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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Since when did buying games become a bad thing? if anything it proves GP isn't the industry game changer you lems think it is. If GP was so huge it would have impacted sales of those games on PSN but it didn't meaning PS gamers don't mind paying for their games like we've been doing for the last 40 something years of console gaming.
  2. 4K, eye tracking and forveated rendering means it will be a true next generation VR headset and ahead of anything we have right now. I'm looking forward to it for sure.
  3. The same way people XB1S was supposed to be the “Dawn of a New Era” and outsell the PS4 in 2016, right? I still remember your outlandish claims from GS System Wars 5 years ago. You are terrible with predictions
  4. Lems kept trying to convince everyone that it was printing money and that Sony and Nintendo would be “left behind” if they didn’t follow MS’ lead
  5. Lemij is getting rekt in this thread. I did not expect such a massacre. Damn, he self-owned hard with Medium a 756p game on Series X
  6. Looks fucking fantastic. Glad I got a PS5 on time to experience this greatness for myself. June can’t come soon enough.
  7. 4 years of no games on Xbox and more than 4 years of Xbox losing every NPD to Playstation. 'B..bu...bu...but GamePass!"
  8. Hilarious that you actually believe this BS. If only scalpers are buying PS5s then who is buying all these copies of PS5 version Miles Morales? Do scalpers scalp readily available copies of games as well? The only one delusional here is you. This remind me of the time you made a thread on SW GS that the XB1S was going to propel the XB1 to sales success and surpass the PS4. I see you haven’t changed after all these years. Do yourself a favor and get some help, this level of mental gymnastics can’t be healthy for you
  9. Sony blew past that in one quarter lol. Sony's $22 Billion annual revenue makes MS' Xbox numbers look like a joke.
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