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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. RIP Gaylo MS completely fucking up the franchise that put them on the map. These are the assholes that lemshits want to buy Activision so that they fuck up more franchises. Bunch of retards
  2. Every acquisition Sony makes including Bungie is to have leverage against MS, it's not for blackmail you retard. Only a fucking retard like you can't see that Sony is making all these decisions like buying From Software stake and Bungie to ensure they have leverage with MS. Both companies are at war and since Sony can't match MS' war chest they are spending their money wisely to ensure they remain at the top.
  3. I'm saying you retarded broke bitch,NO ONE but retarded broke bitches like you buys PS Premium in one month increments. The vast majority of gamers buy the yearly option since it's convenient and costs less in the long run. Why the fuck would you wanna be renewing every month a service that you are going to be using up every year? Only reason anyone would do that is if they are a little child that can't cough up the one time cheap fee of $120/yr or they are broke retards like you Most gamers are buying the yearly option and even stacking
  4. They can and WILL block MS if MS tries anything stupid with Activision. They have enough stake to be able to make decisions about where FROM Software games go. Obviously, they wouldn't wanna block Microsoft just like that but if MS tried anything stupid they'd have no choice but to block them.
  5. How is $120/yr equal to $18/month you retard? Where you dropped on your head as a child? This is simple elementary school math you're failing at. Even without the heavy discounts that I got, that's $10/month and it's still far less less than $18/month you claimed you idiot. FOH you retard $120/12 months = $10 and NOT $18 No one with a brain buys PS Plus with one month increments. Only broke retards like you do
  6. You already know Sony is gonna block all From Software games from LBox if Phil tries anything funny with Activision. Sony is smart, they realized they don't need to buy the entire publisher or company to dictate whether they get exclusives. Dumbass MS is going around buying everything when they can't even manage the studios they already own like 343
  7. You fucking idiot. PS Premium costs $120/yr without discounts, that’s $10/month you retard and not $18/month. Sony was running a promotion when they released Premium in June and offered me the chance to upgrade to Premium for the rest of the year with $20 which I did. The whole shit cost me $20 on top of the $40 that I originally spent on Essential for the whole year. FOH you dumbass clown. Get your info right before you come at me like an imbecile with wrong info.
  8. It doesn't cost me $19 a month. i dunno where you're getting your bullshit info from. Cost me $40/year for PS Essential and only $20 extra to upgrade to Premium so altogether $60 a year which equates to $5/month. MS is charging you idiots $15/month for shit games like Pentiment and Crossfire L however and 0 AAA games worth a damn in the entire calendar year which is way worse than Sony having one meh month
  9. I agree. It would make the world feel more alive just like the way adding bigger settlements and NPCs made Horizon's world feel more alive as well in HFW.
  10. As a Star Citizen backer this joke kinda hurts but it's hilarious and true I just hope we still get Squadron 42 at least before the decade runs out lol.
  11. Holy shit, this game is about to be fucking incredible Microsoft picked one of the fucking worst years ever to not have any games TLHBFR!!!!
  12. Absolutely glorious. Gonna be building my new PC this holiday with one of these and possibly the RTX 4090 if the 4080 doesn’t release this year.
  13. What games? FOH, it’s 2022 and the console is dry AF and you’re playing old shit and indie on ShitPass. Talking about sucking cock while you’re playing no games and getting fucked in the ass with GamePass for a whole year of no first party releases for LBox
  14. This is what having no games looks like, LMFAO! Aaron Greenberg, the LBox head of marketing has been reduced to putting on nail polish because he has ZERO games to market this year at Gamescom You can’t make this shit up. How did Xbox get from the console with games like Gears of War to this?! Geezus, they aren’t even trying anymore! TLHBFR!!!!
  15. That puts the LBox far behind the VGChartz overly optimistic estimate of 16 million units sold The gap continues to grow as we speak as lemshits hope that markets that have never given a shit about Xbox in the past suddenly have a change of heart because of the slight PS5 price increase
  16. Of course they can’t increase their price, they have NO games in 2022. They already getting killed in sales. If they increase the price they’ll be dead in the water
  17. Good. The more broke bitches like @ghostz that we keep out of the PS community the better
  18. Halo 3 sold about 10 million and was the most successful Halo to date. Estimates put Halo 4 at around 8 million. Halo 5 selling only 6.6 million is expected since it shows the game is on a downward trajectory when it comes to sales (and everything else lol). Halo Infinite is probably the worst selling Halo by far. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s under 2 million now especially now that GamePass is a thing and you don’t need to own it to play the campaign or multiplayer that’s F2P. The franchise has fallen off a cliff and isn’t even up to Sony’s smaller games. It’s why MS probably
  19. Turns out Halo 5, the fastest selling XB1 game and highest selling MS franchise from last gen only sold 6.6 million units . While 6.6 million isn’t a terrible number by itself it’s a flop for a franchise as big and as hyped as Halo especially a game like Halo 5 that had a huge worldwide release before GamePass The way lemshits we’re hyping this turd, you would think it sold 20 million. Turns out even Days Gone sold more copies . If Halo 5 is selling this low before GP became a thing you already know that Halo Midfinite is doing way wo
  20. That was glorious. Anyone who says they can't see a major difference is delusional.
  21. I need a price and release date to see if I'll even bother with this.
  22. Exactly the point I've been making throughout this thread you retard. The PS5 is still ahead even with the gains the Series L made during the PS5 chip shortage. The Series L is still in last place in the US . Who gives a fuck if it outsold the PS5 for some months of the year when it's still last place overall in the US and has lost the last 2 months?!
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