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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. What a meltdown! Desperately trying to deflect and turn the thread into a PC vs PS5 sales debate when I clearly state that this thread is about terrible Xbox sales.
  2. What an idiot. What does Steam Spy have to do with UK physical sales you retard? You ran in here to damage control PC when I clearly state these numbers are physical and PC is excused. The whole thread is about lemshits and their lack of buying games and your response is to post Steam Spy? This is why you are the biggest fucking retard on this site and no one takes you seriously
  3. Wikipedia is not a source you brainless imbecile. Didn’t your professors in school teach you that? I forgot you’re a moron with the IQ of a fish, you probably never attended any institution of higher learning
  4. Dat damage control from shit for brains Lemij, pulling statements from his ass with no links to back it up all in a stupid attempt to coyly defend Xbox
  5. So despite cows buying the stellar HFW the previous week they were still able to come out in droves to support Elden Ring, accounting for 80% of UK physical sales of the game. WTF are lemshits playing? For PC sales, the 3% is understandable since PC is overwhelmingly a digital market but Xbox is both digital and physical like PS4 and PS5 and its sales are in the toilet. Before @ghostz or any of the lemshit imbeciles come in here to damage control this news by somehow claiming that Horizon Forbidden West was a flop I'll post this as
  6. Go and take your meds you delusional retard
  7. The smoothest 40fps experience is on LBox is what you mean. In every way possible the ShitBox version runs and looks worse than the PS5 version of the game and your mental gymnastics and word twisting doesn’t change this fact
  8. Actually they didn't. It was only John that chose the Series L version with VRR for his personal playthrough not DF. The DF article was very clear recommending the locked 60fps PS4 version of the game running on PS5 to anyone looking for stable performance. The Xbox version looked and ran worse all around, the VRR band-aid didn't solve its issues only made them more tolerable
  9. DF recommended the PS4 version of the game running on PS5 to ANYONE who wants a locked 60fps but still said the PS5 version looks and runs better than the Series L version. Don't even try to twist their words you stupid lemshit
  10. He's working with IGN now and he does way better analysis than DF since he actually catches stuff that they miss. DF failed to mention the lowered res on the Xbox version of the game with the new patch but he caught that. FOH with your weak damage control "The Xbox version looks better and has vRr"
  11. Cry harder. The Xbox version looks worse according to NXGamer and STILL runs like ass, FOH
  12. Well it’s official, Ratchet and Clank won best graphics of 2021. Flopza who? All the lemshits that kept lying to themselves that Flopza looked better now have egg on their faces.
  13. That’s John’s personal preference not DF’s preference, the better version is still the PS5 version lol and they recommended playing the PS4 version on PS5 for locked 60fps. Xbox Series L and VRR was never mentioned as the preferred way to play by DF, that’s just shit you pulled out of your lemshit ass . Why would they recommend a version with the worst performance, lower framerate, lower resolution and 3 times longer load times? Another backfired thread from your retarded lemshit ass
  14. It actually isn’t. It doesn’t mask the shitty frames and input lag you will get from dropped frames. You are a complete imbecile for thinking VRR fixes the shitty Series L’s framedrops and lower resolution
  15. They had to lower the resolution on the Xbox Series L to improve performance with the new patch and it’s still not performing as good as the PS5. What a piece of shit console…TLHBFR
  16. X marks the flop, no one wants that dogshit console that can’t break the 50fps barrier on Elden Ring @ghostz on suicide watch and trying his damn best to damage control the situation.
  17. Another @ghostz thread epic backfire. This clown stays losing
  18. Meanwhile Halo Infinite has completely dropped out of the top 40 during peak hours on Steam…
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