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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. You haven’t listed one. None of those dogshit games are anywhere near as successful as Helldivers 2, not one. If they were they’d be all over Steam Charts and videogame sales charts like NPD and Eurocharts. You are a fucking imbecile. Eat your Ls and GTFO of the thread. Delusional retards like you are the reason Xbox is doing so badly and MS is about to shut down their console gaming division.
  2. Dude, you’re getting completely assraped in this thread. What are you even arguing about? MS has all their games release on PC day one and none of them have come close to doing anywhere close to Helldivers numbers and they are all free to play on ShitPass. GTFOH you retard, Helldivers 2 is a paid game that is shitting all over MS and its dogshit exclusives in player count and sales. You have zero argument, you’ve been totally assraped
  3. Apparently, the PS5 version sold sold extremely well. Well enough to still make it the top selling game of the year if tracked separately. We know you’re mad ShitBox doesn’t have an exclusive remotely as successful as Helldivers 2 in the last 17 years and your retarded ass was hoping it would flop
  4. This explains why AMD said they were down. ShitBox is doing so badly that it's affecting even AMD since they used chips to make ShitBox consoles that aren't selling 525K is a solid number for March, PS5 is down but not by much. The only console that is in free fall is Xbox and its tanking AMD. It's doing so badly that it's selling worse than the XB1 was doing at this point in its lifetime. We already know it's completely dead in Europe and US is the only place where people still buy this piece of shit and it's still flopping hard here
  5. I played on PC where framerates weren’t an issue and the game still sucked for the reasons you mentioned above. It doesn’t seem like they give a shit about addressing these big issues though.
  6. ShitBox is truly dead. This news has been out for hours and not a single lem posted it. Shows you that these retards don’t even care about Xbox anymore. They didn’t notice the showcase announcement or the 60fps patch for Shitfield
  7. And absolutely no one cares, not even lemshits since they and everyone else completely abandoned this flop TLHBFR! All the retarded lems in here that damage controlled for 30fps have been owned. You retards should thank cows and the rest of the industry for clowning Bethesda into adding a performance mode for you idiots. Now if they could only fix the constant loading and totally outdated gameplay/shitty story with a patch.
  8. The retards are so desperate to link any negative news with Sony despite the fact that Sony is basically carrying the industry right now when it comes to AAA games. Even if SE released these FF games on PC and Xbox as the same day as PlayStation both games would still do 90% of their sales on PS5. They think SE are dumb and haven’t factored the non-existent sales on Xbox and minimal sales on PC into consideration before signing exclusive deals with Sony.
  9. Helldivers 2 is the top selling game of the year. A massive success that no one saw coming especially retarded lems like Cuckstz and SlowJon. March NPD software charts... Overall Software Chart for 2024.... Look at all those Sony games on the charts and FF7R is #4 despite only being on one platform lol. You can also bet the majority of DD's sales are also on the PS5 when it comes to consoles. WTF are lemshits playing? No wonder ShitBox continues to tank in sales. Not a single MS exclusive game is on here LMFAO. No wonder MS i
  10. Disposal loss means loss due to projects being cancelled not games currently out. You guys are fucking retards https://automaton-media.com/en/news/square-enix-expects-loss-of-140-million-from-cancelled-video-game-titles/ The loss had nothing to do with FF16 or FF7R. Another lemming backfire thread
  11. A huge success for Koei Tecmo and Sony… Weren’t lemshits on here claiming this game flopped? TLHBFR as usual
  12. Well deserved. The game is amazing. Woke game journalists and their bullshit couldn’t hold the game down. I love seeing a great new IP do well.
  13. Helldivers 2 is Sony game you retard. They own the IP. Without them the game isn't being made. it's like saying they didn't own Ratchet and Clank before they bought Insomniac. Damn, you're stupid AF. Just admit it, you got raped. Sony has completely raped your ass this year and this gen. Nothing MS has put out has had the success of helldivers 2 this gen or even last gen lol.
  14. Imagine still hyping Shitfield in 2024. Man, lemmings have been truly raped out of the console wars
  15. I won’t be enjoying it. I could have bought it at launch years ago but avoided it. It’s not the type of game for me but I’m happy for those that enjoy it
  16. These people are social rejects and weirdos. Nothing they do makes sense, that’s why they are in the fringes of society. The game has Eve in bikinis and lingerie but minor cloth adjustments is full blown censorship to these retards. There is no reasoning with these morons
  17. Well, it was dogshit at launch and wasn’t awesome. Took several years to get better on the PS5 It doesn’t count. If we were to use that same standard for every game then no game would flop because devs would patch all their issues in their games after some years and nullify their flopping. It’s good that Rare has continued to support it and made it better but its still a flop because it failed to deliver at launch
  18. Still a 69 MC on ShitBox and PC. Never thought I’d see the day lems would be celebrating their own games scoring better on PS5 and still being shit on Xbox and PC but here we are PS5 version is the definitive version of the game, TLHBFR! It’s still a flop Lemij, it was supposed to be you lems’ GOTY and all it could do was muster a AA rating on Playstation 6 years later
  19. Bunch of weirdos and retards. Her outfits are already revealing enough. Who gives a shit about this stuff? These weirdos probably jerk off with one hand playing. It’s the only way to explain this foolishness. It’s already sad enough they are making a retarded petition but they were shameless enough to show their faces
  20. LOL, what a shitshow. Bethesda can't do updates to save their lives. Everytime they do updates it breaks their mods. I don't play Fallout but I know this from Skyrim. I haven't updated my PC version of Skyrim in many years. No need to update when the free mods are light-years ahead of any shitty "next gen" updates Bethesda could ever do.
  21. Dude is a still a monster even after all these years. Nope, I wouldn’t step in the ring with him.
  22. I’ve put some hours into it and the game is fucking awesome. If you love games like Nier Automata and other hack and slash games you’re gonna love this. A solid hack ‘n slash game. The sites trying to give it low scores are just being woke fgts because as far as gameplay and graphics goes this game is top-notch. It’s hard to believe this is Shift Up’s first big AAA console release. It feels extremely polished. I haven’t run into a single bug playing this game and I feel like it’s a complete game rich with content just like in the old days when games came complete.
  23. From today's earnings report, he seems pleased with the fact everything is coming to PS5 and Switch. Couple this with the flatlined Xbox hardware revenue numbers and it's safe to say that it's a wrap The whole slate is coming to PS5 and Switch. RIP ShitBox.
  24. There’s patch also included an option to dramatically speed up the gameplay in NG+ mode which should be good news for people who felt the combat was too slow in the demo
  25. Xbox is fucked. Gaming revenue is only up because of the ABK purchase, LMFAO! Without ABK MS gaming revenue would be in the negative. Let the lemshit damage control begin…
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