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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Lems have been fucking raped in this thread. Clowns were going with the words of Austin Clown Evans. Told idiots in here that measuring exhaust fans temps was stupid, and now they are out here looking stupid as hell. So the new PS5 is actually cooler and lemmings spent weeks talking out of their butt holes as usual. If you clowns spent as much energy on asking Phil for games as you spend researching PS5 hardware Xbox wouldn’t be getting raped today
  2. RIP Xbox. Sony completely murdered Lems today, geezus!
  3. Lems on suicide watch. Xbox losing this game to Playstation is a huge L especially considering it’s a huge part of Xbox legacy. So Sony is funding it which means it will be PS5 and PC only
  4. The blades aren't the same size you shit head and the picture I posted proves this. It's the blades that blow the air that cool the console you fucking retard. More surface area on the blades means a more efficient fan you idiot. I know you don't want to admit that you owned yourself but these are the facts. Anyone who has built a PC in their life knows this fact. You're a fucking moron and should stick to eating your boogers and being a human jockstrap for Phil Spencer
  5. "The fan is the same, moron" (he says this while drooling on his keyboard) You fucking moron. How are these two fans the same, you stupid and blind lemming? If you can't see that the blades of the newer fan are longer and go all the way to the center then you're an idiot. Longer blades in this case means more surface area meaning they are more efficient. You would know this if you build PCs but you don't because you're a dumb shit lemming that has shit for brains. Get a brain and new eyeballs you retard.
  6. You don't know wtf you are talking about and that's why you are considered a clown on here. The newer PS5 has a better designed fan with more surface area on the blades on top of the heatsink taking up less space and providing room for more open air to circulate in the box. We don't know if these factors will aid in making the system's internal components cooler or not and that's why measuring the internal temperature by measuring exhaust fumes is stupid. Looking at only the heatsink and exhaust temps is a flawed method that many Youtube tech experts and even Electrical
  7. Oh, I agree doxxing is stupid and it's sad that shit has to come down to this level. The people who are doing that to him are assholes for sure. Sucks for him but it's what comes with the territory with being a popular Youtuber. Hopefully he's able to bounce back from this and learn from the experience. He should be extra careful next time when he puts out videos and should make sure he has all the facts first to avoid all this BS.
  8. This Austin Evans guy is a retard. I don't know how he has so many subscribers but then again most people are clueless about technology so this isn't surprising. Checking the temperature of a console by measuring the exhaust fumes is totally idiotic. Anyone who's built a PC knows that a cooling system is only as good as how much heat it takes out of the box. More heat coming out of the box could mean the system is actually working better and that's why measuring exhaust heat alone is a stupid way of checking the temp of the internal components.
  9. Sony needs to correct this shit. I personally don't give a shit since I'm not buying the PS4 version of the game but if they promised a free upgrade for PS4 owners of the game that promise should be honored. I can't wait for us to get past these stupid cross gen games and go full blown next gen. There shouldn't even be a PS4 version of this game to begin with in my opinion.
  10. Embarrassing. MS got fleeced bad only for the game to flop on Xbox and arrive a year later with more content on PS4 . If only they had used that money to fund two AAA IPs but MS sucks at making their own games so I'm not surprised SE took advantage of them. The only bad thing that came out of the deal is that TR never recovered after flopping on Xbox and it pretty much killed any hope of success for the trilogy after it failed on Xbox.
  11. @ Lems in here damage controlling this shit news. 343 is just incompetent and garbage just like the Xbox brand for the most part. This news doesn’t surprise me at all and is just your typical story when it comes to Xbox for the past 10 years. As soon as they let Bungie go I knew this was gonna happen eventually to the Halo and Xbox brand. Seems like the only studio that knows what they are doing over there out of the traditional AAA MS Studios is Playground Games
  12. Do Lems even game at all? How many games multiplatform games are gonna flop on Xbox before these devs pull the cable on that joke brand. Didn’t Phil say GP was supposed to increase sales? If a GOTY contender like this can’t sell on Xbox what’s the incentive to keep putting games on the FlopBox? Something tells me MS just created GP to hide rotten third party sales numbers because lems simply do not buy games. They are a bunch of casuals that don’t wanna invest in owning games or even playing games. I noticed how Flight Simulator launched and didn’t even chart on Xbox. It wasn’t even o
  13. Damn, this thread is devoid of lemmings. What happened? They are all hiding or what? Last month they claimed Xbox was making a comeback this month they are nowhere to be found
  14. $500 million, 6 years of development and and thousands of devs to come up with this dogshit looking game with physics from the PS2 era
  15. Yea not bad at all. She looks cute as adult which helps.
  16. Zero times. Thanks to PS5's superior compression most PS5 games take little space. The only PS5 game I know that still takes a ton of space is COD and I don't play that garbage so I still have plenty of space left.
  17. Wow, a shitty thread detailed by a beggar having a meltdown. Amazing
  18. Didn’t Phil the Clown say that GamePass would increase game sales! How is this possible?
  19. Hobopass continues to deliver mediocre experiences for broke lems who don’t buy games.
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