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David P

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Everything posted by David P

  1. I've played all those sports. Absolutely boring af to watch and a complete waste of my time. Like your posts.
  2. Actually steam should offer a Gamepass like service for old games. At a cheaper fee of course.
  3. 30FPS for cardboard box sprites and Gamecube level assets. Even my old PC from 2012 could run this at 60FPS. Switch is easily the worst gaming console of all time. No games and the shittiest performance you have ever seen.
  4. It was amateur league boxing with the protective headgear, it cost like 10 dollars. I wouldn't pay hundreds, let alone thousands of dollars for one fight night.
  5. This is literally the absolute worst thing that could happen to PC gaming.
  6. I can confirm for boxing. Even relatively close to the ring it still much harder to follow what's going on, you on floor level and the boxers are elevated, you get a better view on tv. I can imagine UFC fighters in the cage is even harder to see.
  7. I hate all non combat sports. American football, soccer, hockey and baseball are all so fucking boring to watch.
  8. ''See you on Infinite.'' -Jonbitch may 2020 That worked out well.
  9. The same people hating on Sony games for being cinematic were hyping Dullblade 2.
  10. It looks kinda shit but the concept is awesome.
  11. I really like it when a woman jerks me off. It's one my favorite thing. Nothing beat those nice feminine hands, nothing you would know about though, Fagza.
  12. Repressed homosexual, drug fiend and a women beater. Also probably a pedophile. The P Diddler.
  13. Wait till he try the wifey DLC. Doesn't cost anything too.
  14. Honestly, PSP1 is pretty underrated. It was a real neat little thing for the time, I remember being blown away by Tekken 5 graphics and later by Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker. Plenty of great games and a long life span. Proper Playstation handheld. It used to make the sheep so butthurt. That joystick sucked ass though. Lmao.
  15. I can just imagine a huge ass PSP where you put PS4 disc in the back. I'd buy it. Battery life would last about 30 minutes.
  16. I'm taking a shit 3 and it's coming along rather well. This is how I interpret this thread title every time I read it. Also, Tears of the Cuck is crying all by himself for some reason.
  17. The invading Russian forces weren't that big. They did push back the Ukrainians forces and that means new range for artillery strikes. I don't think we will see a massive offensive anytime soon. This wasn't it anyway.
  18. Not sure the trials hurt Trump popularity all that much. In some cases it's doing the opposite effect.
  19. Make sure to raise your combat skills. They're tailored either for melee or spell casting. They're more important than anything else. Raise defense, instant dodge, faster melee, faster casting, it's pretty obvious. Also the other set of skills for items creation can also severely boost your stats and they're worth investing sometime just for that reason. Like kitchen knife for example is great for strength. Pro tip : later in the game you will be able to level up a lot of skills up to 7 by simply reading books, no points required. You'll see once you unlock more item c
  20. Lol I put it on my wishlist on steam after seeing the trailer. Got good users reviews iirc. That art style is neat, it remind me of the original FF7 almost but with much more details.
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