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David P

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Everything posted by David P

  1. One hit kill chainsaw was well balanced in Eternal, I see no problem with this. Now time for you to pretend the Perfect Dark tech demo was exciting in any way.
  2. Are we watching the same shit. at anyone who said Perfect Dark looks good.
  3. This show is awful. Everything sucks except DOOM.
  4. Dude I'm trying to stir the conversation to something more constructive and intelligent and you're still crying about Cooke shit.
  5. @Mr. Impossible Regardless of the source of Cooke's thread, the practice has now been banned for underaged minors in several EU countries. Because they tried it. Most of them are dominated liberal leftist countries. There's a lot of arguments to be made against the practices on minors and you know this. What makes you think a 12 years or less can consent to sex change affirmation through medical interventions? What's your take, I'm genuinely asking, no need for personal inflammatory shit. I don't even care anyway. I'm so passed this issue at this point but go on.
  6. David P


    Oh yeah, reality.
  7. Steam is the best but EGS free gifts are unappareled. Free EGS game -> goes on sale for 13,99$ on STEAM. And still sell better on STEAM.
  8. At least you agree with my statement for once. I don't think a child or early teenager is quite mature enough to take such a decision, I said sex change ops but I should have mentioned hormonal treatments as well because it apply to what I said just the same.
  9. I'll post back here when I stop smoking.
  10. Sex change operations is crazy and imply medical complications for life basically.
  11. David P


    What's the fake far right narrative?
  12. Point valid for the motorcycle or atv shit. But plenty of Russian crews survives too. It's common occurrence on both side to see crews run away from burning vehicles which explodes soon later. Pretty sure if we were to compare survivability from drones strikes on armored vehicles, tanks and self propelled howitzers it would be very similar on both sides. Western armored vehicles have been pretty underwhelming, there's nothing special about them. At least the ones that were given to Ukraine. Who can afford to lose the most vehicles seem to matter almost more than human lives, not s
  13. Everything gets taken out by FPV drones though. Armored tanks like the m1 abrams included.
  14. Yeah it has yet to happen, which makes Nintendo having that happening even less likely. Self owned.
  15. Sony games are not even day one on PC yet asides a few exceptions or all being ported in the first place, you can forget it happening on a Nintendo platform anytime soon. Personally the one PS5 exclusive I want the most is GT7 and that's not on PC and you can forget seeing it on Switch 2 or something. Even if in reality it would sell well on other platforms. Microsoft whored out their franchises real quick. I don't expect the same from Sony, some late ports, some day one multiplats but still a few key exclusives and third party collaborations for more exclusives. Meaning it's not
  16. Yeah you're not getting the rest of the PS5 library other than the kiddy shit like a LEGO game. Kidtendo hardware will still be like a decade behind. It's not even feasible for the most part.
  17. That's complete BS. Horizon has been successful from the start. Far more profitable than Killzone was anyways. You're full of shit.
  18. I understand that. But it illustrate Sony willingness to ignore their previous strategy of exclusive killer-app, at least to an extent where if it's needed to work with a third part or just make too much financial sense. Both Horizon main games are on PC. The only exclusive one is on PSVR2. Lmao.
  19. Sony owns the Horizon IP. I'm actually quite surprised they would accept to put it on a Nintendo platform. PC is not surprising though.
  20. Ok, they smoked some good shit while making that one. Control was kind of a weak game and I never played that other Xbox/PC game, I don't even remember the name. Still want to play the Alan Wake 2 though. I think it looks great. Haven't looked up into it much but I was easily convinced.
  21. Seen some stuff that made me change my mind on how the war is going. These long range strikes in Russian territories might actually have been a game changer. There were a massive gathering of troops in Belgorod and apparently they are now scattered due to atacms missiles strikes. Severely changing the situation on a strategic level with a simple move, albeit it's quite the redline crossing. Also long range strikes on ICBM satellites sites for detecting ICBMs (nukes)... This is crazy and no one is talking about it.
  22. Yet Switch has 0 Japanese exclusives other than first party and collaborations with third parties like Platinum Games. All the Japanese games that came out for Switch as exclusive were ported 6 month to a year later to pretty much all platforms. No More Heroes 3, Deadly Premonition 2, Monster Hunter, Triangle Strategy. All of it. Better luck next time with your gay little handheld.
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