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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. No it costs $120 and you get to keep the games or sell them when you’re done. Something you can’t do when you’re renting games with GP. What’s your point?
  2. Forza is not remotely as popular as COD and Madden with casuals. I’m not arguing whether GP is a good value for what it is, it’s undeniably good value to gamers that are interested in Microsoft’s 1st party offerings and who play a lot of indie games and random games in a year. The issue isn’t that. Where the problem for GP lies is it’s value to casual gamers who only buy 2 to 3 games a year and who make up a majority of the gaming population. For hardcore gamers that prefer MS’s games it’s a great value but for those casuals who don’t play Forza or any of the MS 1st party games in
  3. You still need to pay for XBL, you aren’t addressing that fact. Regular GP doesn’t come with XBL, what is so difficult for you to understand? It’s still an added cost is it not?
  4. Those games are heavily front-loaded dumbass. They make the bulk of their sales at start of the new season. Go look at the charts. Just because you don’t mind playing them at the end of a season doesn’t mean most people are like you. A majority of the sales are made during season and not after it, you can’t change this fact.
  5. Casuals don't give a shit about renting Forza and Psychonauts 2 (even lems don't play Psychonauts 2 on GP lol) And most casuals are only buying one Sports game and COD, most don't buy the whole array of EA Sports games every year. You're not making any sense, and you're only proving to me why GamePass isn't popular at all with the wider gaming community that consists mostly of casuals.
  6. What part of THEY WANT TO PLAY THE FULL GAMES ASAP AND NOT TIMED DEMOS don't you understand? Why would any Sports fan want to play the games after the season is over? Yea, that might work for a weirdo like you but for most people the time to play Sports games is during season. You're the first person I've heard of that plays Sports games after the season is over. Everyone else I know who is a serious Sports fan plays them during season and buys them as soon as they launch.
  7. Yea it is but that's without XBL. The console is useless to most casuals without XBL that they will need to play Madden and COD online. They'll either have to pay for XBL separately and get screwed or go for GamePass Ultimate which is $180/yr.
  8. This isn't about my preference. Whether I prefer buying my games or not is irrelevant to the discussion. I'm talking about casual gamers here. You seem to think paying $180 to rent a bunch of random games + a Madden demo has as much value to casual gamers as spending the same $180 on games that actually want and will own. What makes you think renting a bunch of random games has any appeal to casual gamers who only buy 2 or 3 games a year at most? You haven't convinced me why GamePass should be appealing to you average casual gamer. Instead what you've done is tell me w
  9. It's a timed demo on GP. If you wanna play the full thing before the new season ends you'll have to pay the full price. 10 hours of a timed demo may be good for you but for most people especially casuals who only play sports games and FPSs, it won't be enough and they'll end up having to buy the game. Again you keep coming back to what YOU want personally and what's important to you but this isn't about you. It's about the average casual gamer who only buys COD and Madden every year. GamePass isn't doing anything for that type of gamer because they love to buy those games as soon a
  10. Are you serious lol? A 10 hour demo isn’t the same thing as the actual game dude. Also having the game “free” as soon as the season is over is stupid and pointless. No real Madden fan is going to wait till the end of the season to play Madden.
  11. But this isn't about you though I was talking about casuals that Microsoft is targeting that only buy 2 to 3 games a year. What is the value of GamePass to them? They only spend $120-180 a year on games anyway, and the games they buy like COD and Madden aren't on GP. Why would they spend the same amount of money on GP for games they couldn't give two shits about, and on top of that not own anything?
  12. So by that logic you'd rather pay the same amount to own nothing? Make this make sense. Why would anyone pay $180 to rent as opposed to paying the same amount to own games forever? You've just proven exactly my point. This is why GamePass isn't growing at the pace one would expect it to because no one with a brain will pay $180 to rent games instead of paying the same amount to own them forever. At least with games you own they have value since you can resell them if you get bored of them or they can rot in your library. With rental games you own absolutely nothing for
  13. Same here. I tried GamePass when MS Flight Sim launched on PC in 2020 and eventually decided to cancel my subscription because I figured I’d much rather own the game than waste my time renting it. I’m very picky with the games I play on PC and PS5 and the ones I like I’d rather just outright buy them than rent them. More power to the people that rent games if that’s how they choose to consume their games but it’s not for me and looking at how poorly it’s growing on the PC platform despite it being very cheap it’s clearly not for a lot of gamers either.
  14. You spent $500 on a POS console with zero games at launch and constantly delude yourself into thinking renting dollar tree bargain bin games somehow makes up for the lack of games of the LBox. Sit your delusional clown ass down lol. PS5s overheating where? Don’t tell me you’re one of the clowns that still actually believes Austin Evans after he was publicly disgraced Demons Souls is better than every single game that has launched on Xbox in the past 10 years. Damn right it’s worth $70 to the people who bought it. You wouldn’t know this because MS hasn’t rele
  15. Because people don't give a shit about old bargain bin Bathesda games and anyone who really cares about those games has already bought them and played them ages ago. There's a reason why Bathesda went bankrupt in the first place. People weren't buying their shit and people aren't going to rush to spend $5/month to rent their shit along with Microsoft's mediocre first party games. This whole "Netflix of games" is a terrible idea. Games aren't consumed the same way movies or TV shows are. Most casuals buy 2 or 3 games at most every year. They aren't interested in paying a
  16. Honestly not surprised to see DynoShit is a racist. It makes perfect sense a moron like him will be drawn to racism to build up his nonexistent self-esteem. What a loser
  17. Man if Halo and Starfield don't get them to the numbers they want to I can see them shutting the whole shit down in a few years. This is just embarrassing at this point. $7.5-8 billion spent and they are still slowing down lol.
  18. Weren't lems claiming Microsoft was at 30 million subs just a month ago? I knew that was complete bullshit like their other claims. Looks at DynoFlop struggling to damage control this latest news 🤣 According to these new numbers they are only at 20 million subs now. Far lower than the 30 million delusional clowns like DynoFlop were running with weeks ago. So in the middle of a pandemic when subs are being given out for free with Pop Tarts GP is still falling short of Microsoft's internal projections? Nobody wan
  19. Damn, where are the lems? This thread is so empty. I can understand Sheep avoiding this thread but I expected to see some lems in here damage controlling these results since they are always going on about how the LBox will finally retake the US market lol The Switch is a total beast. The Switch’s streak had to come to an end at some point. I still expect it and PS5 to trade blows for top spot until PS5 can actually meet its crazy demand. Xbox as usual will continue to fight for last place despite lems’ delusions.
  20. I noticed that when I turned off crossplay early in the morning when the beta went live I got matched with bots but when I got in the game late this afternoon I was matched with full rooms with players. Then again I’m playing on PS5 and your experience may be different if you are playing on a different platform.
  21. It’s all subjective. I find it fun personally and I can’t stand COD at all. I enjoy the sandbox gameplay that comes from having an open map with vehicles. What you call mindless is an opportunity for me to experiment with gameplay options and traversal. I’m also not noticing the lack of recoil you’re complaining about but maybe it’s because I’m playing on PS5 with no aim assist.
  22. You need to use vehicle spawner and stay close to objectives. Running around like a headless chicken will get you sniped just like in real life. I rarely ever run between objectives especially when I can easily spawn a vehicle in a few seconds to my location. Seems to me Conquest isn’t your style, perhaps TDM would be more focused and smaller for people like you that prefer close quarter combat.
  23. Playing on PS5 and the visuals are crisp and nice. Noticed a few visual glitches here and there and some dropped frames but overall it’s solid. Seems like it’s running native 4K or some really good temporal injection on PS5 because I don’t notice any blurriness. It also has an FOV slider which is welcome change for consoles. It’s a way better beta than BF3 and BF4 were back in the day. People complaining about minor glitches in this game must have completely skipped older BF betas. I tuned off crossplay on PS5 because I know PC players will have the immediate advantage over console
  24. Looks like trash. Battlefield 2042 shits all over this. Even BF3 and 4 shit all over it.
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