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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Change your stupid OP to reflect the actual date of a fiscal year then we can discuss the bet. A fiscal year doesn’t end on Dec 31st
  2. This isn’t how fiscal years work you retard. You need to go read some books if you can actually read. Fucking imbecile
  3. ITT @ghostz proves how much of a retard he is. Still capping for AA batteries in 2022 and defending a shitty controller with less features than the Dualsense that takes longer to charge. What a moron
  4. Who gives a shit? When my battery dies out I just plug it back to the console and charge it again in no time or I use my 2nd controller that’s already charged. No stupid AA batteries like we are in 1996 and no wasting money or polluting the environment with garbage ass AA batteries.
  5. I agree. Would be much better if we had wireless drivers
  6. I like the Dualsense best for playing games on my PC especially now that Steam allows for native PS5 controller support. I still keep an Xbox controller for those stubborn or old games outside of Steam that don’t have Dualsense support.
  7. I can’t imagine using AA batteries in 2022. In fact, I don’t think I have any AA batteries in my house other than maybe in the remote control for my TV. Poor lemshits, still stuck using AA batteries like they are in the 90s
  8. Nah, it's the easiest GT game to make money in. I'm level 50 (max rank) and I got there in a matter of weeks. I already own hundreds of cars from money I won doing races and free car giveaways. It was grindy after the first major update but they fixed it after the backlash. It's in a good place now. I agree with this. It's not a proper racing sim like AC but it's a well made and beautiful simcade experience.
  9. Weren’t you calling GT7 shit a few months ago? What happened?
  10. Hilarious watching lemshits celebrating like this somehow makes Microsoft or Xbox look better. None of Microsoft’s studios could put out anything remotely as successful as COD either that’s why they spent $70 billion acquiring AB. The thing though is after spending this money they still can’t keep COD exclusive LMFAO! At the end of the day just wasted billions so that they can be part of the videogame conversation because flops like Halo aren’t cutting it anymore. Every COD game will come to Playstation same as every other major AB game because GayPass isn’t generating
  11. Damn, it’s Sunday and these clowns are still in here give each other slaps on the butt over LBox coming in last place for the 21st consecutive year
  12. This is why I can’t take lemshits seriously at all. Xbox is getting fucking raped out here for the last decade, in every way possible, and their excuse is that they aren’t getting raped as hard as they initially thought lol. WTF is that supposed to mean? Xbox is getting destroyed by a console with supply issues that’s never available in stores and somehow lems are trying to spin this into a win for Xbox lol. Even if you ignore sales and focus on games only, the situation is even worse. MS have released only 2 AAA games this gen with Forza and Halo Midfinite.
  13. I’ve discussed games many times and this thread I created was a gaming discussion around a news topic. You don’t get to tell other people what to talk about here. Do you own the forum? Are you a mod? No? Then STFU. What was going on this thread was the usual system wars banter. If you’re too sensitive for console wars on a forum called system wars then there are other places you can be. Why the fuck would you be concerned about arguments on a forum called “system wars”? Shit isn’t that serious, lighten up. I don’t bare any real animosity towards Lemij or anyone here. You ne
  14. I’m not on anyone’s side either, I give upvotes to literally everyone on this forum. I’ve probably even given you a few upvotes over the time I’ve been here. You don’t need to come in here to defend your boyfriend Lemij, he was doing okay despite not making sense with his arguments. Next time stick to your own shit, you had zero reasons to defend Lemij and yet you did, in an argument that supposedly had nothing to do with you, you decided to be Captain save a ho’ to Lemij. Think about that for a moment before you come in here spouting some bullshit. I don’t get involved in arguments I
  15. I’m not on anyones side either, I give upvotes to literally everyone on this forum. I’ve probably even given you a few upvotes over the time I’ve been here. You don’t need to come in here to defend your boyfriend Lemij, he was doing okay despite not making sense with his arguments. Next time stick to your own shit, you had zero reasons to defend Lemij and yet you did, in an argument that supposedly had nothing to do with you, you decided to be Captain save a ho’ to Lemij. Think about that for a moment before you come in here spouting some bullshit. I don’t get involved in arguments I’
  16. You can’t recover from that one man. Don’t even try and joke your way out of this L. You’re the one keeping a statue of a giant dick on your phone here WTF dude, get some help. You must be some kind of sexual deviant. What normal straight guy keeps shit like this on their phone?
  17. Why do you have this sort of picture saved on your phone dude? Is there something you wanna tell us?
  18. You’ve really damaged him Jerry. He’s bringing up your name in every thread now. What did you do to cause so much emotional damage within him?
  19. He’s now desperately shifting focus away from the argument he completely lost to avoid further embarrassment. What does the GIF do to help your argument that 360 wasn’t last place during the 7th gen?
  20. Stay on topic. Does Jerry live in your head rent free? Jerry isn’t even in this thread Geezus!
  21. Bye then WTF? You’re the one inserting yourself into an argument that doesn’t concern you and now you’re bitching about it? Fuck off then, nobody called you
  22. Newsflash: Despite your delusions and mental gymnastics, Xbox is still last place for the last 20 years running Nobody has to do any damage control here because MS keeps owning themselves.
  23. I noticed how is continuously dodging the topic because he knows he’s already lost it
  24. So you’re still salty AF about last week. Not everyone is an alt like you clowns. This place has like 5 posters who post here on the regular. There’s no need for alts on an empty forum like this You can take off the tinfoil hat you clown.
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