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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Back to lying again about people ditching Horizon on Resetera when the posts in there show the opposite happening You don’t get tired of owning yourself. I’m still waiting for you to take on the sig bet you ran away from in the last thread . Where are those hundreds of people having issues with “broken” Horizon you claimed you could pull out of your ass?
  2. Are you fucking high? Coming from a desperate lemshit that has nothing to play on his garbage system till November ? if it wasn’t for From Software giving you lemshits the worst version of Elden Ring you wouldn’t have anything to play for the next 9 months . Cows are playing SIFU, Horizon, Elden Ring, Forbidden West and GT7 just this month alone while you clowns got Crossfire L, the worst reviewed game of the gen and the 48fps capped Elden Ring . it’s the other way around, cows are absolutely swarmed in games. GTFO and take your worst pe
  3. Another lying lemshit caught red handed You’re absolutely right, you can’t refund digital games you’ve already started playing on PS. I can’t believe I didn’t catch that lie. Sony’s refund on digital content is pretty clear. You can’t request refunds unless the game is broken like in special cases like Cyberpunk. Any game that you download or stream is ineligible for a refund. The shit head has been complaining and making up bullshit about a game he never even played. Probably never even bought it to begin with
  4. Lemme guess this straight, you refunded HFW so that you could get the worst performing version of Elden Ring that can’t even break the 50fps barrier on Xbox Series L and somehow this is ownage against cows?
  5. Plenty of reasons to own a good TV I agree but not many reasons to own a ShitBox . Either way you still get raped. It doesn’t have the best version of console multiplats and it still lacks exclusives worth a damn lol. You can’t wriggle out of this you retard
  6. No one is downplaying the benefits of VRR just saying that your Xbox is still a piece of shit regardless of VRR. People shouldn’t have to spend $2000+ on a TV to get good performance out a console that costs $500 and was claimed to be the most powerful ever. You are a clown and a constant flip-flopper. Whichever way you flip on this you’ve still be owned. TLHBR and TSHBR, so either way your cheeks are getting clapped
  7. Damn he’s having a meltdown now lol From acting like it’s a GOTY exclusive to Xbox to calling it a BOTW clone within the span of a few minutes, this is embarrassing
  8. Nah, most Switch games still run at 30fps, and Switch isn’t getting Elden Ring…TSHBO lol. Either way you’ve been owned. You can’t pull a turncoat here and pretend to be a Sheep when you are out here posting as a lemshit most of the time.
  9. Not bragging about just this game alone though. I’m talking about literally every single multiplat for a while now. A few days ago it was Cyberpunk, the Xbox Series L always seems to run these games at 10fps lower than the PS5. Whether Elden Ring is optimized poorly or not there’s a pattern here, the Xbox just can’t keep up with the PS5 and this is years after you lemshits told us there would be a 40-50fps delta in favor of the Series X thanks to 12 Tflops
  10. Still embarrassing for the “most powerful console”. Most of your lem brethren don’t have VRR TVs and even with VRR working aggressively you’re probably still experience some input lag lol. All this talk about Tflops for years and we still get embarrassing results for the Series L. Trying to cover up such terrible performance with VRR isn’t going to cut it. TLHBFR!!
  11. I’m an avid GT player and GT7 is making me feel more hyped than usual. Feels like it’s gonna be a very special GT game. I’m getting GT3 vibes from it.
  12. No one mentioned PC here, it runs like shit on Xbox and your ass is here acting like it’s an Xbox exclusive when Xbox gets the worst version
  13. Says the retarded lemshit who made a thread comparing HFW to PS3 games. Go take your meds and stop making threads.
  14. Why is Lemij putting in overtime work defending the Series L? For a dude that constantly claims to be a Hermit he puts in more work than most lemshits defending Xbox on this forum. What a clown
  15. Dat cope. All the 12 Tflops and you still need a $2000+ TV to get a stable framerate out of that piece of shit console. Do you lemshits get tired of owning yourselves? I’m seriously asking this question, not joking here. I can’t figure why a faction will constantly keep doing this to themselves. You guys are masochists
  16. Damn, @ghostz is getting completely raped in this thread. Is he trying to insinuate that VRR makes up for the framerate drops on the Series L. So everyone needs a $2000+ TV to get the same performance out of their Series L that a PS5 gives them at no extra charge? What a fucking imbecile
  17. Wouldn’t be a PSVR thread without Lemij embarrassing himself in it
  18. TLHBFR as usual . All the talk about 12 Tflops two years ago and PS5 keeps coming on top in all these face offs, what an embarrassment. Are the lemshits still waiting for the “tools”?
  19. I’m definitely getting one on day one probably. The lack of wireless is a bit of a bummer but it’s expected. For the fidelity Sony is going for with the PSVR2, wireless really isn’t an option. Latency and battery issues would damage the experience Sony is going for if they made it wireless. That and the cost would probably be too high. It’s not so bad anyway, just one cable this time instead of a stupid breakout box like with PSVR1. I’m sure this thing will get plenty of support from Sony’s first party, their 3rd party partners as well as PCVR ports. Looking forward to
  20. FOH you clown. You’re now playing chicken . You ask for a sig bet I give you one and you’re now crying because you don’t like the terms . I get to decide the terms since you requested one. You made some incredibly stupid claims and my sig bet is to ensure you can actually bring proof of your claims. I’m not trying to be nice here. GTFO if you don’t like my terms, I’m not making another one
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