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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Renting is defined by continuous cost you idiot. I only pay once with the digital games I own, therefore they aren’t rentals. You don’t get to change the definition of the word “rental” for your dumb fanboy mental gymnastics.
  2. I’m replaying Horizon Zero Dawn in preparation for Horizon Forbidden West next week on PS5 and I’m also playing Elite Dangerous on Steam. WTF does the games I’m playing have to do with GameAss? Geezus, you’re a nincompoop.
  3. Nope, you own them. Renting would mean paying monthly to keep them. I don’t do that with any of the digital games I own. What kind of moron are you? You don’t get to change the definition of renting to suit your fanboy delusions.
  4. Nah, you’re a dumbass. Digital games aren’t rentals, you own license for them at least unlike GameAss. With GameAss games the moment you stop paying to rent their licenses you lose the ability to play them. With digital games I own I pay once and don’t have to worry about paying continuously to keep them. Yea, I tried the service once and realized it wasn’t for me. Unlike you dumbass lems I actually try shit out before determining whether it’s trash or not.
  5. I cancelled that dogshit service. I subbed for 1 month once to try out MS Flight Sim in 2020 and cancelled it after I realized I was literally using it for one game and I didn’t care for the other shit on it. MS makes so few games that I like that it’s not really worth subscribing for me. I’d rather outright buy the games and not rent them.
  6. Look at the meltdown the bitch is having because his precious Flopza was mentioned. Don’t be mad because a single GT game is almost outselling the entire Flopza franchise bitch. You brought up a fucking useless point because you are damage controlling GT Sport’s sales. You’re a fucking retard bringing up obvious shit like player count not being equal to sales to damage control. WTF does Flopza being in the OP have to do with sales not being the same as players? Everyone knows that. The only people who think players equals sales are dumbass lemshits like you who were hyping Flopza Ho
  7. Yea GT Sport felt like a demo to me just like the GT Prologue games. It was definitely a testing bed for GT7 and you can clearly see they’ve applied some of the things they’ve learned from GT Sport in GT7 and improved upon them. Looking forward to playing this game a lot. I’m hoping it lives up to the hype of a full GT release.
  8. A fucking useless point to make considering I never mention player count as being equal to sales and my thread title clearly point out the number is for player count. What is the point of bringing that obvious fact up if you’re not trying to damage control GT Sport’s numbers? I clearly mention these are player count numbers and I even go as far as subtracting a million from the numbers given to account for the fact that this number is player count only and not sales. What point are you making here exactly by stating the obvious that has already been mentioned in the OP and
  9. Where in my OP do I mention players = Sales? I even go out of my way to about drop 1 million players from the total players of GT Sport to account for rentals and shit adding to the player count. You can't fucking read you dumbass. Even your own graphic shows FH5 hasn't sold 4 million shitting on your 4 million each claim. Are you some kind of retard? Even if your numbers were on point which they aren't it's still fucking embarrassing that a GT side dish is selling almost as much as all those games combined. You're looking like a complete idiot trying
  10. For folks like you guys that skipped on GT Sport because it was online only the jump from GT6 to GT7 is really gonna be amazing for you guys. They really improved the racing with GT Sport and all the lessons they learned from years of GT Sport is gonna make the gameplay of GT7 really something special.
  11. Forza has nowhere near those sales, you pulled those numbers from your ass. FM7 barely broke a million before it was delisted and FM5 and FM6 were total flops. Where are you getting 4 million each from? I can believe that for FH4 but FH5 quickly fell off NPD top 15 the following month after it launched. No way it has sold 4 million since it launched. The only retards here are the ones who tried to shit on GT when a single side dish GT game is selling as much as all the Forza games released this gen combined. In the case of GT Sport players is as close to sales as
  12. https://traxion.gg/gt-sport-exceeds-14-million-players/ Insane numbers when you consider it's not even a mainline GT game and it has never been released on any service for free or to try. You literally have to buy the game or rent it from Gamefly or a friend to play it. Even if you take away 1 million players from that number and account them to rental services it still leaves a whopping 13 million players. Lemshits were trying to say GT is dead and irrelevant but Flopza is nowhere near these numbers and it's free on GamePass. Not even Halo has anywhere close to 1
  13. You lying piece of shit Why would you lie about something that's so easily verifiable? Your dumbass was saying that Phil was vague because they intended to pull COD out of Playstation as soon as the deals were over. Your fucking lying ass has been exposed. Eat your L you fucking clown, you were wrong. Caught lying in 4K...
  14. @ghostz on suicide watch. TLHBFR!!! I like how he tried to move the goalposts after all the shit talking he’s been doing on this topic for weeks. Tried to tell the clown that COD would remain multiplat like Destiny remained multiplat but he didn’t wanna have none of it. What an idiot. They really thought a franchise as huge as COD was gonna be exclusive to Xbox and PC
  15. Why does this shit on Halo running on the 12 Tflop Series X? Sony’s devs are just on a different level, gawdamn! Embarrassing MS and 343i like this with a last gen console lol.
  16. No surprise here, they like money. COD is the biggest money maker and they’d be idiots to remove it from the platform that brings in the most money to the franchise. Lemshits can cite Bathesda games but Bethesda’s games aren’t nowhere near as popular as COD is on Playstation.
  17. I didn’t think they would fail this hard honestly. I thought Halo Infinite would start dying maybe 6 months after launch but this level of failure vastly surpasses even my wildest expectations. The game started dying merely a month after launch and so far attempts to market it have been laughable at best. I mean our expectations were low but MS and 343 still found a way to go even lower
  18. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2022-02-07-halo-infinite-fans-buy-nail-polish-for-exclusive-skin-only-to-find-its-for-forza The failure never ends with this game. How did MS fuck this up so badly? Sad to see this is what Halo has become and stupid lemshits continue to defend this crap despite the ass-raping they are receiving from MS with this game
  19. He’s having a meltdown like it’s our fault the game is a flop. MS gave it out for free and still people don’t want it. 343i can’t make a good Halo game to save their lives and they had plenty of time and money to do so. Was it our fault the game launched barebones despite an extra year of delay and still ended up looking like shit? I don’t understand his logic here. What a clown.
  20. Another AAA PS exclusive. The wait for November is going to be long and painful for these lemshits because the flood of AAA PS exclusives for the year is only beginning
  21. Everyone is out here enjoying a glorious game at launch while Begji is out here begging for it to get ported to PC 6 years later
  22. I was one of those 20 million. I've since deleted that trash from my PC. I wonder how many other people were like me. Booted it up a handful of times and never touched it again. Judging by how fast it fell off it seems a majority booted it up once and never touched it again
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