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Everything posted by FIREPOWER

  1. I’ve tried out every Cloud based service since OnLive and they are all shit from my experience. It’s not even my connection either since I have fiber internet with 1000Mbps down. The latency just doesn’t do it for me. I’m very sensitive to latency and if I don’t l get fast and accurate input it destroys the experience for me.
  2. You finally admitted Xbox is dogshit with no games and bought yourself a PS5 just like most lemmings
  3. Nope, same way Kinect wasn't the future. Cloud gaming will never be the future. It fucking sucks due to latency and that's never gonna change.
  4. Maybe Cloud is in your future but it isn't in mine. If anything, the majestic flop that Google Stadia had has shown me that Cloud isn't anywhere close to being ready to take over traditional hardware. MS is going to be waiting many decades for Cloud to take off if it ever does.
  5. It will convince some but it won’t convince the majority. COD, as massive as it is, is still only one game and it’s still gonna be available on PS5 like it is now. If they made it exclusive it would have probably swayed more but with it remaining multiplat I don’t see many being swayed. I get their rational not making it exclusive though, games like COD are too massive to make exclusive. The backlash MS would receive would be too much and the cut in revenue would likely hurt the COD brand more than MS would be willing to accept. Keeping COD on PS5 is a win-win for both companies as MS
  6. Lemshits living in denial still believe LBox can make a comeback with the Activision deal. Even Papa Phil doesn’t believe so
  7. Sony expect the PS5 to overtake the PS4 next year as they heavily ramp up production. Only reason PS5 was shipping slower was the crippling chip shortages which are slowly starting to subside. The PS5 demand is way higher than the PS4 demand ever was
  8. TLHBFR!!! They also tell us what we already knew, that PS4 sold twice as many as LBox One last generation. If only lemmings would accept total defeat this gen as their corporate overlords already have
  9. Damn @ghostz getting exposed here as a fraud and liar. Dude was clearly saying that COD and other games would leave PS after contracts expire. When further pressed he said “we will see”. Now he’s trying to say he never said that games like COD would leave PS after contracts expired MS isn’t forcing GamePass on Playstation either so you were wrong there too. Fucking take your L you clown
  10. I distinctly remember you arguing at one point that MS would make COD exclusive to Xbox after Activision’s contract with Sony ends. Why are you lying now? I’m too lazy to pull up your old posts right now but I’m sure if someone else searches they’ll find you arguing that COD would become exclusive to Xbox.
  11. Except it isn’t $12/month it’s $180/yr which equates to $15/month. Either way it costs more money than straight up buying the game. Casuals aren’t as dumb as you think they are. If they were as dumb as you think Xbox Series S would be flying off the shelves now and GP would be leading in subscriber count which it isn’t.
  12. I will and I’ll also continue to live in reality while you live in a made up world where people are paying $180/yr to play one game on a sub service
  13. No casual gamer is gonna pay $180/yr to play COD on GamePass. Those casuals like you said, only play one or two games a year and they’ll just end up spending $70 on COD that they play and ignore GP. The other games they’d probably play other than COD are Madden, 2K or GTA, neither of which will be on GP. They don’t give two shits about the other games MS has on GP. It’s why GP isn’t catching on with casuals even now that they have so many of MS and Bathesda’s games in there. GP and even PS Plus Extra are services for the hardcore. Casuals aren’t interested in playing hundreds of ga
  14. Makes sense they would get a launcher so that they can keep a bigger share of the profits that comes from selling games on PC to themselves. I also foresee a PS Plus for PC in the future just like we had PS Now for PC in the past.
  15. Sounds like good business to me. If MS was in the same position they would do the same just like they did during the 360 gen where they were paying publishers money left and right for deals.
  16. Fucking LOL! the trillion dollar corporation buying out every major 3rd party publisher is crying that Sony is paying devs money to keep games off LamePass, the irony
  17. It's pretty obvious this was the case. I wonder why some lemshits still believe that MS will take COD away from PS. This shit basically prints them money on PS just like Minecraft does.
  18. Once again, the only two companies that have great new AAA first party games out are the only companies dominating the charts. MS thought it was okay to release a console without first party support and they are paying the price. Sony’s games will continue to come back on the charts as more PS5s arrive and the chip shortages slowly subside. It’s gonna keep getting worse for MS the longer they have no worthwhile AAA first party games out. GamePass can only take them so far especially when they aren’t even releasing worthwhile new AAA games to make GP worth it for most people.
  19. I’m gonna have to go back and play it now on PS5
  20. It’s actually a 2016 game not 2017. Makes it even more impressive MS are fucking up so bad, they can’t even keep up with Naughty Dog from 2016
  21. Give it a go man. You may or may not like it when you’re done but it’s far better than judging the game based solely on the tutorial section.
  22. You also barely played the game so your opinion is pretty much worthless. OP is asking for opinions of people that have played the game and mine far outweighs your crappy uninformed opinion
  23. That’s a stupid way to approach games, no wonder you’re a clown. I’ve started out many games that weren’t fun at the start especially during tutorial sections then they open up and become amazing later. HFW is one of those games. I was bored at the beginning ‘cos it reminded me too much of HZD but I kept playing and as soon as I left the tutorial section of the game and started heading towards the Forbidden West the game became a whole lot better than HZD. It’s an amazing game but dumbasses and quitters like you that are still stuck at the start are missing out on what the g
  24. STFU you clown. I’ve played the game more than you have and I’m telling you that you haven’t seen jackshit from the game to be able to make an assessment. I have close to hundred hours in the game and I’m saying it’s a way better game than HZD was. Fuck outta here you retard and go give your nephew his PS5 back.
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