall and you can easily unlock all the cars just from racing. Earning credits is very easy in the game and this is just for the whales. GT Sport had these same microtransactions and no one bat an eye. Shows you the clowns that didn’t play GT Sport that are currently complaining. Another failed @ghostz thread. Why don’t you go back to playing dead Halo Midfinite and it’s microtransactions cat ear helmets and armor paint that require you to buy nail Polish to unlock?
  19. All the mental gymnastics in the world won't save you Lemij. Xbox has had absolutely nothing all year, Elden Ring is the first worthwhile game to release on the platform and you lemshits still didn't buy it Cows that already have their plates full with Sifu, HFW, and GT7 were still able to make up the bulk of the sales. You can't dodge the L. Just accept it, YOU GOT FUCKING REKT.
  20. @ghostz is still having a meltdown and getting raped in his own thread I see Lemij decided to join his butt buddy as well in getting raped
  21. Nope, my thread wasn't dedicated to you. It was a new Elden Ring sales thread, had nothing to do with your retarded ass I only called you out on it because you made a complete idiot out of yourself in the previous thread damage controlling. This thread you've made dedicated to me has no news or information to give other than to inform us you have sensitive feelings that were hurt when I owned you
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