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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Yea sig bet you find at least 500 actual owners TODAY of the game since you said “hundreds” were complaining about the game. I don’t wanna see you find some lemshit YouTube channel or forum on Reddit. I want people from a neutral website like Resetera or Neogaf complaining about issues they are having with the game being “broken” in your words. Not mild complaints, I mean some real “the game is so broken I’m gonna stop playing it till it gets patched or I’m taking it to the store for a refund”.
  2. Nah, I’m not running. I save ban bets for something worthwhile. You are obviously using it as a way distract from your epic failures in this thread. This forum has like 10 people posting in total. You getting banned from here won’t serve any purpose because we need a retard to laugh at
  3. Every game has minor bugs and performance glitches that need to be ironed after launch. Halo has gone through dozens of them. I guess Halo is a broken piece of shit too going by your retarded lemshit logic
  4. He’s now making ban bets out of desperation to cover up his being exposed as a lemshit no-lifer.
  5. What an absolute moron. So like 4 people in that thread out of thousands aren’t satisfied with the picture quality in performance mode and are choosing to play in Resolution mode? Is that your evidence that the game is broken? This is why you are a complete retard. Where do they say they are requesting refunds? Not a single person you have shown has asked for a refund. What a fucking imbecile. He’s spent hours combing through threads on Resetera to find a handful of complaints about image quality and that’s his proof Horizon is “broken”. I can do just about the same thing for ever
  6. Another shitty low subscriber count channel I’ve never heard of. IGN with NX Gamer and Digital Foundry are way more reputable sources and they didn’t mention any of those issues. You are looking desperate AF trying to shit on this game that looks far better than anything released on your shitty Series L . You’ve spent more time on this forum talking about Horizon than you did for Halo and Forza combined, dat desperation
  7. You mean lemshit trolls on Twitter and YouTube. No one gives a shit what they think, their opinions are as worthless as you are. Linking a stupid random lemshit on YouTube with 7 subscribers and 0 likes doesn’t prove anything. You clowns come out with microscopes for PS5 games but ignore shit stain games like Halo Infinite that looks like a 360 game and Crossfire L’s infinite bugs. You said Resetera and you were caught lying, FOH you salty clown
  8. You said and I quote, “It’s reLly wild reading resetera and seeing people requesting refunds ...” now you’re switching it to shelving the game. Which is it you stupid fucking retard? Not one person in the thread you linked has requested a refund.
  9. PS5 and maybe PC later if the PC version is good.
  10. Your link shows literally ONE guy saying he's having problems and everyone is laughing at him. Not even one mention of a refund at all even from the guy complaining. You are fucking retard that keeps owning himself around here. This a sad cope thread made because you lemshits are mad about the positive reactions Horizon is getting while you clowns have nothing to play but Crossfire L till Starfield 76 launches.
  11. It’s quite hilarious. He’s not the only one, I’ve noticed other lemshits and clowns on Twitter making podcasts and entire Twitter spaces to Horizon. I’m like why the fuck do these idiots not put the same effort towards discussing MS games and then reality hits me and I realize why lol. And people wonder why Halo Infinite was a flop and other MS exclusives haven’t been selling well. it’s because lemshits are too busy buying and talking about Sony games instead of supporting their own games, pathetic fucks
  12. I post on Resetera and I haven’t seen anything of the sort. In fact, there’s too much praise for the game there. One or two disgruntled clowns claiming to have issues on the game doesn’t reflect the vast majority in there who are loving it. Bigger question is what games you lemshits will be playing till November. All this talk about Horizon and not a single fucking game worth mentioning for Xbox till November, it’s gotta hurt
  13. Sad cope thread. DF and NXGamer have already poured tons of praise on the game. Shitty opinions from stupid lemshits and no-name clowns on Twitter don’t count for anything it’s easily the best looking game to ever release on consoles, FOH
  14. This is what you do when you have nothing to play on your Shitbox? You scour the the internet looking for glitches on a great game? Damn, sucks to be a lemshit.
  15. @ghostz is getting his back blown out in this thread. What a fucking imbecile and masochist
  16. Messing around in photo mode. Jesus, her character model is the best and most detailed I've ever seen She almost looks like a real girl cosplaying Aloy.
  17. I took these pics myself since I own both versions of the game. PS5 Aloy on top and PS4 Aloy below. PS5 PS4
  18. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/twitter-roasts-gamer-just-discovered-163325779.html Lemshit incels continue to embarrass themselves in front of the world, showing they've never been around or touched a woman in their entire lives. I've always known that all lemshits are incel weirdos but this latest incident confirms it. Who's willing to bet it was @ghostz posting from his sock account on Twitter?
  19. Nobody wants those pieces of shit, they are widely available for a reason since launch, FOH. If PS5s and Xbox Series X’s where in stock the shitty Series S would probably end up like XB1 Sad Edition. They can’t even run CP 2077 in 60fps at 900p or 1080p. Useless sad shit excuse of a console lol. The first two pics are Xbox Series S consoles available in my area. If they are this readily available in the States then they are practically dead worldwide since no country outside US gives a fuck about Xbox.
  20. Sad thing is that the Series S has now become the main seller for Xbox since the shortages and that shit is still readily available everywhere you go. Makes me laugh when I see dumbass lems talk about Xbox selling out when I can literally walk into any Best Buy store within a 10 mile radius where I live and pick one.
  21. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/ps5-sales-could-be-nearly-double-xbox-series-x-s-research-firm-estimates/ Where are the lemshits that said the gap was closing? This looks worse than last gen, Xbox is getting its back blown out. Care to explain WTF is going on? Combination of Halo and Forza wasn't able to do shit for them even with the shortage of parts helping them in regards to PS5 shortages. WTF is gonna happen when Sony is able to secure parts? It's gonna be another bloodbath this gen
  22. Guerrilla Games are just out here embarrassing MS’ first party studios. They made a fully interactive open world game with flying and swimming and it still puts the best of Xbox developers to shame. TLHBFR! Even the random animals in this game have insane work put into their detail. It’s a wrap, MS should just give up. I don’t see them ever matching this level of detail and this is pretty much first year cross-gen stuff for Guerrilla Games. Imagine what the likes of Naughty Dog and Insomniac will be doing for the later PS5 only games.
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