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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. Of course they can’t increase their price, they have NO games in 2022. They already getting killed in sales. If they increase the price they’ll be dead in the water
  2. Good. The more broke bitches like @ghostz that we keep out of the PS community the better
  3. Halo 3 sold about 10 million and was the most successful Halo to date. Estimates put Halo 4 at around 8 million. Halo 5 selling only 6.6 million is expected since it shows the game is on a downward trajectory when it comes to sales (and everything else lol). Halo Infinite is probably the worst selling Halo by far. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s under 2 million now especially now that GamePass is a thing and you don’t need to own it to play the campaign or multiplayer that’s F2P. The franchise has fallen off a cliff and isn’t even up to Sony’s smaller games. It’s why MS probably
  4. Turns out Halo 5, the fastest selling XB1 game and highest selling MS franchise from last gen only sold 6.6 million units . While 6.6 million isn’t a terrible number by itself it’s a flop for a franchise as big and as hyped as Halo especially a game like Halo 5 that had a huge worldwide release before GamePass The way lemshits we’re hyping this turd, you would think it sold 20 million. Turns out even Days Gone sold more copies . If Halo 5 is selling this low before GP became a thing you already know that Halo Midfinite is doing way wo
  5. That was glorious. Anyone who says they can't see a major difference is delusional.
  6. I need a price and release date to see if I'll even bother with this.
  7. Exactly the point I've been making throughout this thread you retard. The PS5 is still ahead even with the gains the Series L made during the PS5 chip shortage. The Series L is still in last place in the US . Who gives a fuck if it outsold the PS5 for some months of the year when it's still last place overall in the US and has lost the last 2 months?!
  8. Even with the gains your Xbox Series L made in the US in the chip shortage months for PS5, the Series L is still in last place. We've been through this multiple times and the Xbox Series L is last place in every Universe no matter the mental gymnastics you do you fucking retard There is no region in the world and no alternate Universe where the Xbox Series L has outsold the PS5. Winning some months in the US when the PS5 was impossible to find is still an L in the overall scheme especially now that Sony has started ramping up shipments. Instead of being a retar
  9. In what Universe? Even with the shortages the PS5 has been destroying the Series L in worldwide sales. In fact, the only place the Series L was beginning to catch up was US but the PS5 is still ahead in total sales for the year.
  10. PSVR2 will save us from the gaming ghetto that is PCVR I can’t wait to experience true AAA VR gaming when it arrives. Looking forward to playing Horizon in VR
  11. Nobody agreed to USA only you retard. FY reports for Sony are worldwide not USA. The bet we all agreed to was worldwide and has always been worldwide you clown
  12. Ghostz the retard is now starting to regret that dumb bet he made
  13. For LBox selling 18 million units worldwide in a year is an impossible goal but for Sony its nothing especially when their console shipments normalizes. 18 million is actually kinda low for them when you compare to their previous years.
  14. Xbox is still last place this year. It hasn’t caught up to the total sales of PS5 in the US. Still sipping that Copium I see. There is no universe where LBox isn’t last place
  15. PS5 was never dead last in 2022. It’s been ahead of the ShitBox since day one in the US @ghostz the retard living in a make believe world where LBox isn’t last place
  16. You are about to lose your bet and LBox is still gonna be last. Told you the chip shortage was bound to end soon and you would be getting nothing but Ls but you didn’t wanna believe it. Same way you didn’t wanna believe LBox was last place last month in this thread
  17. Last place everywhere isn’t “doing amazing” unless you’re on Copium. It can’t even win in its home country and is getting completely destroyed worldwide. Everywhere LBoxes are on shelves and the console is still getting outsold by the impossible to find PS5
  18. LBox is last place in the US lifetime to date and has lost 2 months in a row to a console with chip shortages
  19. All the mental gymnastics he did in this thread only to arrive at an L. Typical @ghostz the retard behavior
  20. Dat extreme cope. Last place for the second month in a row has broken him. He’s now living in complete denial of last place Lbox is last place in July NPD, get over it
  21. @ghostz Eat shit you retard Here is the post you requested. LBox is firmly in last place. Now you can go jump off a bridge
  22. Cope. Now produce a similar post for LBox this month. LBox hardware sales aren’t mentioned anywhere by these analysts meaning it’s last place and you are a damage controlling retard
  23. LBox is still in last place in total sold this gen in the US. How is LBox supposed to be making a comeback if it’s getting outsold by a console that’s impossible to find you retard. We all know it’s getting buried in Europe and Asia. How is it getting outsold in its home turf by a console suffering heavy chip shortages ?
  24. That’s bullshit. LBox wasn’t mentioned here meaning it was last place. We’ve done this for years now. You’d think that a retard like you would understand how NPD reports go by now The retard is in denial of LBox being last place after he said it would make comeback after losing last month!
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