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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. I'm talking about their future plans idiot, not their current plan right now. It's too late to reverse course on releasing GAAS games day and date to PC but it's definitely not too late to rethink the rollout of a PC launcher or PSN integration with trophy support. Sony are not in a desperate situation like MS. That's just Copium from you retard lems because MS is in a world of shit with Xbox and you guys want Sony desperately to be in there with them too. They are printing money off the PS5, just the royalties they get from games like COD and Fortnite is enough to sustain
  2. Sony has been successful for eons without PC gamers and they'll continue to be successful without PC gamers if they choose to do so. Their PC move is just greed, plain and simple. They aren't in a desperate situation like MS is where they need to port their games to PC to stay alive. If you look at the split in revenue between their console and PC initiatives, PC revenue is a drop in the bucket. They are trying to improve their margins and increase profit like every other greedy corporation. If games are costing too much they can always lower the number of AAA games they rel
  3. Not like the devs can do shit about it, Sony owns the IP Like I said, Sony will probably cave and change their TOS and PSN requirement by Monday. Everyone will forget this bullshit and shit will go back to business as usual. The problem is, I don't think Sony themselves will forget this fiasco. If anything, it's going to make them more cautious going forward with their PC initiative. The only thing this hurts at the end of the day is people that are hoping that Sony brings all their games day and date to PC. I still see Sony launching their GAAS games day
  4. Happy Orthodox Easter to you 🐰 đŸ„š
  5. I totally agree with this. It'd be nice to have an account management system like this. It would save me a lot of hassle signing up each time with a new game.
  6. Sony won't crack down. I've had multiple PSN accounts for different regions since 2009 with zero issues. I think Sony will cave to their demands but I imagine they will be salty over it. The whole fiasco is an overreaction that I kinda blame Sony for. If they had made PSN a hard requirement from day one none of this would have happened. These people are crying because Sony let them into the game without enforcing the PSN requirement and now they have to go back and make one. It's all entitled crybabies throwing a tantrum.
  7. You don't need to live in a country with PSN to have an account. I have friends that live in countries that don't have official PSN support with PSN accounts. It takes 5 minutes to create a PSN account regardless of the region you live in with a random gmail account, it's a non-issue especially for a free account that won't be getting charged. I own Chinese, Hong Kong, UK, and Japanese PSN accounts and I live in the US. Sony doesn't region lock PSN accounts and you can even buy stuff in regions you don't live in with prepaid PSN cards. These people are just bitching over nothing.
  8. Says the retard that said Switch sales would plummet off a cliff and then proceeded to buy an Xbox.
  9. TBH, gamers in general are whiny bitches. The kind of shit that riles up the community baffles me sometimes. I start thinking that there's no way these people are functional adults in society
  10. After all this bitching and crying over a simple PSN account I doubt Sony will be looking favorably at bringing more of their games to PC at a speedy rate. This whole shit is a stupid overreaction. All major companies require accounts for MAU tracking. Everyone is okay with MS, Ubi, EA, etc. asking for accounts but want to die when Sony asks them to use 3 minutes to create an account. If I'm Sony I'm looking extremely cautiously about bringing more games to PC after this fiasco. Sure, I'll still bring my GAAS games to PC but definitely won't be speeding up the release of my
  11. “Bait and switch your customers” when this was on the Store page on the game for weeks before the game launched and the game had a notice in-game telling people to make a PSN account on day one? Sounds like the “customers” can’t read and are throwing tantrums because they are literally idiots that were too stupid to read the game's requirements before purchasing
  12. This is the kind of crybaby bullshit that will scare Sony away from bringing their GAAS games to PC. MS, EA, Ubisoft all require accounts to play their games on Steam and no one bats an eyelid. Sony asks for people to create a free PSN account that requires only 2 minutes to do so and these retards start riots lol. Bunch of idiots. I've never seen a more entitled bunch of morons than some PC gamers out there. When the game was first released on Steam, it had a PSN requirement on the Store Page of the game. Sony temporarily lifted the requirement due to launch backend issues and now
  13. Another incoming rushed mega-flop like Shitfield
  14. Why does every SW thread have to devolve into lemshits damage controlling SHITfield? The turd released and flopped hard more than 6 months ago, it’s time to let it go you retards. No amount of damage controlling in the world will stop it from being the biggest flop of our lifetime
  15. ShitBox now getting outsold 4 to 1 worldwide!! No wonder MS is throwing in the towel! TLHBFR!
  16. It's over lems. The whole slate is coming to PS5 and Switch. ShitBox is a niche platform with all its games on rival systems going forward lol. TLHBFR!!!!!!
  17. And yet none of these flops charted and some of them like Halo are total ghost towns on PC LMFAO. Epic lemshit Copium
  18. PS5 sold 550K consoles in the middle of March for US alone so we know it’s not Sony contributing to tanking AMD profits. It’s ShitBox with steady 30%+ declines every quarter that is the sole cause of AMD’s woes
  19. You haven’t listed one. None of those dogshit games are anywhere near as successful as Helldivers 2, not one. If they were they’d be all over Steam Charts and videogame sales charts like NPD and Eurocharts. You are a fucking imbecile. Eat your Ls and GTFO of the thread. Delusional retards like you are the reason Xbox is doing so badly and MS is about to shut down their console gaming division.
  20. Dude, you’re getting completely assraped in this thread. What are you even arguing about? MS has all their games release on PC day one and none of them have come close to doing anywhere close to Helldivers numbers and they are all free to play on ShitPass. GTFOH you retard, Helldivers 2 is a paid game that is shitting all over MS and its dogshit exclusives in player count and sales. You have zero argument, you’ve been totally assraped
  21. Apparently, the PS5 version sold sold extremely well. Well enough to still make it the top selling game of the year if tracked separately. We know you’re mad ShitBox doesn’t have an exclusive remotely as successful as Helldivers 2 in the last 17 years and your retarded ass was hoping it would flop
  22. This explains why AMD said they were down. ShitBox is doing so badly that it's affecting even AMD since they used chips to make ShitBox consoles that aren't selling 525K is a solid number for March, PS5 is down but not by much. The only console that is in free fall is Xbox and its tanking AMD. It's doing so badly that it's selling worse than the XB1 was doing at this point in its lifetime. We already know it's completely dead in Europe and US is the only place where people still buy this piece of shit and it's still flopping hard here
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