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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Another dumbass ghostz thread. Idiot is posting a Forbes contributor bullshit article like a valid source, dat desperation I guess sales matter again this week until NPD shows up and Xbox is last place or Sony updates their numbers. Don't you dumb lemshits get tired of this cycle? It's either sales matter or they don't. You can't be making ifiotic threads like this every time a Forbes article pulls numbers from their ass only to claim sales don't matter when Sony's updated numbers destroy your idiotic Xbox guesstimates the following week or month.
  2. Yea the cables and the box the PSVR has to connect to is a huge deterrent to getting into VR. I’ll probably keep my two old PSVRs just for backwards compatibility purposes but if PSVR2 gets full backwards compatibility I’ll probably never touch them again.
  3. Digital Foundry is very impressed with the specs and even go as far as calling it high end VR tech but we still need the opinion of our resident systemwars idiot ghostz to tell us how outdated it is despite not owning a VR headset or knowing shit about VR tech
  4. I can't wait for this game. Looks to be a big improvement over the first game. God of War Ragnarok was my most anticipated game of the year but I think HFW has pushed it off that mantle. It looks spectacular from what we've seen so far.
  5. Who is gloating? STFU idiot, I’m a PC gamer too this shit sucks for me as well. Does everything have to be console wars for you?
  6. Price to performance just isn’t there right now. The cards are too expensive thanks to chip shortages and for whatever reason (probably COVID) a lot of recent AAA releases have been unoptimized and aren’t taking full advantage of these new cards. I’m hoping things improve soon because right now it’s the worst I’ve seen it in my 30 years of PC gaming.
  7. Xbox is a total failure especially outside the US. In fact, the only reason they may be somewhat competitive in the US is that due to the shortages it's impossible to find a PS5 anywhere. I'm sure if Sony could get their stock situation in order they'd be outselling Xbox 3 or 4 to 1 in the US instead of the 2 to 1 they are currently averaging. I heard in India PS5 outsold Xbox 10 to 1
  8. Yup people on Neogaf are clueless morons. These same people will be the same people complaining if it uses wireless and starts lagging due to bandwidth limits and they’ll also complain when the battery weighs a ton and dies out in an hour of use. We just don’t have the tech for high end wireless VR to be viable yet, hopefully in the next 5 years or so wireless speeds and battery life will catch up. I’m more than fine with a single USB cable. Definitely is an improvement from the multiple cable mess that came with the original PSVR.
  9. Dude is a clueless idiot. Claims PSVR2 will be severely outdated compared to PC headsets when it launches this year yet it’s the only one using OLEDs with 4K HDR instead of LCD displays and it’s the only one supporting Foveated rendering along with eye tracking. The moron doesn’t know shit about VR tech but he’s arguing like he’s some sort of scholar on the matter.
  10. You’re saying this like your clown ass is ever right about predictions. Quote me at the end of the year when I’m laughing at you for being dead wrong
  11. You are full of shit. First of all, the original PSVR launched 3 years after the PS4 launched. PS4 was already an underpowered console using a low end CPU from 2011. The OG PSVR wasn’t using any bleeding edge technology and it was Sony getting their feet wet for the first time with the tech. Hence the use of shitty move controllers and 1080p panels for the display. The PSVR2 is the complete opposite. It’s using the latest tech as good or even better than what you’ll find in most VR headsets today even on PC. It’s using Foveated rendering and eye tracking which is bleeding edge tec
  12. PS4 was underpowered and the PSVR was designed around it. PS5 is a much more capable console and with these impressive PSVR2 specs I expect it completely blow away the PSVR with the quality of its VR. The massive increase in resolution alone will make it a night and day experience compared to PSVR. Foveated rendering, eye tracking, 4K HDR OLED screens and haptic sensor controllers that don’t require a camera to track will make it an amazing VR headset compared to PSVR.
  13. Sony announces PlaystationVR2 along with a new Horizon VR game for it from Guerrilla Games. https://blog.playstation.com/2022/01/04/playstation-vr2-and-playstation-vr2-sense-controller-the-next-generation-of-vr-gaming-on-ps5/ https://blog.playstation.com/2022/01/04/horizon-call-of-the-mountain-revealed-for-playstation-vr2/ Meanwhile at Xbox, MS officially announces nail polish colors to match Xbox controllers, TLHBFR!!!
  14. Same to you man. I haven’t been an open member here for long but I’m a longtime lurker and I appreciate all of you guys. Here’s to more happy trolling and System Wars in 2022 🥂🍾🎆
  15. Too bad no one gives a shit what Resetera thinks. Halo Infinite is still dying already lol and it’s only been out for a month
  16. LOL @ lemshits that were hoping Forza would beat R&C. It couldn't even beat Returnal Where is Halo on the list?
  17. 1. Ratchet and Clank (😂 @ lemshits who were expecting any other game to win this award) 2. Lego Builder's Journey 3. Returnal No mention of Halo at all Edit: My bad, I didn't see Jehurey's thread. Feel free to lock my thread mods.
  18. That's the hope right there. I'll be very impressed if they manage to have that level of density in the PS5 version of the game (I doubt PS4 can pull it off). I'm personally more impressed by the underwater sections of the game. I can't wait to go swimming and deep sea exploring once this game hits.
  19. FOH, which other games are you talking about? I know your dumb lemshit ass isn’t talking about dogshit delisted FM7 and its invisible pit crew and toy car models . Per Digital Foundry:
  20. Damn. Hermits waited a year and half for this only to get a shitty port This is why I don’t do the waiting game, it’s too risky. I own a PS5 and PC so I don’t wait for shit. Waiting takes too long and in the end you’re still not guaranteed you will get a solid port of the game you’re waiting for or if you will get a port at all lol.
  21. It’s sad when the PS4 version of HFW running on a 1.8 Tflop console looks better than Halo Infinite running on a “12Tflop monster”. MS are just incompetent as fuck allowing Sony’s devs to embarrass them like this
  22. Lowest debuting Halo game. I’d say he’s dead wrong. What a fall from grace. Even the disastrous Halo 4 and 5 games faired better on the charts
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