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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Runs like absolute shit on PC if these benchmarks are accurate.
  2. “Cow slaughtering” and you clowns have been twiddling your thumbs for the last year, FOH. Playstation got more games in the last year than your LBox. Another Halo and Forza doesn’t make up for the years of fuck all to play on Xbox. Even Halo you’re gloating over now was supposed to release last year. It gets delayed a full year and is still missing features . if cows having to sit a few months for their next flood of AAA games is a big deal then how the fuck do you explain the years of waiting on LBox? You gonna act like before Gaylo and Forza released you haven’t been waiting years
  3. Dat lemming denial lol. It’s already been delayed once, it was supposed to release this year but COVID got in the way, it won’t get delayed again. You sound scared AF that it’s coming out so soon lol. If you’re this scared now, I got bad news for you, 2022 is going to be a lemming bloodbath. GT7 and Horizon are only the beginning, we still got God of War Ragnarok and Forspoken coming out as well
  4. 😂 GT7 is already confirmed March 4, 2022 (3 weeks after Horizon) you moron. it already has a release date unlike the rest of Halo. Where is your co-op in that incomplete TrashPass of a game? Horizon will score higher and destroy Gaylo in sales just like HZD destroyed Halo 5
  5. You forgot Ratchet and Clank and Spiderman MM which are also higher rated than your precious Gaylo. In two months time I’ll also be enjoying Horizon and GT7 by that time Halo servers will be emptying and you’ll be back to waiting through another yearly drought
  6. What tears? Xbox is still last place in games and sales
  7. Yea because the holiday is the only time people play games. FOH with this Xbox fluff piece. Another Halo and Forza Horizon (that most people have forgotten and stopped playing) isn’t going to sway the masses. If you are so sure that most people will be regretting PS5s this holiday why don’t you bet your account that Xbox will be taking the win in sales this holiday?
  8. I think MS sacrificed Halo because they were hoping to get that sweet microtransaction money from selling armor plates and Battle Passes. It’s the reason the progression system and free unlocks are absolute trash. Now that decision is biting them in the ass big time. I agree FH5 did way more to sell GP than Halo. I played Halo a bit and could see the shit they were trying to pull and abandoned ship immediately. It’s only a matter of time before they bleed most of the players. Their stupid business model with Halo is not sustainable. I don’t know how they could fuck Halo up so much
  9. https://gamingintel.com/halo-infinite-subreddit-enters-lockdown-toxic-backlash/ What a dumpster fire. Extreme levels of toxicity, developer doxing and death threats. I'm not even surprised at all. Halo community is extremely toxic and I'm sure 343 is regretting the decision to go F2P even though they probably didn't have much of a choice in the matter. The shitty progression system and monetization are part of the consequences of going this F2P route. They are giving the game out piece by piece and taking out modes that have been popular in Halo for ages only to spoon f
  10. Too many haters in here. This is great news for the franchise. Zampella is obviously a guy that knows what he’s doing. They are bringing in him to steer the ship and also to overlook the franchise as they attempt to expand it. BF2042 is still a huge success sales wise despite the launch issues and EA sees the possibilities for the BF franchise going forward. It just needs better management to ensure they launch bug free and feature rich at launch. There is still a lot of desire for the franchise by fans going by the strong sales now all they need to do is get their shit together and stop launc
  11. Is there anything the Xbox Series L is good at? PS5 has the better looking exclusives and now the better looking & running multiplats. Lems proclaimed the Series L was the second coming of Christ before it launched and now that it's out it's getting its ass handed to it by supposedly weaker console. This week alone we've found out that Battlefield 2042 and now Elden Ring run and look much better on the PS5. Will the losing streak ever end for lems?
  12. I dropped $215 on this game over the course of 5 years. I honestly don't expect it to have a full release. At this point I'm only interested in Squadron 42. Chris Roberts is a scam artist lol.
  13. Bloodborne and Returnal make excellent use of the SSD for the quick loads which is crucial since you die a lot in those games. Also most multiplats and games like Astro’s Playroom make good use of the Dualsense which adds and extra layer of immersion to games. Even mediocre games like Marvel Avengers feel a lot better to play with the Dualsense features. Shooters also feel nicer with the PS5 controller than they do with other controllers thanks to haptic feedback and adaptive triggers which also increase immersion. Little details like this push it above the Series L which isn’t even t
  14. https://www.gamesradar.com/ps5-wins-best-gaming-hardware-at-the-golden-joystick-awards-2021/ The previous winner was the RTX 3080 in 2020 (well deserved). Where is the award for the Series L? Lems said this was impossible as the PS5 is a POS and the Series L was God’s gift to mankind even though it runs most of the multiplat games worse than the PS5 and is being held back by the dogshit Series S in exclusives games. No new controller, mediocre games (same HaloGearsForza every year for the past decade) and the completely garbage Series S holding it back. Was there any doubt Sony would
  15. This game is just technically amazing. Best looking and most technically impressive shooter to date. Makes Halo and COD look outdated and last gen I'm waiting for them to fix the gun balance and other issues before I hop into All out Warfare. I don't like the fact the submachine guns like the PP2000 currently dominate everything. I like to play with LMGs and assault rifles and right now they are currently ass. I'm sure when they iron out the issues All Out Warfare will be incredible.
  16. Battlefield Portal is amazing. Yea BF2042 All Out War sucks ass but Portal is legit amazing. I’ve been playing that since launch and I’m having a blast. I found several servers running Rush with BF3 classes on BF1942 and and BFBC2 maps. Anyone judging the game on the MC alone is missing out.
  17. I just saw the 'update" and I just busted out laughing. This game doesn't have a very bright future ahead if this is their idea of "fixing the issues" with progression.
  18. Most of the trash ass games you listed aren’t worth buying much less renting with WellfarePass
  19. Tales of Arise, Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut, Guilty Gear Strive, Ratchet and Clank, FF7R Intergrade, Death Stranding Director’s Cut, and Kena. That’s seven high quality console exclusive releases since Returnal launched on April 30th. You can’t make a list like that for Xbox, don’t even bother trying
  20. Looks boring and dated AF. What is this game doing that Destiny 2 doesn’t already do better?
  21. I did better than that, I listed exclusive games that were actually released after Returnal while your dumb lem ass is pulling games like Sea of Thieves from 2018 and multiplats .
  22. Fuck outta here with your “Games that launched on Xbox” bullshit. They launched on every platform you moron. You’ve had nothing but indie trash and multiplats for the last 12 months. This month is the only month since you bought the Series L that you’re getting some fresh games with Forza and incomplete Halo. Your Xbox has been gathering dust like every other Xbox around. Your damage control is sad and pathetic like your Xbox
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