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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/strong-debut-long-awaited-halo-150000145.html Even mainstream news is picking up on the flop that is Halo Midfinite. Nobody is buying the bullshit PR from MS that the game has 20 million players. What's gonna be the new damage control now from lemshits? Are 343 the worst developers that could have handled the Halo franchise? After 6 years in development and $500 million down the drain they still couldn't put out a decent Halo game. Incoming angry lemshits in 3...2...1....
  2. In other words, you've been owned and have no idea what you're talking about and you're making shit up now. Weather is everything from clouds to rain to sunshine and everything in-between. You don't get to make up the definition of weather to suit your fanboy tastes, FOH you clown GT7's real-time weather effects completely shit on Forza's, there's no competition at all. Just watch the video on the first page instead of blabbering like an idiot. Your ass is so hurt you refuse to watch the video and instead you're making up your own shit to defend Flopza. Forza's
  3. You don't choose whether it's sunny or cloudy you moron. Rain isn't the only weather effect...GEEZUS you're an idiot . Rain is just one of the weather effects and yes not all tracks will have rain but all tracks will have weather. Reading comprehension fails with you. Like 99% of the Flopza crap you lemshits post is gameplay.
  4. You're a fucking idiot. Every track will have weather and day to night transitions. Some will have limitations on the types of weather they can have and some will also have limitations on how far the day/night cycle goes. Do some fucking research you moron, and stop pulling shit from your ass. What you are descibing is GT Sport not GT7. Kaz has already made clear what GT7 will have. https://traxion.gg/gran-turismo-7-features-detailed-dynamic-weather-but-not-at-every-track/
  5. This completely kicks the shit out of Flopza, it's not even funny anymore https://imgur.com/a/eOWGpjt
  6. You are a fucking moron Not only does GT7 have superior lighting it also has superior real time weather and cloud formation. FOH with your shitty Boreza video
  7. You know Benji sales isn’t an analyst right? Dude is just a regular gamer like you and I that works in retail. He’s speculating at best. What a shitty port begging thread Even if Sony make some multiplayer or service based games launch day and date on PC it doesn’t mean their premiere AAA first party single player stuff will be launched day and date on PC. That’s just foolish to think the next God of War or Horizon will be launching on PC when Sony can easily count on port beggars like OP buying their games at full price 5 years down the line on Steam
  8. Massive amounts of Copium doesn’t take away the fact that Flopza Horizon 5 is getting smoked by last gen GT Sport. You can post all the subHD YouTube screen caps of GT7 you can find but you can’t change reality
  9. Like Flopza Horizon 5 is any better. It uses the same shitty recycled car models from Flopza Motorsport 7
  10. It actually doesn’t. Even John from DF had to shoot down your fellow lemshit who was trying to compare it to Flopza yesterday Its gonna be a long gen for you clowns when Flopza is still competing with last gen GT Sport and getting smoked
  11. This game is gonna make a lot of lemshits jump off bridges when it launches
  12. No wonder @ghostz is having a meltdown in this thread
  13. Like Spiderman and Bloodborne right? It wouldn't be a Sony thread without his port begging
  14. Sony thanks you for your money when you will spend full price to play it 5 years after it launches
  15. Looks fucking awesome. Looks to be the best yet with a ton of features and incredible graphics. I'm glad GT is back to form. it's been a while since we had a proper GT game.
  16. 343 keep shitting the bed. If only MS hadn't mismanaged and lost Bungie all those years ago...tsk....tsk.
  17. PlayStation recorded the 2nd biggest Revenue in video game industry during the last 12 months period (Jan 2021 - Dec 2021) With more than ¥2734.9bn (about $24.91B with current ER) Despite the fact the shortages messing with their PS5 supply they are still out here making record revenue thanks to software and services. it's gonna be insane once they sort their supply issues out. Where are the lemshits that were saying PS5 was at 15 million sold?
  18. @ the lemshits in this thread still thinking Gaylo is relevant. That shit died instantly on Steam. Destiny 2 is way more relevant than Halo Infinite and has way more players. It’s crazy how quick Halo died though. I thought it would be dead in months but that shit didn’t even last a month before it fell off lol.
  19. Phil also said he has spoken to Sony and has zero plans to take COD away from Playstation . Where are you getting your bullshit that COD is exclusive to Xbox from?
  20. There is literally zero articles saying what you just said. Your ass is bleeding right now and you are grasping at straws COD is as multiplat as Destiny is right now for the foreseeable future Next up for Sony is probably SEGA or Square Enix
  21. He probably had tears in his eyes when he was making this thread
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